Jfrech's system

Hi, well it's solved now. But if it was electrical, the hum seemingly would have been constant and not related to having the stylus in the groove. When you lift the stylus...hum was gone. <...

posted over 13 years ago

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Jfrech's system

So this was a long long road. I kept having a hum ONLY when the stylus was in the groove. I kept thinking it was some sort of TT motor cartridge interaction or a issue when a load was on the cantil...

posted over 13 years ago

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Jfrech's system

System edited: Will add some pics this coming weekend. Just moved my Ayre MX-R's off the Finite Elemente Master Pagode (itself a killer good stand) I was needing some more space. Noise floor drops,...

posted over 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hi Albert, are you ready to share any comments on the new 25th Anniversary Purist cable yet? Hope all is going great for you!

posted over 13 years ago

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Jfrech's system

System edited: Making a few changes. Adding a few Transparent cables and Amarra based itunes for hi rez digital via USB. Hi rez digital via USB is interesting. Doesn't seem better than sacd just a ...

posted over 13 years ago

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Turntables Classics Tournament

Hi, i see you have one of your Allaerts posted for sale. I"ve been a long time Lyra fan, but curious about this cartridge. Currently I am using a Skala. Have you ever compared your Helicon to ...

posted over 13 years ago

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Cipherjuris' System

Wow, congrats on the digital upgrade. I have always admired your system. I recently upgraded my digital also and have to admit, its pretty damn nice sounding. A good hi rez recording and i ...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Building around Wilson Alexandria

Hi, I can easily believe power makes a difference.I went a different route (All Shunyata) recently, but my system has differing requirements than yours. It really helped me settle down and ...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi George, for a vinyl guy, I really dig this dCS grear. Great recordings are simply outstanding. Thanks for the tip on the u clock!

posted almost 14 years ago

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Audio Destination

Hi Art,I just read about your room on Hedback's website. I really love the approach you 2 took. And frankly the look is to die for. I suspect my room is similar to your's before the makeove...

posted about 14 years ago

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VAC, Vitus, and Montana

Hi Art,I just read about your room on Hedback's website. I really love the approach you 2 took. And frankly the look is to die for. I suspect my room is similar to your's before the makeove...

posted about 14 years ago

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Back to Solid State (No More!)

Try the 15 step program. My wife says the 12 step program isn't working on me :)Congtratulations, like I said before, I bet this system sounds oustanding!

posted about 14 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi Peter, thank you. I've been keeping up with your system to. Did you decide on a cartridge change? Not sure if I said this, but I'd try a few tonearm cables soon. The Purist is awesome, the newer...

posted about 14 years ago

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Jfrech's system

System edited: Added dcs puccini and u clock pics. For a vinyl guy, it's scary how good hi rez digital is now. I find myself listening to digital a lot more with the dcs gear. Also allow me to get ...

posted about 14 years ago

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Jfrech's system

System edited: Added a Keith Monks "Ruby" Limited edition record cleaner. I loved the red color. Compared to my VPI 16.5 it's almost like getting a new cartridge regarding the sound improvement. I'...

posted about 14 years ago

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WATT-Puppy-Joule Therapy

Hi, awhile back I went from the WP 6's to 8's and pretty much feel as you do. The WP 8's are a great speaker for money - especially used.Congratulations !

posted about 14 years ago

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WATT-Puppy-Joule Therapy

I have to complement you are your room and speaker placement work. Fine tuming is where the magic is and seems like you're putting a lot of effort into this.I've spent forever on tweeking m...

posted about 14 years ago

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Audio Destination

Hi, great looking room. Very impressive. That's really my next move is to get my room in order.I'm also using the Purist Proteus Provectus (praesto) speaker cables. Amazing cables, I have t...

posted over 14 years ago

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VAC, Vitus, and Montana

Hi, great looking room. Very impressive. That's really my next move is to get my room in order.I'm also using the Purist Proteus Provectus (praesto) speaker cables. Amazing cables, I have t...

posted over 14 years ago

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Babybear's System

Arnie,I have to congratulate you on your table! It's up there with the best analog front ends I've ever heard. Steve did a wonderful job and thanks for letting me listen as you 2 finished t...

posted over 14 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi, and thanks. I am not real sure what I want to do for hd downloads just yet. My first thought is to get a macbook pro and start there. Ultimately, I'd like some sort of music and video server. B...

posted over 14 years ago

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Jfrech's system

System edited: Added a DCS Puccini and U-Clock. I am digging digital again. No, it's not analog. But it does do some things very very good. The DCS is the most natural in the high frequencies that ...

posted over 14 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hi, Have that A 90 spinning yet? Very curious as to your thoughts...Thanks, hope all is well !I can't wait to visit, I know I need to get up to Dallas soon

posted over 14 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi, thank you for hosting me this afternoon. I have to say, your system is truly incredible sounding. The imaging and resolution outside of the speaker boundries is litterally the best i have ever ...

posted over 14 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi, sounds great. This is my first post with my new apple iPad. I'll be busy for the next two weeks, but after that is wide open. I'll send u a private note with a few dates...

posted over 14 years ago

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Showing 501 - 525 of 650 posts