All Magnepan now ...

The Reynauds are beautiful vintage looking speakers! How do they sound?

posted about 16 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

"How does it sound? Simply the best system I've ever heard. Incredibly life-like. Closing my eyes, I did not have to imagine the performers in front of me, they WERE in front of me. I heard a Johnn...

posted over 16 years ago

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Rives Audio and Talon Reference

There is a guy trying to sell an unopened copy of the Classic set for $8k on ebay. LOL. Someone should let him know that Classic is doing another pressing. Thanks for the recommendations: I'm going...

posted about 17 years ago

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Rives Audio and Talon Reference

what do you think of the fidelity on your led zep box set? I almost pre-ordered one, then sold my rig, now am back into vinyl and wondering if i should have gone for

posted about 17 years ago

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A DIY Turntable Project

Sweet JESUS! Drool worthy!

posted over 17 years ago

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The Music Room

Beautiful. I saved the pictures, hope you don't mind.What kind of wood is lining the walls and how is it treated?More pictures!

posted over 18 years ago

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Project Amati Playlist 06

Hey CCT, I'm heading in the same direction. I'm curious to know why you decided to rip in wav rather than flac or some other compressed format that can use ID tags...I'm not talking MP3s.

posted over 18 years ago

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what i do at work. (pics!)

I can't believe you have the balls to put a turntable in your office! How cool!

posted over 18 years ago

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big horns

That's what he would have us believe, Albert.

posted over 18 years ago

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big horns

I don't want to alarm you but there's a demon coming through your wall. Unless I took the wrong pills today.

posted over 18 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Whoa! What a room!! I stumbled on this post so i'm just tagging it to see what comes next.Nice.

posted over 18 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Pictures? I no see no stinkin pictures!

posted almost 19 years ago

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Ellery911's updated minimalist rig...with pics!!!!

hey ellery, i'm very curious: do you notice a difference in sound with the pillows in the bottom corners of your room? Can you explain the change?thanks,KK (system down as well)

posted about 20 years ago

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Hide Away System

dekay, basically i'm trying the same idea as yours. only my amps are plugged into an audio power conditioner and only the cdp into the monster hts2000. this seems to be the best setup but it forces...

posted about 21 years ago

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Hide Away System

Hey Dekay,I got curious when I noticed you're running your amps on another monster 2000 separate from your sources. Do you notice a difference as opposed to plugging everything into a s...

posted about 21 years ago

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Studio reference system

Ecclectique - let us know if you pull off the open joists idea with your wife's approval... just so the boys can have a drink on you. definitely the dream is to construct a room for electrostatics....

posted over 21 years ago

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Studio reference system

You did great, Ecclectique. good enough tht now i want a pair of tannoy's so i'll just consider my life incomplete until i find a pair... and so many other components i'll never see. damn you! I'm ...

posted over 21 years ago

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Studio reference system

i'd love to know how those tannoys sound. any way to describe them?

posted over 21 years ago

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Who needs Prozac! Rosstaman's rig

raw food diet? two ridgebacks?? well, looks like i'm just gonna have to sleep with you guys.

posted over 21 years ago

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Who needs Prozac! Rosstaman's rig

If you ever need a roommate please contact me. i'm very fact i don't ever have to leave my room or talk to you. i can sleep on the back porch if that would help. you said you have a dog?...

posted over 21 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

hoo-hooooo...nice.i've been trying to get the G&D UTP-1 transport for YEARS. problem is it needs to come up the same time as the number cruncher. can you tell me if all the things ive heard...

posted over 21 years ago

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Showing all 21 posts