Lots of Options

@mmcgill829 The Triode Lab 2a3 was an excellent amplifier, one of my favorites--I regret selling it. I preferred th...

posted 9 months ago

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Lots of Options

@jbhiller Thank you. The CWs are on Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation Speaker Bars.

posted over 2 years ago

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Lots of Options

Hi Dan, I've responded via PM. Jason

posted about 3 years ago

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Lots of Options

@chicagoblue1977 The sound is even bigger than the physical size of the speaker. 

posted about 3 years ago

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ProsperoAMW's System

Great system, the Octave integrated looks really interesting.

posted about 3 years ago

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cdc77's System

@cdc77 I did the MDx upgrade, well worth the price of admission. It was like upgrading to a new, higher level DAC.

posted about 3 years ago

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cdc77's System

Great system. I have the Bricasti M1SE and definitely covet the gold limited edition.

posted about 3 years ago

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Neo Vintage

Great system, especially like the Volti speakers.

posted over 3 years ago

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Lots of Options

The goal was to create something clean and very simple. I also run the TV through the Klipsch speakers. The Unit Nova sound very good with the Fortes. ...

posted over 3 years ago

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Lots of Options

They are Klipsch Forte III.

posted over 3 years ago

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Lots of Options

Thanks, the simplicity is definitely a big plus. The Uniti Nova is a great unit that functions as an integrated amp, DAC and streamer.

posted over 3 years ago

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Harbeth & Air Tight = Perfect Match

@jderdock I personally don't find Harbeth to be overly polite--provided you have the right amp. Jason

posted over 3 years ago

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My Loft System

I'm also running a Supratek pre with the SIT-3, they're a great match. What mods did you add to your Supratek?Jason

posted over 3 years ago

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Harbeth & Rogers

@jond Thank you, even though it's a dual purpose space (TV/audio) the sound is really good. 

posted over 3 years ago

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Harbeth & Rogers

Good eye. That’s a 12” sub in the left corner. It makes a big difference.

posted over 3 years ago

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The SHL5 + are truly amazing speakers. What software are yo running to manage your digital music? 

posted over 5 years ago

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Harbeth & Air Tight = Perfect Match

Thanks Zephyr, I tried to build a system that was musical and enjoyable. I can listen for hours without any fatigue.

posted over 7 years ago

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Harbeth & Air Tight = Perfect Match

I'm lucky enough to have a Harbeth dealer nearby, I'll check out the 40.2 this weekend.

posted over 7 years ago

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Harbeth & Air Tight = Perfect Match

Thanks, @pdreher The Air Tight and Big 7 were really nice upgrades, but adding the SR PowerCell really tied everything together and took the ...

posted over 7 years ago

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Harbeth & Air Tight = Perfect Match

Thanks, Papermill. Even though my system is pretty simple it took a lot of experimenting to get where it is today. Aside from (too much) direct experimentation with new gear, th...

posted over 7 years ago

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Neo Vintage

Hi Papermill, you've really put together a great system. I'm glad you're enjoying the Lampizator DAC, in my humble opinion, you really can't go wrong with their products. 

posted over 7 years ago

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Harbeth & Air Tight = Perfect Match

@honeyooi The system has really come together with the new amp and DAC. I'm using the Big 7 as a preamp for the Air Tight. 

posted over 7 years ago

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Life to analog journey

The Air Tight is in my system and performs well beyond my expectations. The sound is really amazing. For tubes, I'm running the GL KT88, Mullard 12AU7 and currently Tungsram 12A...

posted over 7 years ago

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Life to analog journey

Your comments on my system inspired me to give tube amps another shot with the Harbeth. I got an ATM-2, should be here by the end of next week. I'll let you know my thoughts wit...

posted over 7 years ago

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Life to analog journey

Hi @honeyooi Have you done any tube rolling with the ATM-2? If so, what tubes did you like? 

posted over 7 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 37 posts