Humble Retreat

Hi Chris, Thanks for the nice comments.  I've used quite a bit of treatment throughout the years and the results have varied....I presently use the cor...

posted almost 4 years ago

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Humble Retreat

Beer (craft) is the beverage of choice but yes - hours have been spent listening to Jazz from the 50-60’s, Electronica from Boards Of Canada to St. Germain, rock from Beck to Yo La Tengo and everyt...

posted almost 4 years ago

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Humble Retreat

Thanks man

posted almost 4 years ago

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2 little boxes+speakers-digital

Download pure music if you're running iTunes before making a component upgrade. If using iTunes you're digital is a mess without pure music.

posted over 13 years ago

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Simaudio, Dynaudio, Mac Mini, a Closet

Hello, How much of a difference do you figure between using Airport Express / MAC / Benchmark via SPDIF vs. MAC / Benchmark via USB? If you haven't done the test yourself could you narrow i...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Major Downgrade

After some 5 years I still find your system along with Bwhite and James1969 the most interesting in all of audiogon. A great system to listen to music on no doubt.

posted almost 16 years ago

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Bryan's Current System

What speakers are you using now Bryan?

posted over 16 years ago

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Spectral Clearaudio Brinkmann

Now I've seen everything. $30k of electronics with $900 worth of speakers. Can't fault you with your selection although perhaps an upgrade in speakers down the road.

posted over 16 years ago

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zeppelin2's system

Sorry Zep, Didn't see the DAC!

posted almost 17 years ago

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zeppelin2's system

Hey Zep, I once had LSi speakers; great speaker! If you change your source to even a NAD single disc I think you'll be shocked at how much tighter and deeper your bass response will be.

posted almost 17 years ago

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Bryan's Current System

Good to see you're back Bryan. I always get a kick out of seeing your systems; always 'different' (a good thing) experimenting without boundaries -- Oritek, Museatex, Shindo, SpJ, etc etc.

posted almost 17 years ago

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Another light

Weird Question Alert ---- Where did you buy your CD/LP Rack?

posted about 17 years ago

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The One Chair System

Anybody that builds an entire room, spends well over $50k on a system and says it's for the music is full of themselves. It's about much more then the music. If it was about the music they'...

posted over 17 years ago

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