The never ending pursuit of therapeutic sound...

Very nice, looks cozy and inviting

posted over 15 years ago

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Wow, talk about a view, where is that?

posted almost 16 years ago

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milpai's system

I upgraded the jumpers next will be the power chord for me to. The speakers I'm using are b&w dm 601 s3 bookshelves, they make a great combination. For me , there is something very special about vi...

posted over 16 years ago

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milpai's system

Very nice simple system, I myself owned NAD equipment in the past and decided to go back to a NAD integrated , I currently own the c352 , great amp for the price! Have you thought of a turntable ? ...

posted over 16 years ago

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Student system

Thanks for the suggestions for my system, very nice system as well love the Epos speakers how do they sound? Also I've owned the Cambridge 640c player and I was impressed it sounded fabulous, it co...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Salvatore Ciriolo

Ciao Salvatore, anche io sono Italiano natto in Canada allora scusa il mio Italiano! Devo dire, complimenti su il tuo impianto e davero bello a guardare! Sono sicuro che l'ascolto e ancore meglio!....

posted almost 17 years ago

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Mid-fi on a budget (opinions plz!!!)

Hi, really nice speakers, b&w can really make some fine one's. I'm 22 , five years ago at seventeen i had a 70's technics amplifier with a sony 5 disc changer and some 30 year old technics speakers...

posted almost 18 years ago

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my system

wow, that is a lot of cd's how long have you been collecting ?

posted almost 18 years ago

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Copenhagen two-channel

Very nice system, what do you listen to? have you considered an audio rack to put the amp and cd player on? Also, if I were you I would slightly turn both speakers "inwards" just a little...

posted about 18 years ago

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