Music for the Soul

PS. I am going to update pics this week, these are very old obviously!

posted over 11 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Thanks for the comments Glenfihi. The speakers are pretty incredible.......I don't like the footprint they have (take up alot of space), but, what can you do.....I hope to be able to get a smaller ...

posted over 11 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Hey there Mark.....yeah lots new in the past year or so, the Vitus mono amps and preamp and now the MSB. I have about 400 hours on the DAC now and it is the best sound I have heard, really.....very...

posted over 11 years ago

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Music for the Soul

System edited: Just added a new MSB Platinum Dac to the system, awaiting the MSB Universal player to be built and then will be moving out my amazing modded Faroudja source.

posted over 11 years ago

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Terry's System

Terry, I just purchased a Wavestream Linestage and was wondering if you have tried different tubes in the unit and what the results were!?

posted about 12 years ago

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GerryM5's California Main Sys

Gerry, I just purchased a Wavestream Linestage and was wondering if you have tried different tubes in it and if so what were the results!?

posted about 12 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Yes the law of Deminishing returns has kicked in big time! I now can taylor my sound to what I like knowing whether I'm losing quality in the mix or not! I am happy with the system obviously but do...

posted over 12 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Hey Mark, good to hear from you! Lovin the amps! I have an Elrod Gold Statement on each one now! It's a busy time of year for me, 72hour work weeks for the next couple of months, so not really any ...

posted over 12 years ago

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Music for the Soul

I had just got the liquid fuses and one blew on me! It may be my fault as the manual said 10A fuse but the ones in it were 12.5A fuses! I went with the 10 A to be safe and one popped as soon as I p...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Thanks Mark, I would love to try the Elrod considering the power cable performance! Wish I could try both Elrod and Opus in my system, it would be so much easier to decide! I am in no hurry, I've s...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Thanks Lapierre, and that's a great question! I think I will sit tight for a while and just listen to tunes! I am curious about Transparent Opus speaker cable, but would like to audition first........

posted almost 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Thanks Maxx. Just after plugging the Vitus in for a day or two my new Elrod Gold Statement power cord arrived for the preamp, and it's a beautiful thing. Impressive PC. Right now I am using Isoclea...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Thanks Mark! I still may have some customs issues to work out, I'll know shortly! Don't know what it is with me and amps that gets customs and shippers in a frenzie! Actually to be fair it was the ...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Vitus mono amps are in the system and performing wonderfully. Not really much to say about them, they are essentially better in every regard to my 33H's. The biggest difference is in sound stage an...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Thanks Mark! I will update as soon as they get here! Customs issues right now.......been hung up at the border for over a week.

posted almost 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

System edited: Levinson 33H's gone and just waiting for the new amps to get here! (Vitus SM101 Monoblocks) Should be here within the next week.

posted almost 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

System edited: Added the TEO interconnects and the Tripoint Troy. I will be putting new pics on right away and you will notice I have taken off the speaker grills on the Genesis. I was talking to G...

posted about 13 years ago

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My tube system

Rbc, the acoustic panels I put up are "Primacoustics". There is also another company called Auralex. I found the Primacoustics to be of great value and well worth the $45 a panel....

posted over 13 years ago

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My tube system

Rbc.......I just added some acoustic panels in my sound room and the improvment was dramatic. Much more detail, top end is a little sweeter and I was able to turn the bass down

posted over 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

System edited: I have added the MBL6010D and feel I am done in preamp searches, and buying and selling for a while to come. Also added some Bybee ic the Bybee stuff. I put some amp...

posted over 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Roger Wilco Joe!! For those not in the know, I just picked up an MBL6010D and am comparing it with the Atma in my system!It's way too early to give any feedback yet......I have 2 hours list...

posted over 13 years ago

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What Do You Think?

Looks good! If I may make a suggestion, for very little money you could put some Symposium Rollerblocks under the Oppo, and be wow'd!!

posted over 13 years ago

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Music for the Soul

Hmmm, A-S vs Joule preamp........I knew this was coming! I can sum it up somewhat, although not very scientific if you don't mind!The A-S really took me by surprise......I sat there listeni...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Music for the Soul

System edited: This fall I swapped out the Joule LA300ME for the Atmasphere MP1 Mk3.1 With the Atma, I am able to use a cheap in from pre to amps. I was able to sell my Very Expensive Stealth Sakra...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Music for the Soul

System edited: Made a few changes. Stealth Sakra on course and pre to amps. Also added Isoclean Supreme Focus power cords on all components. Along with that I swapped out the Anthem Statement Proce...

posted about 14 years ago

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