
This is the last system I have put up , with the help of my dealer, CDF Audio, the only thing left from my last system is the turntable.The Monbrison replaced a Copland CTA 305, before the Montrachet my amp was the Pass Lab X250, and the speakers where the Elektra937 BE special edition speakers, much bigger than the Super 8, but the Gibbons are much more musical.

And that is exactly waht my wife and I where looking for.The most musical system we could afford.

Components Toggle details

    • Clearaudio Master Solution
    Upgraded from the Champion to the Master Solution. All I can say is that it makes beautifull music.
    • Clearaudio Unify
    I simply love this arm.
    • Benz Micro MC Reference
    I have waited some time to purchase this cartridge.It is simply musical.
    • Shindo Monbrison
    When my dealer let me have this preamp to try out, he knew what he was doing.Actually I wanted to purchase new speakers, after I had listen to this preamp, it was a no brainer.
    • Shindo Montrachet
    Simply the most magical amp I have ever owned!
    • DeVore Gibbon Super 8
    My last purchase in the system.Listening to music trough those speakers, is really a treat.

Comments 43

Wonderful system, but what really gets me is your beautiful dog.


The room really looks spacious with the preamp and table on the wall. I bet the room complements the equipment very much so. Nice job!


Beautiful and musical system. First class equipment. I like your puppy and guitar.


Beautiful! I love the sound of my Devores. The Shindo really lets them sing!!!


Thank you for the nice words,the rack is from Target, I believe I bought it from UHF mag, it was around $250.00 ca.


Very nice setup and cute dog! May I ask who made the wall-mounted two-shelf steel audio rack shown and where you bought it and how much etc.



I auditioned your exact Shindo preamp/amp combination driving the Devore Gibbon 9s at a NYC dealer today. What an unbelievably musical combination. VERY nice system you have there!


Ren: No problem here using Ocellia IC (PHY-HP connector) w/ Shindo Aurieges-L. And I concur; doesn't sound like a silver cable at all. And I have a lot of silver in my system (all cables, SET mono's, and horn speakers).


Sakahara, LOL, no I don't represent A23, but I do use them in my Shindo system. I don't think I'm defensive at all... I'm open minded, so if you say the Ocellia cables sound great with your system I'm willing to give them a try also. Just curious, how much do the Ocellia speaker cables retail for?


@ Maac1000

Terrific picture! It captures the essence of the title. Now if that photograph could only replace the famous "RCA Victor Dog"!



Bass extension is very good with the Super 8, better than I expected in fact. And what I like the most is how natural it sounds. Sure some speaker could go lower, but I have seldom heard speakers reproduce bass this good, with aurority, and yet stay very clean. Impressive, I had the big JM lab elektra 937 with two 8 inch woofers, the 8's are better.


Ren -

I read somewhere that Shindo uses Switchcraft connectors on their interconnects. You can get them at Parts express if you want to make your own interconnects.



I concur with Sakahara. The Ocellia interconnects/speaker cable/powercords are amazing with Ocellia amps. I know, I tried them at home. Excellent silver cable without sounding like a silver cable.

I have also tried Auditorium 23 speaker cable/shindo interconnects with Shindo gear. Excellent also.

But keep in mind, with Shindo gear, the holes for the interconnects are very small. You need Shindo cables to fit the holes in or else, you damage the interconnect or rca inputs.

Both are excellent. For a non-Shindo system, the Ocellia interconnects/speaker cables/power cords are excellent. Best kept secret in audio. Since it doesn't have the big names such as Audionote, Siltech, Shunyata, a lot of people will pass them by. Too bad...they are that good.



Nice system- how is the bass extension?



I really appreciate when someone shares his knowledge with others, even if I don't always agree. My wife and I have tried the Auditorium speaker cables, and we decided to keep wath we had. Our system really sounds great, and I believe that ''if it ain't broken, don't fix it''. For now our budget won't allow for new cables, and quite honestly the music that comes out in our room is realy great. But if I ever get the itch of trying new cables, I will certainly look for Ocellia cables to try out in my system.


Mikeyc8: I know. I was going to try them but no lender from importer. Most Shindo owners may only be happy with them though because it's pushed by importer and the only one they've tried. Do you by chance use or represent them in some way? You sound defensive of them. I respect A23, but have you auditioned Ocellia cables? I've done my fair share of silver cable auditions and my previous Stage III Concepts were my reference for five years. I'd put them against any cable. And I did. But for personal reasons I wanted to find a more naturally made (materials), manageable, less bulky, and hopefully less costly silver cable and I found it with Ocellia. There are a few of these "au-natural" cables out there but Ocellia had everything I was looking/listening for. It's hard to convince people with cables. It's highly subjective with both listener and gear. But there's something very special about Ocellia cables which should be apparent when you understand the materials and design. It's a perfect compliment to any highly refined tube gear/SET system, especially analog, although digital is wonderful too. I've been into this for 20 years and haven't made a lot of changes/upgrades as most, but the ones I have all turned out to be very positive, especially the transition to tube amplification, and my current system is the most natural analog-esque sounding music I've heard to date with a big help from the Oceliia cables and power cords. I'm only trying to share that experience. Sorry to offend you with my limited "try this" recommendation post. I've been a member here for 10 years and barely post.


Sakahara: most Shindo owners are happy with Auditorium 23 speaker cables, have you tried them by chance?


I'd strongly recommend trying the Ocellia cables. Check out my system. I replaced $12K worth of Stage III VR IC, speaker cable, and Heighliner power cords for a fraction of the cost, yet they offered everything I loved about those cables, but in a more au-naturale way.


Great system, I love Shindo you must be very satisfied with this setup though I've never actually listened to the Devore's I've read really good things about them - I bet stating your system is "musical" is understating it. I think the finish you chose on the Devore's was, decoratively speaking, a great choice with the wall finish too - I noticed they're about exactly the color of the knots of the knotty pine (er, I think your walls are pine) so kudos. You're pup certainly looks content with the system.


Mickey, you are right about the review from Jeff Day, that's the reason I purchased the record, and it really is a good one.


Hi Shayne, thanks for the kind words, I had a look at your system, and I can also relate to it.I see you have the Nines, those are the speakers that had me change my system around, but I had to settle for the Super 8, so I could afford the Montrachet, but I have no regrets. I also am familiar with the Vosne Romane, quite a musical preamp.

Thanks, André.


Hi Sakahara, Shindo is not the first tube gear that I have owned, but certainly the best gear. I don't think it sounds like ordinary tube gear, it is simply musical and does'nt have that Hi-Fi sound. If I have a chance I'll look in to the cables you mention.Thanks.

Hi Mickey8, I'm also looking forward to have a listen to the Orangutans, I tought John would bring them at the Montreal show, but CDF told me they will purchase a pair as soon as it's available, the guys at CDF are great, I've been to many dealers in the past 35 years, and they simply are the best. thanks


Scott, you probably know this but Jeff Day at 6Moons did a review of a Cortese amp and one of his favourite test records was You get more bounce with Curtis Counce :)


I think our systems say a lot about the person behind it. Shindo, Devore, Curtis Counce, the guitar, the dog - I can certainly relate to all of that!


Great system Andre! I've also visit CdF whenever I'm in Montreal, great guys. I used to have the Super 8s so I certainly agree that there's some wonderful synergies going on there.

I'm looking forward to hearing the Orangutans when they're finally released. I understand that they're higher efficiency and work even better with low powered SET/PP amps like Shindo. Maybe Jld can provide some input?


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