Simple System

simple is an understatement; awesome is more like it.couple questions:how you like the gryphon amp? does it run too hot?ever think of treating the front wall? looks reflecti...

posted about 18 years ago

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Yellow means go faster........

hi frankglad to see you're still in the game. couldn't agree w/ you more on the "too much power" dig...i recently gave up & went with mac 501s (500wpc), and it does make a diff, e...

posted over 18 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: i have just changed from a short wall (11') to a long wall (15') setup, which was a nice improvement. i have found that, with WPs, the WASP setup procedure was clearly preferable to ...

posted over 18 years ago

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Mainly Analogue

the einstein arrived?!? has hell frozen over?i know fred's been waiting for this piece for some time, and i also know that its worth the wait. also, fred's been without high quality...

posted over 18 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: recently added a Silver Circle Audio 3.0 power conditioner (torroid based, w/ some passive conditioning inside as well) used for all line-level gear, and found the noise floor droppe...

posted over 18 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: recently have gone through an amp merry-go-round, but think the Mac 501s will take me off it for some time (my way of rewarding myself for surviving the company layoff notice). Mac's...

posted over 18 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

hi chriswell, lets get to brass tacks: nothing will match the mid's of the wavac. so syrupy, golden, liquid, sexy & intoxicating. the belles 350 reference is a real over-achiever; i...

posted over 18 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: recently sold the wavac SET, bought the belles 350ref instead.

posted over 18 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: replaced the G&D preamp w/ an Audio Mirror PP1 (less phono), which is quite nice sounding stock, but I've improved it greatly by: 1) replace IEC w/ gold plated furutech 2) replace co...

posted almost 19 years ago

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big horns

how large is that room of yours? looks small, but gives me ideas.thxrhyno

posted almost 19 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

actually, i did them all myself. i'm about to go back in & put bybees on the B+ of the 572s and on the DC going to the input stage. wish me luck, there's not much room in there....a lot of the wiri...

posted almost 19 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: Living example of what patience can buy for pennies on the $ in this hobby. Knowing how to solder and perform select mods has made a good system great---i cannot recommend this skill...

posted about 19 years ago

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WAVAC Tri-amp system

what amps did you compare to the Wavacs? and why Wavac?i ask, b/c i own a Wavac myself (572, 55wpc SET, and you can have it when i'm dead). i know it has a house sound, and its colored, but...

posted about 19 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

845 SET? i'm not too familiar w/ them. what's the specs? can it drive 4r loads?i'll say this: the WP6s do sound far more musical than anyone gives them credit for w/ proper amplification. i...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: Recently sold the G&D Transport / Entec DAC and moved to an Exemplar 2900; biggest improvement was noted in getting everything onto one rack (i.e. no more gear on the floor). Also, t...

posted over 19 years ago

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Yellow means go faster........

i'm in west houston, tx. whereabouts are you?(be a pleasure to have you by for a listen. i've recently completed some mods to the wavac that are a few weeks from finishing up, but s...

posted over 19 years ago

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Yellow means go faster........

did you happen to try any other cables prior to purchasing the transparent?i have wilson WP6s w/ a wavac amp and i am very interested in finding the right speaker cable combo to match.<...

posted over 19 years ago

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Yellow means go faster........

nice looking system. probably sounds nicer.what speaker cables did you try before arriving at MIT? any thoughts or advice you could impart?tia!rhyno

posted almost 20 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: the WAVAC, surprisingly, drives the WP6s very well. great bass articulation, wonderful stage, and the best presentation i've ever had (dynamics w/ sweetness). also, recent updates to...

posted about 20 years ago

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Mainly Analogue

my wife & i were able to listen to fred's system recently, the most recent additions being the pagode rack and some additional isolation & power tweaks (notably to the lindy 680). to be ext...

posted over 20 years ago

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Mainly Analogue

oh gawd! when the subs arrive, i think i'll bring over my black sabbath records fred....maybe turn it up to 11.rhyno

posted over 20 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

my guess is the BBQ and the JC1s would have no problem w/ MLs, as (going from memory) they have a benign impedance. i found that the BBQ did not like driving the SoundLabs (which are essentially a ...

posted almost 21 years ago

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Mainly Analogue

just listened to fred's system yesterday. as time has passed since he upgraded from the ESL-63 w/ crosby mods to the acapella speakers, his performance has gone up and down and every way between. i...

posted over 21 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

System edited: pics added

posted over 21 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

i did all the work to the tuner, the ICs, and some very simple work to the dac myself. and i also made a few overachieving PCs as well, but they just don't stack up to the SLVRs by TG.

posted over 21 years ago

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Showing 51 - 75 of 77 posts