New home, new speakers and no more changes!

thanks for the comments guys. Nice to know my views are shared on audiogon.

posted over 16 years ago

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New home, new speakers and no more changes!

Almost had them for a week now - I am still absolutely blown away every time I listen.. can't see me making any changes for a long time - The spendors do expose bad recordings for what they are!

posted over 16 years ago

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New home, new speakers and no more changes!

Thanks! Yeah this is top of my list, it's a nightmare with a wired keyboard - I have to get out of my seat all the time!

posted over 16 years ago

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Simaudio, Dynaudio, Mac Mini, a Closet

Wow small listening space, makes me feel a little claustrophobic!Still, I bet it sounds absolutely amazing - big fan of Sim Audio

posted almost 17 years ago

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First entry into stereo +HT

684s look amazing!

posted almost 17 years ago

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Apartment Home Theater

Love the way your space looks.. bet it sounds great too!

posted almost 17 years ago

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Hong Kong vibe 2011

Love the look of the room. Never heard anything personally from Living Voice, but I've read nothing but good things!What part of London are you in?

posted almost 17 years ago

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London vibe 2007

Love the look of the room. Never heard anything personally from Living Voice, but I've read nothing but good things!What part of London are you in?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Computer Speakers should be decent too

what do you do for a living?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Some new changes

Yeah I know, tell me about it- I'm spoilt for choice!I honestly couldn't trade my audio server for the world - not only do I not have to worry about storing 5000 cds somewhere, but I don't ...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Some new changes

Hi Luis,Of course, there have been some big changes, so I'll go into a little more depth.In my old house, the room was always the problem - the ceiling was very high (4m) and the ro...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Second Attempt

Hi Adasilva,Thanks for your reply. What system are you running currently?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Second Attempt

Hi Joey,The speakers overall are great, I feel that it's more to do with the room they are in. I have a bed (yes, believe it or not!) roughly 3ft in front of the right speaker, and I think ...

posted almost 17 years ago

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simple state of the art system

Do you live in the UK by any chance?

posted almost 17 years ago

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High Definition 2-Channel Hi-Fi System

Interesting to hear your opinions. Based on mine, and my ears, in blind listening tests I have never, ever heard any difference. Thats usually the case most of the time too, from what I have read. ...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Musical Joy - Money Pit

no sh*t, you have a lot of records!

posted almost 17 years ago

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High Definition 2-Channel Hi-Fi System

Yeah - crazy unbalanced. I admire that you've mixed your components up with pro audio gear, I'm a big fan of pro audio equipment. But, as anyone in pro audio will tell you, 99% of the time,...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Feed the Passion, Live the Dream

Soooo many shiny lights! Looks great, bet it sounds even better

posted almost 17 years ago

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First entry into stereo +HT

Never got the chance to listen to the 684s, but have heard good things about them!Enjoy your system!PS Post some photos

posted almost 17 years ago

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Second Attempt

New photos with new custom made isolation platform... works GREAT! Sitting on spikes

posted almost 17 years ago

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Audio Destination

Love the lighting - gear looks incredible!!

posted almost 17 years ago

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VAC, Vitus, and Montana

Love the lighting - gear looks incredible!!

posted almost 17 years ago

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Sonus Faber Guarneri

Interested to know what made you jump from a full range to a small monitor like the SF - are you enjoying the music more now? That's all that matters really!

posted almost 17 years ago

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Second Attempt

Thinking about new ways of connecting mac mini to amp - perhaps addition of external DAC. Been looking at Benchmark DAC1 - anyone have any experience with this?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Plays SCARY Music

Amen - those 683s are mind blowing!

posted about 17 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 58 posts