
I have been in this hobby over 30 years and in that time have had the pleasure and good fortune to own many many high end components and gear.  My goal in the past 6 years was to progress to a smaller footprint than my big Genesis speakers with Vitus monos, and still have great sound.  I just didn't have the room in my new home for the big system AND all the boxes and crates!  LOL.  

 I tried a number of fantastic products over those 6 years......Manley, Zanden, the amazing D'Agostino, Coincident, Backert Labs, Vitus, APL, Jeff Rowland, Emm Labs.  I'm finally settled on my MSB/ EMM DV2 combo, with Absolare Stereo amp and Tannoy Speakers.........bit of a mix for cables, with Echole Omnia, TEO, Stage III Gorgon and Musica Bella Kuala2 power cables.  Pics to come.

Final setup:  EMM Labs MTRS Amp with all Hemingway Sigma cable.  I feel the system is done.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 17’

Components Toggle details

    • Tannoy Canterbury GR
    The newest and greatest from Tannoy, the Gold Reference series. Still breaking in the system but loving it!

    Six years later, very very happy with these speakers.  They gave me exactly what I was looking for stepping down from my 4 tower Genesis speakers.  Still wanted great sound, emotion and soul and a much smaller footprint.  On top of that they can pound out some unbelievable bass, and drums, when I kick things up.  I've tried many different amps with these speakers, to get what I feel is right.  I finally feel like I've hit a home run with the EMM Labs MTRS and Tannoy combo....just unbelievable.  Had some issues with Absolare and the Distributor which ended up being a blessing, because the MTRS is next level, without doubt.
    • MSB UMT Plus
    Plays and Spins everything digital, including 3D BluRay.  Awesome.
    • MSB Technology Dual Signature Power Base
    I was using a desktop power supply for my MSB UMT Plus.  Switched to a new Dual signature power base from MSB.  Love the improved performance.
    • EMM Labs DV2
    Latest and greatest from EMM.  Picked up new July 2020, with newly designed remote.  Awesome unit.  Improvement in Soundstage depth, tone, timing, bass, voice.  Without a doubt my last DAC.
    • EMM Labs NS-1
    Added the EMM Labs Streamer, NS1.  This will be my 1st time steaming, looking forward to the convenience when not spinning discs.
    • EMM Labs MTRS Amplifier
    Latest and greatest from EMM Labs.  My last Amplifier.
    • Tripoint Troy Signature NG
    This is the third Troy I’ve owned, amazing gear.
    • PS Audio P15
    Added the PS Audio P15 power regenerator.  Upgrade from the P12.  Very very happy with the performance of PS Audio Regenerators.  I have everything plugged into it.
    • Hemingway Z-core Sigma Speaker Cable
    One of the best speaker cables in the world.
    • Hemingway Z-core Sigma Power Cable
    Spectacular cable.  This one convinced me to go full loom Sigma.
    • Hemingway Z-core Sigma Interconnect
    Best ic I’ve owned or heard.
    • Stage III Concepts Cerberus Jumpers
    Best Jumpers Stage III sells……..the Tannoy Love them.
    • Stand: Home made
    I made my stand using a double layer of Maple, so it's 3.5" thick on the shelves.  Weight is easily 300lbs.  This made a serious improvement in the sound.  Really seemed to literally anchor the music in place.  Was a lot of work and it's not perfect by any means, but I'm very very happy with the results.
    Revised: built a new smaller stand.  Love the size and accessibility.
    • IsoAcoustics GAIA
    Put these footers on my Tannoy and the results are fabulous.  The speakers now sound like they weight 1000lbs.
    • Walker Valid points
    These were laying around doing nothing so put them under the digital gear.  Not sure if they made much difference as I've had lots going on in the system lately, but I do love the look and extra height they give the gear for airflow.
    • QSA Black/Red Receptacle
    Wow, love these!  Thought I would try the Red Receptacle first, loved it so much I immediately upgraded to the black/red!!
    • HRS S3 Platforms
    A couple of HRS Platforms for the EMM Labs gear.
    • HighEnd Novum PA MkII

Comments 135

A beautiful room and system. Nice to see another Hemingway fan/owner.

Happy Listening!


The new EMM Labs DVi DAC is here within the next week to ten days!  Really excited to get it running.  Along with updates and upgrades it incorporates the upgraded NS1 Streamer into the DAC.


Got rid of the Absolare and moved in the EMM Labs MTRS Amplifier.  Best move I’ve ever made.

Moved to a full loom of Hemingway z-core Sigma.  I just can’t get away from Hemingway.  I’ll try something else and always end up back at Hemingway cables.


Thanks so much Mark and Lalitk.  Appreciate your comments and tips!  I did have a Tripoint Troy years back and really liked it!  Interesting that the Entreq work well also!  Have to look into that!  Really appreciate the tip!!


 @bullot ~ Shane, hope you’re doing well. I wanted to share my recent experience on grounding the Tannoy’s. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much but this was one of those things on my wish list ever since I bought my Canterbury’s. I picked up a pair of Entreq Silver Minimus Infinity ground boxes with Argo grounding cables. An hour into listening with Entreq revealed this next level of detail retrieval and clarity. I heard more air, separation and deeper blacks…all I can say, wish I jumped on this tweak sooner than waiting for 2+ years! If you haven’t tried grounding the Canterbury’s my friend, you’re in for a nice treat!


Shane,...your systems, as they always have, look fantastic and feature a long list of great gear, cables and speakers. That current line-up must sound fantastic! Congratulations!!!


Thanks so much for the info, I’ll have to check that out!  Yeah I’ve been fortunate to have some nice amps, and I’m pretty happy with the Absolare.  I picked up a number of different 1950’s NOS tubes to use with it…..that’s fun!  Not a huge difference between them but just a nice little flavour variance that makes it fun!


@bullot, TAS latest issue featured a glowing review of Absolare Hybrid Stereo amp. And I immediately thought of you :-) I am hoping to get my hands on the Hybrid Stereo amp in very near future.


Thanks so much for the update, that’s very good to know!  I absolutely agree with you on synergy…….the most important word in high end audio.  Many thanks.


Shane, update on darTZeel. Sadly, it wasn’t a good match for Canterbury’s. The CTH-8550 sounded contrived and thus unpleasant. While CTH had more speed and conveyed transients slightly better but it just didn’t sound as relaxed, musical and organic as my E-650. With E-650, music just floats! At the end of the day, it’s all comes down to SYNERGY.


Shane, three of the four ground posts can be used to ground Tannoy’s. I will share my impressions once Entreq and darTZeel are here. Cheers!


NICE!!  Thanks for the update!  I’ve always wanted to try the Dartzeel so be sure and let me know how it sounds!  Curious also to hook up and Entreq to the Tannoy ground post!!!


Hey Shane, thanks for sharing your in-depth feedback on amps. Both Zanden and Absolare been on my list to try with Canterbury’s. I recently went through the similar transformation on my digital front end when I switched from EMM Labs DA2 / Aurender N20 to Merging Technologies Trio :-) Once I heard the +player, +power and +clock trio, there was no going back!  

What’s next, I have darTZeel CTH-8550 on the way. Should be interesting to find out how darTZeel pairs with my Tannoy’s and betters my current reference - Accuphase. I also have Entreq Tellus II on the list to try next in my system. Does it ever end..LOL! 

Enjoy music and the journey my friend! 



Hey there RJ....thanks, and, nice to hear from you!

Some interesting points you make....and, I am actually pushing 60 years old, but have been very active in this high end audio gig for over 30 years!!

I am Canadian, eh...…  It's interesting that the EMM Labs stuff I tried years ago, CDSA SE I believe it was, and didn't like it!  EMM is actually about an hour from a great story about picking up the DV2 from them but, another time!  This DV2 is quite different from their older stuff, very very happy with it.  No, I don't actually give preference to Canadian stuff!  If something blows my hair back it doesn't matter where it's made!  Well, maybe a little, it has to be good value in the sense that it has a chance of holding some market value and that's not always the case with some countries of manufacture.  You were right on the EMM and Iso-acoustics, but the Absolare is a different beast.  Parts are German, manufactured in Holland and fine tuning/design is led by a fellow out of Turkey.

Has the bar changed!?  Hmmm.  That's a long winded answer I believe.  I don't have to tell you that synergy is king.  Synergy and being true to yourself and what you like/enjoy.  Also, so much can be squeezed out of a system with attention to detail.  But has my bar changed?  You know one thing I've learned is that you don't need a $250K system to enjoy it.  If your system gets your foot tapping and a smile on your face, you are there!

Churchill No48..….wow they look beautiful.  Very cool.  The Atmasphere gear I tried a while back, well just the preamp......reference pre, can't remember the designation!!?  I remember it because we always refer to a component removing a veil and being able to see more into the music.  I felt the Atma preamp not only removed a veil, but blew the curtains off the wall and then dismantled the walls....soooo open and exposed!  At the time I was afraid of tube amps and the sight of all those tubes in the Atma amps made my knees shake!  lol  Beautiful, but for me at the time they were over my head!

Very cool.....a very nice analogue setup you have!  I have not been down the analogue road at all, but I have read enough and chatted enough to recognize all those names!  I would love to hear a very nice analogue setup like that one day!  Again, that was a direction that there was so much to know about, and it all made a difference, so it scared me to digital, which has worked out for me.....ignorance is bliss perhaps!!?  lol

With regards to low level listening and micro-acoustics.....I recently picked up some Critical Mass footers......amazing!  The Iso-acoustics under the Tannoy were also amazing.  They made the speakers sound like they weighed 1000lbs.  With respect to low level listening and micro acoustics....a few years back I owned a Grounding component called the Tripoint Troy!  Amazing what after market grounding will do!!  I ended up selling the Troy, long story...…..but the Entreq stuff looks interesting and a more reasonable price.....I'll end up giving that a try at some point.

Always interested in tips if you have some things that have worked for you!  Also interested in great recordings if you have any recommendations!?  Doesn't have to be any specific genre.


Nice job, quality gear as it's obvious its not your first attempt, matching is so important. This process can take a long time and can be expensive. Has your bar changed as you have gotten older, and where is it now?
I detect that you might be Canadian, a previous comment makes a hint in that direction and some of your equipment is made in Canada i.e. EMM, Absolare and IsoAcoustics. If so, is the connection relevant?
I too own Tannoys, Churchills No.'s 48 , fully balanced OTL's Atma-Sphere's  amp's and pre's. dcS Debussy, SME Model10 , improved V  arm and a Koetsu rosewood platinum cartridge. The interconnects and speaker cables are Cardas with other cords of Furtech and Purist.
You are lucky in a sense to be where you are in 30 years; it's taken me 60. In my case the people, listening experiences have been fascinating, each a story unto themselves.
In my old age I seem to be gravitating to "low level listening". In a quest for a lower noise floor, micro-acoustics seem to be more and more important, so off I go in the direction of isolation, various types of conditioning etc. I'm actually amazed at the difference in cleaning up the lines and stopping cross contamination. The sound signature of my system doesn't change but the low level information has surely changed.
Enough said. If the above peaks your interest, I'd be happy to discuss.  R. J.


Shane, thanks for your long, detailed and informative answer. Funny to read it, I will surely read it several times again. Thanks a lot!



Thanks very much Balazs.  Yes I've had a number of amps with the Canterbury speakers, including the Zanden, Manley, Rowland, D'Agostino, Absolare and Vitus.  I would have loved to get my hands on the Zanden 9600 you mention.  I did try, but was only able to find a pair of the 9500 available, which would have been fantastic as well, but the timing of the deal was off.  ( I think that I had just purchased the Dag)  Anyways....

The Zanden that I had with the Canterbury was the 6000 integrated.  I absolutely loved the Zanden sound with the Canterbury.  It didn't matter what music I played, it seemed there was always a particular volume that was the magic spot, the sweet spot....a spot where everything came alive right there in the room!!  The only thing.....only thing, that I did not like about the Zanden 6000 was the design, visually.  The 9500 and 9600 Zanden amps are gorgeous visually, works of art, but they are elusive to aquire!  So, I had to go with the 6000 to get a chance to experience Zanden.  I was torn about selling that amp because it was a beautiful sound, I just couldn't live with the looks!  After that I believe I ended up going for all looks, with the D'Agostino.  lol   The Dag was a cool amp, could impress with it's power......that amp could really make those Tannoys move!  lol    However, after experiencing the sweet and beautiful top end of the Zanden, the Dag was too harsh for me.  Now, that was the Dag Momentum Stereo 250 amp I believe.....and I've heard that those amps have improved considerably since the 1st bunch that came out!  I will never know because I would never go in that direction again.  Next up was the Vitus SIA025, which I love.  I had owned the Vitus Mono amps years earlier and knew what Vitus was all about and knew that I would be very happy with the SIA025...…..and I was!!  The Vitus had surprising authority on the bottom end, with the Canterburys, for 25 watts it was shocking how subterranean that amp could push the Tannoy.  But it was a different bottom end than the Dag.  Much more refined.  The Vitus was beautiful from top to bottom, with a tad less midrange than I wanted, in my dreams!  I still love Vitus and would buy another.  Then.....I came across the EMM Labs DV2 DAC. The DV2 has volume control, so that opened my options up on amps and I got the bug to try a stereo amp again, and use the DV2 as the volume control.  In came the Jeff Rowland 625 S2...…(I believe) (not sure on the S2 Part!!)  I hooked up the JR and ran it up, let it settle in, playing low to mid level music for a few hours while I was out.  I came home and thought ok its operating fine (purchased used), and I will listen seriously to the amp in the coming week, on my days off.  At that point I shut the JR off and had a serious pop go through the system.  Everytime I shut the JR off it popped through the system!  I've never had that happen before!  The fellow that had it before me was very respected and bought it new so if that was an "issue" he could have had warranty look after it!  Seemed it did this from new and was "normal"!?  Normal for JR!!??  I don't's the only JR I've heard so can't comment on the normal for JR part!  Perhaps my system was sensitive with the 96db Tannoy!??  Again, not sure......but, I could not live with that situation and moved on from JR.  I did of course listen to the amp a little bit prior to selling it and thought it did everything very well.  Unfortunately my mind was already made up, before I listened critically, that I could not live with that pop, no matter how quiet or loud the pop was.  The 625 is physically small but a beautiful piece.  The sound was impressive top to bottom, but sounded a like it was trying too hard to be good!  If that makes sense!?  The Dag was like Raquel Welch, bam in your face and very real like it or not......the Vitus Sophia Loren or Audrey Hepburn.  The JR was an unknown woman, and even though she had the same outfit as the others were wearing, she just didn't have that joie de vivre......and it seemed maybe implants as well.  She was trying too hard to be them and just wasn't quite there!  lol  There are some analogies for you!! 

Sorry about the run-on paragraph.....just got excited reminiscing!!  lol 

Out went the JR.  At this point I'm tired of buying and selling and just want off the roller coaster.  I had an opportunity to order a new Absolare Hybrid Stereo amplifier, and I jumped on it.  The Absolare is awesome.  It does everything awesome.  The sweet spot of the Zanden, the top end of the Zanden and Vitus, the quality subterranean level of the Vitus and the speaker moving growl of the Dag.  On top of all that I can, and do, change out the two tubes to refine things in one direction or another......not a night and day change, just a refinement!!  I've sat in front of my system, in the early morning hours and had more "holy f@#k" moments with the Absolare than anything.  So happy with that amp and the entire setup now.  I spend WAY more time reading about music and what songs to check out, than I do about gear anymore!

I guess the point of all this is...….the Canterburys exposed all that to me.  From one amplifier to another, the differences were exposed.  Great speakers, AND, gorgeous to look at!  What more could you ask!!

Hope that helps!  Thanks for sparking the trip down memory lane!!  lol


What a nice system, Shane, congratulations.
EMM, Absolare, Canterbury, wonderful!

Could you please comment on your personal findings on differences between Zanden, Jeff Rowland and Absolare amps? I think, you had the Zanden gear further in the past an not on the Tannoys, isn’t it so?

I own a JR Daemon as well as a complete Zanden classic system with 9600 MkII amps and looking for the Canterbury, but I have never heared them with Zanden or Rowland amps.  Maybe can you comment something?

Thanks a lot, Balázs 


Yes thank-you very much.  As you said, I’m pretty much done.  I did put some Critical Mass footers under my DAC recently and loved the improvement in soundstage.  So, perhaps a few tweeks left to do but most of my time is spent looking for and listening to new music!


Very nice system for listening i am sure, you should get a lot of enjoyment from that system for years, with no searching for something better.


Thanks very much.  I’m pretty thrilled with the Tannoy performance!  Think I’ve had them 6 years now!  They have outstayed many different components and cables, and I can’t see them going anywhere.

The homemade stand…..yes I got all the parts for that at the local hardware store.  Bought 3 kitchen counter tops, cut them in half and glued and screwed them together.  A little sanding and such, wood stain, and bam, three shelves.  The big metal pieces were needed to support the weight of the shelves.  I then used the smaller threaded metal pieces to adjust the legs so that they were square.  I just screw one of the nuts in or out to adjust the required leg position.  Works great.  The shelf probably weighs 400lbs and acts as superior vibration control.


Love the Tannoys!  I’ma happy Kensington GR owner. 

I added the Townshend podiums under the tannoys and it really improved the depth and soundstage. Expensive but totally worth it. Especially if you’ve already invested 20-30k on the speakers, what’s another 2k?  😂😩

Really like the homemade stand. Would you tell me what the metal parts you used were and where you got them?  Thank you. 



Good day.  Yeah Inpove the GAIA!!  Surprised me how much difference it made!  My speakers sound like they weigh 1000lbs now...... if you know what I mean!  There is a very small edge that you have to ever so slightly grind with a dremmel to make them fit!  It’s not visible and it’s underneath and no issue but you should know!  I’ve recommended the GAIA to a couple other Tannoy guys and they were ecstatic!!



Shane, how do you like GAIA’s underneath Tannoy’s. I am switching to wood flooring and looking at feet options. Hope you’re still enjoying Absolare paring with Canterbury’s.


It always makes happy when I see another happy Tannoy owner. It would be enjoyable to be able to hear the Canterbury GR with the Absolare Passion amp, and the rest of the list of fine components you have at your disposal.

Enjoy, regards,


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