TOTL Sony ES System

And I'm now running SS-M9s on this system and M7s on my other system :)

posted about 10 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

MJCMT-I have relocated to the Greensboro NC area and the offer for a listening session and bourbon tasting still stands! (Although lately I have been more into hi end rums)

posted about 10 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

System edited: System edited - Replaced the TC-WA9ES cassette deck with a DTC-ZA5ES DAT deck. I much prefer the DAT deck to the cassette deck. On good days the cassette sounded just as good (when r...

posted over 12 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

System edited: System updated - iPod DAC duties are now handled by a MDS-JA50ES minidisc deck instead of the SDP-EP9ES surround processor. I also replaced my own original iPhone with a 64 gb iPod t...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Mad Lab music and theater

Nice system. Keep us updated on what it takes to get the PC equal to the XA7ES.Mark

posted about 13 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

Updated with new pics (finally)

posted about 13 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

Thanks!I will try to get some new pictures up soon.

posted over 13 years ago

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home system

Nice system. Who does your mods? Why do you have two CDPs and two preamps. Can you tell me more about the speakers? I live somewhat close to the Von Schweikert factory - I should go visit s...

posted over 13 years ago

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Vivid Music

Nice system. How much of a difference do you think the tube buffer makes? Have you tried taking it out after you got the pass pre?

posted over 13 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

System edited: Edited to reflect recent changes. Preamp replaced with a TA-E90ES pre. Tape deck and Ipod transport and DAC added. Pics to come soon! P.S. Mjcmt- I came across a pair of Sony SS-M7s ...

posted over 13 years ago

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The New Dungeon

Cool so do you have your room all done? How did it turn out? Did you add any room treatments?Mark

posted over 13 years ago

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Budget 2 channel

Well hey if you ever decide to go 100% analog just say the word and I will haul that SCD-1 away at no charge!Mark

posted almost 14 years ago

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Voba V.A.C.T. reference system

Very nice system.How do you like the Xindak power conditioner? Do you think it made a difference?Mark

posted almost 14 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

Sounds good although I prefer bourbon. Are you anywhere near Central NY :)?I forgot to mention the XA7ES was another Craigslist find. Near mint condition and the seller said it had under 10...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Budget 2 channel

I am not sure I would call it "Budget" but it looks like a nice system. How do you like the SCD-1?Mark

posted almost 14 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

Mjcmt -That may be true but I will not consider it complete until I try the TA-E90ES preamp!Mark

posted almost 14 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

System edited: Edit - Tentatively replaced the Denon player with a Sony XA7ES CDP. I have been thinking about getting out of SACD for a while now and finding this player has helped spur me along.

posted almost 14 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

Yes I am comparing them to Focal Chorus 710s, which are pretty far down in the JM Labs/Focal lineup. It would be interesting to compare the NHTs to a higher end model like the Chorus 826 but I doub...

posted almost 14 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

I happened on the NHT's on Craigslist. I haven't tried any other speakers close to them. My only experience is with some mass market JBL and Focal/JM Labs speakers, and the NHTs are clearly on anot...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Fourth Time Around

Nice system. Have you ever compared the Sony and the Oppo for CD?Mark

posted about 14 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

I have read good things about the classic 3. The Classic Four is basically just a 3 with a built in (passive) sub, so I bet they sound great.The other night I plugged the port in my Fours w...

posted about 14 years ago

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TOTL Sony ES System

System edited: System edited to reflect recent changes - the speakers are now actively Bi amped. I was going to cheap out and use Harrison Labs in line crossovers but then I saw NHT was closing out...

posted about 14 years ago

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High Tech Water Cooled System.

Very nice system. Please tell me you have peeled that sticker of the TV!Mark

posted about 14 years ago

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Music for the soul

Ren -I read somewhere that Shindo uses Switchcraft connectors on their interconnects. You can get them at Parts express if you want to make your own interconnects.Mark

posted about 14 years ago

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Music for the soul

Nice system- how is the bass extension?Mark

posted about 14 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 33 posts