Jay’s System

Absolutely stunning system Shindo all the way I am sure it sounds fantastic! And lovely room and your dog is gorgeous as well. Thanks for sharing I wish I could hear it. A friend has a similar syst...

posted over 4 years ago

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demetri_j's System

Very cool room I love the bar! And nice looking system looks like a fun place to hang out.

posted over 4 years ago

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Streamfidelity's System

Gorgeous system those amps look amazing! I imagine it sounds wonderful thank you for sharing @streamfidelity

posted over 4 years ago

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Dr. Vincelette's System

That is amazing and just WOW!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing! And as cymbop said you have indeed won the internet. Also you have won the tube amplifiers arms race. Congratulations!

posted over 4 years ago

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State of the Art

All I want to know is why didn't you title this Stat of the Art? :-p

posted over 4 years ago

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Otto's System

Wow! That is one serious system! Love all the R2R decks and that Oracle CD spinner is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing Otto.

posted almost 5 years ago

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ei001h's System

Lovely system and I like your chair a lot too.

posted almost 5 years ago

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River System

Those teak panels are absolutely stunning! The room itself looks incredible and very nice system as well. Thanks for sharing but more pics would be great.

posted almost 5 years ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

@salectric Thanks Dave it really does! The switch from using wifi to a hardwired ethernet connection also was an improvement. Things are sounding better than eve...

posted almost 5 years ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

My AN DAC-3 Sig is back with upgraded AN copper foil output caps and sounding better than ever. Deeper bass and more depth and color to instruments and more precise imaging. And the caps are still ...

posted almost 5 years ago

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Silvanik's second System

 Very cool looking system and those copper knobs on the Sugden look fabulous well done!

posted almost 5 years ago

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Salman System

Absolutely gorgeous room Salman you're room treatments are really artfully done. And a simple but fantastic system congrats!

posted almost 5 years ago

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Phoenix Lights

Totally gorgeous room and cool system well done! And glad to see some other filthy Phish hippies with cool systems! :-)

posted almost 5 years ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

@mjcmt Thank you that's the Olive veneer and yes I am still very satisfied by far the best speakers I've owned and a great match with my amp. I looked at the Sea...

posted almost 5 years ago

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uberwaltz's System

Uber how the heck have I never seen your system before?! I saw your little office system but not this one. Let me say it looks great and that 401 is to die for wow! And cool you went "backwards" to...

posted almost 5 years ago

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ejholtom's System

Very cool system but more pics please!

posted almost 5 years ago

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calbeedigital's System

Nice looking system with well matched components.  I bet those Octave mono's drive your Amati's well with those black boxes!

posted almost 5 years ago

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adeep42's New Office Bedroom System 9/22

Cool looking system and love the Elekit/Dirty Weekend pairing I'm sure it sounds lovely.

posted about 5 years ago

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Home System

Gorgeous room love all the MCM furnishing and well balanced looking system!

posted about 5 years ago

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A slice of Heaven!

@lalitk Absolutely gorgeous system! Love those Tannoys and that Leben preamp is the definition of audio porn. I can only imagine how great it sounds and love you...

posted about 5 years ago

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Nothing is Sacred

Cal thanks for posting gorgeous room and a very interesting system. Great write-up too now I totally understand your thinking and direction with your system. I am not a DIY guy myself and I envy yo...

posted about 5 years ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

@exupgh12 Thank you! It does sound great even with my Dac "in the shop" getting a cap upgrade. A loaner ANKits Dac 1.1 is filling in and things still sound lovely.

posted about 5 years ago

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Old and New

That's a fantastic turntable collection wow! And those Quads must sound amazing I am assuming your Blue Circle gear it tubed? Vinyl, tubes, and Quads..........aaaaaaaaahhhhhh.........:)

posted about 5 years ago

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exupgh12's System

Gorgeous room and system and some very cool components. The finish on your speakers is super cool is that aubergine? Just really stylish all around!

posted about 5 years ago

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uberwaltz's PC Room System

Nice little system Uber those Wharfdale's are nice little speakers a friend of mine has the 225s. And cool looking table!

posted about 5 years ago

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Showing 751 - 775 of 920 posts