Albert Porter's System

Jlsemrad,I hope that's Holmes you're referring to. It's about time he came and listened with us again.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

10-18-12: DoverHi Albert, thanks. Obviously the V12 is outstanding. The question I had was - in hindsight, do you still think the 312S is better than the 9" V.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

10-18-12: NoslepumsMr. Porter,May I ask, did the V-12's improvements seem most noticeablenear the beginning and ending grooves on an LP ?Since you're comparing tw...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Quoting RgurneyAlbert - I assume you also didn't use fluid damping with the 312S either.No, I did not. That experiment was a failure in my system.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Quoting Dover,Thanks for the update on the SME V12 - very inciteful. I have never agreed with the slow/sluggish description of the SME V, to me it always had an organic whole...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

10-17-12: PeterayerAlbert, So many superlatives. Have you found any area in which the V-12 is less than excellent?No, it is the most perfect arm I've eve...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Another Tuesday night with the SME V-12. This arm is such an upgrade I'm a bit lost for words as to how to describe it. Comments that come to mind (and words of others as well) is pulse or ...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

10-10-12: PeterayerAlbert, I forgot to ask: Do you miss the ability to swap headshells and adjust azimuth with the 312S? Does it matter with the Supreme? Perhaps some of the ...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

PeterI had thought the SME 312S was no slouch, though I have not heard it.It was my favorite arm until I heard the V-12. They share a lot of the same...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert, I'd also be curious about your findings on the 4 Point, since that may be my second arm. As you know, I'm a big fan of the Airtight, though mine is the older PC-1, which ...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Peter, My intention was to continue. The words used to describe the improvement were: Details pulled apart and easier to hear, more layers in the stage front to back, incredible pul...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

PeterOnce you have some listening time in, would you describe the sonic differences between the two SME arms? I'm surprised by your initial impression. I did not think the di...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I finally got my SME V-12 mounted and set up (late!) about 2:00 AM Tuesday morning. I mounted the Air Tight Supreme, previously paired up with the 312S.The V-12 had music running through it...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter Technics SP10 MK3 Project

I didn’t notice if it was already mentioned, but did replacing the original Japanese chips in your MKIII do anything for sonic improvement?By chips are y...

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter Technics SP10 MK3 Project

Peace_train, My first MK2 was partially rebuilt here in Dallas, both myself and members of my audio group replaced whatever necessary to insure it ran.At that time I had no concern ...

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

The template that I got with my V-12 is just like the one from my SME V arm except for the different dimensions. I would have assumed the templates for the V-12 and your 312S are...

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

The new SME V-12 tonearm arrived about three hours ago. I hooked up my adaptor cable (RCA to headshell lead) so signal from CD can go through the new headshell leads, internal tonearm cable...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

I have active version Vibraplanes, one purchased used and one new from Steven at SOS.My pump is Silentaire which is Italian manufacture. It appears to be the same as supplied with Kuzma Air...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Albert,I have a suspended floor but its pretty solid. It is made of 3 layers of 3/4" plywood.I have a suspended floor as well. It's a blessin...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

That should read, I wonder if the Stillpoints change would still apply if the turntable was supported by a Vibraplane.The Vibraplane was a huge upgrade for me. Do you have a solid concrete ...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

I wonder if the Vibraplane change would still happen if your turntable was supported by a Vibraplane?I don't remember reading comments about your floor. Do you have a solid concrete slab?

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

You need a Feikert type with a nail at the end so you can place it in the pivot point bearing cup with the bearing cap removed. Azimuth with the Graham can't be done by eye or sp...

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hello Ciperjuris,According to Bob Graham the template for SME V-12 is correct for Graham Phantom. I received the Mint V-12 template Saturday (day before yesterday) but have not had time to ...

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert, will your second MK3 be active and used for multiple arm/cartridge testing or will it be kept in storage as a spare? Peter,I would like to keep i...

posted about 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

The Richard Krebs upgrade is now available from Music Technology for Technics MK2. Cost is $800.00 rather than the $1200.00 fee for the (more complicated) MK3.I hope to get one of the guys ...

posted about 12 years ago

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