
My system resides in a 24x20 room with a 18ft cathedral ceilings. Always striving for maximum bang for the buck, I have eschewed snake oil for substance, bought most gear second hand, and make certain cables and minor mods myself.

In the 2-1/2 years since I entered this hobby this system has evolved as follows:

Speakers: AR90, Polk SDA-2, ADS L1530, ADS M20, Acoustat Model 2, Acoustat 2+2.

Amps: Aragon 8002, Electrocompaniet Ampliwire II, McIntosh MC7300, Acoustat TNT-200 (mod), Hafler 9505, PS Audio HCA-2.

Preamps: Adcom GFP-555, Acurus RL-11 (mod), PS Audio PCA-2.

The returns are diminishing and my treadmill may finally be slowing!

Components Toggle details

    • Acoustat 2+2
    Electrostatic speakers. c. 1983. 93" tall x 20" wide x 3.5" deep. 95LBS ea. This pair was recapped with North Creek Zen caps.
    • Adire Rava
    12" driver, 250W amp, 18" cube, sealed enclosure, 27Hz to 160Hz -3dB.
    • PS Audio HCA-2
    Stereo power amplifier
    • PS Audio PCA-2
    Stereo preamplifier
    • PS Audio HCPS
    Analog High Current Power Supply for the PCA-2 preamplifier.
    • PS Audio NuWave DAC
    Three digital inputs 192kHz asynchronous USB RCA and XLR balanced outputs High current class A output stage Native mode 192kHz selectable upsample Low jitter PerfectWave clocks Class A fully balanced discrete analog electronics Burr Brown 24 bit DAC chip
    • Oppo DV-980H
    1080p Up-Converting Universal DVD Player
    • Carver TX-12
    FM tuner
    • Behringer SU9920
    Stereo sound enhancement processor
    • Alpha-Core Goertz MI 3
    7 gauge speaker cable
    • Planet Waves PW-M-3
    XLR microphone cables
    • Powervar ABC-1200-11
    Power conditioner

Comments 10

@nathanso love this virtual system from 2008. I had to triple check that first picture of yours - it almost looks photoshopped. Perhaps the most stunning backdrop to an audio system of A-Gon. Stunning.


Hi Nathan if you had Spectra 6600s you would not need a subwoofer if you want to see my friends Spectra 6600s just google.

Flickr MrAcoustat photostream


System edited: So, I finally broke down and bought a subwoofer, and now I'm kicking myself for waiting so long! I pulled line level straight from my preamp to the sub and put the sub in low-pass mode with its crossover freq. set to minimum (40Hz). Then I adjusted my DEQ2496's EQ to remove 40Hz and under from reaching my Acoustat 2+2s and the results are wonderful.. electrostatic clarity with tight low-end slam to back it up.


I'm almost prompted too say, with a view like that, who needs the music. With the music, a slice of heaven.


I absolutely love the Bay Area. Just wish I could afford a home in Marin.

Your views are drop dead gorgeous! Nice system too!!


Nearly six months from my initial post here and not one change to my system. Woohoo! I was reading about subwoofers not long ago and I got a jones for more low bass. Then I remembered my SU9920.. a couple of clicks on its low contour knob and, jones solved!


Gorgeous with a room like that the only upgrade you may want to make and that is just to reach the top of the mountain you are already 80% there is a nice pair of Spectra 66s or 6600 that my friend is 100% the top i have owned Acoustat's for 30 years and dollar for dollar nothing and i mean nothing comes close to them my friend has a pair of 6s with 2 Classé DR3B Amps in a room 22 x 30 x 18 feet incredible sound just incredible sound they have a steel frame covered with mahogany wood they weigh 600 pounds each and are also gorgeous once again very nice system


We live in an unincorporated area of Martinez, CA.


Wow, talk about a view, where is that?


Tremendous room and view. Are you in Northern CA? Sure looks idyllic.


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