Jfrech's system

Hi, years ago I had a BAT VK200. I have to say the BAT VK60 I bought next was a far superior amp in the midrange. Not saying the BAT SS amps aren't good, I am saying their tube amps are excellent. ...

posted about 12 years ago

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Only tubes and vinyl will do

I've heard those horning's before at jeff's place. they are a fantastic speaker...

posted about 12 years ago

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Suteetat's System

Yeah, I was wondering about that also. I few years ago I had a SME stock cable, Hovland Music Groove (version 1), Graham IC 50, Purist Venastas all on hand for trials. Had a SME 20/2 + SME IV.Vi at...

posted about 12 years ago

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Suteetat's System

Hi Peter, thanks for jumping in here. I do have the v12 on my short list, really just 3 arms, Graham 12 or 10, Reed 3p (maybe 10.5), and the SME V-12.And yes, the Supreme in Alberts 312s is...

posted about 12 years ago

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Suteetat's System

Hi, I saw on another thread your comments on the Graham 12 inch vs your Reed. Can you elaborate some? I am thinking about a new arm, likely a Graham or the reed 3p. I want to keep my TriPlanar. I m...

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hi Whart...actually no...I was trying to say which ever one you listened to sounded great...no "desire" to switch to the other. But when you got to the other...it was pretty damn nice to....

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hi Albert, I traded notes with Peter, here is a partial copy and paste..."Hi . Good to hear from you. I bet your digging your new sme still !The atlas was in a micro seiki arm,...

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hi Albert, have you had time to set up your Graham 12 inch yet? Are you planning to mount it to rear, leaving your SME 312s for comparison?Curios on your thoughts on this arm ...Thanks

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Arnie, thanks so much for the time this afternoon. I very much enjoyed the company and advice. I have to say this, your set up was the BEST system I have EVER heard. Top to bottom transparency, ...

posted about 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Acutally I had to move the Ayre MX R's off the bottom shelf (got to hot and shut down) and put the Triton on the lowest shelf on the Grand Prix SilverStone F1. The Amps are now on a Grand Prix Mono...

posted about 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi Pradeep ! That's awesome and congratulations. I found the Triton awesome day one...but it will get better. The transparency and see through sound stage (more here) along with the decays/detail/d...

posted about 12 years ago

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A Slice Of Heaven...

Hi, I'd be careful swapping out your grand prix rack. I know the SRA and HRS stuff is very good also. But you might be spending money here with little return. have you replaced the pads on ...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Arnie, as a owner of 4 lyra's over the years, I can only imagine what your new Olympos sounds like. Did you get a chance to compare it to anything else (besides your Allinic) or just did it get ...

posted over 12 years ago

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Sublime Sound

Hi, oh man, congrats on your new table !! Wow, I bet that sounds just killer! You'll have to post more on what the sounds differences are. I used to have a SME 20/2 and SME IV.Vi, so I can relate t...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

System edited: Swapped out Shunyata Anaconda CX for Anaconda Zitrons. 1 for Triton, 2 for amps, and 1 for phono stage. Tremendous gains in clarity and resolution. along with depth. The King Cobras ...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Arnie, Rockports are fabulous speakers, if I ever get the itch to move off wilsons, Rockports are definitely it. I've heard some of their other models and the transparency is astounding. Congrat...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi Gail, good to hear from you. I hope all is going ok! I didn't experiment really at all (yet). I had tried a Cardas Lighning 15 when I had the Puccini and U-Clock, it made such a difference, that...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Rtilden, congratulations ! I know you spent quite a bit of time deciding which preamp to move to. So let me know you decision making process, did you get to listen to this at home first? I know mak...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

System edited: Added E.A.R. MC4 Step Up Transformer for my Allaerts. I needed more gain, but holy cow did it help in so many areas. Started looking at SUT for more gain (Allaerts is a bit less than...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

?? The wheels might be from a set up pic...they've been spiked for years...Silverstone is significantly better than the monaco (and it is pretty good). Much much lower noise floor allowing details ...

posted over 12 years ago

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Sunnyboy in 2012

Hi, what great pics. And what a killer killer system. Thanks taking the time to post the pics of your room to!Are you able to use transformer+tube on your Nagra with Atlas? Since I've been ...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi Pradeep, I bet that Atlas is wonderful. I really need to check it out soon. I keep doing smaller things (cables and such) with such a big improvement, it's pushing my desire for a Atlas a bit ou...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

System edited: added 2 clock cables. Cardas Lightning 15 bnc - bnc. really suprising improvement in instrument placement, focus and just overall presentation. I seem to listen louder now, but seems...

posted over 12 years ago

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Main Listening Room

Hi, out of curiosity, what clock cable are you using? I see you have the good Acrolink firewires between the dac and transport.I recently added a Cardas LIghtning 15 bnc-bnc (2) between my ...

posted over 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Sounds like I need to get to Dallas soon and hear this ! What this is telling me is we've all yet heard the limits of what LP's an truly do...I keep hoping a modern motor, with today's mach...

posted over 12 years ago

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Showing 401 - 425 of 650 posts