Done Best System I have Owned

Thanks for sharing your system. I'm not familiar with the speakers, are those ribbon drivers?

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Whart,Rubber Soul is one of my favorite Beatles albums. I bought master dub tape of it and Revolver a short while back. They are both incredible, I wish all the LPs sounded this perfect.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

That's a nice lookin' bunch 'o tapes in the photo...Come listen to them with me Joe.Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I placed the order with Yip, no response yet on delivery date.Late last night I removed the Graham and installed the second SME V-12. The Lyra Atlas moved to the SME as well.The Gra...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I love puns. My wife is tired of them, says they are Pun ishment.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Jazdoc,I agree, the question was "sort of" directed to the owner of the Graham who would pay for the protractor and take possession of it once this test is over.Should...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

PeterayerAlbert, for years now I've been hearing from owners of the Triplanar and the Graham that the 9" versions smoke the SME V arm. That there really is no comparison...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Jfrech's system

That room would look much better in person. :^).

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I've had several people email me, asking about the mystery tonearm. It will not be a secret for long, it will be shown at CES on a Technics MK3 and one of our plinths.Triplanar 12" wit...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Ed,I just got word from Yip at Mint. Here is what he wrote:Now your Tractor 82395 has an effective length of 309.05. the Mounting distance should be 295.85.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I got a call from a friend and manufacturer today about the introduction of a new 12" tonearm based on a familiar and competent design.I have a meeting set up with him at CES. I ma...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

12-19-12: CipherjurisI sent it in for an upgrade from the Phantom 1 to the current model. But what came back looked like a brand new arm...... I think he just sent me a new a...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

12-19-12: PeterayerAlbert, Based on last night's initial impression of the Phantom, can you make any meaningful conclusions about how it compares to the V-12 (with different ...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert, that's great! Is the wire in the arm broken in yet?Hope you have a great listening session tonight!EdWas that Graham brand new? F...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I have about 600 hours on the Oppo BDP-105 and using Purist USB cable feeding it from Mac Mini is a great way to get musical jukebox on the cheap.I've had a few Blue Note reissues playing t...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Update, Graham is running with the Lyra Atlas and I'm pleasantly surprised. It's not only a great sounding arm the combo seems to be a good match.Should have a better idea after listeni...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

12-09-12: KmccartyAlbert, please post one of your stunning photographs with the Graham Phantom mounted on that beautiful plinth.It won't be the same ...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Thank you Ed.

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I appreciate the compliments of my images. I've mentioned several times that I did ad photography for quite a few high end audio companies. The link below is an ad for Basis, Benz and Graha...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

12-08-12: RichardkrebsAlbertI agree with the other comments. Astonishing clarity in those photos. Have you ever considered a career in photography:-)Again I wish ...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

12-08-12: CipherjurisThe Hazylight's cost dwarfs the camera's!EdTrue.Oddly enough the B&H price is just the housing. Flash head, powe...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Use an old VCR or other cheap patch cable, RCA to RCA.Cut off one end and strip back the insulation on both shield and center conductors. Center conductor becomes "hot" and shield...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert, Will you also be mounting the Supreme on the Phantom or just the Atlas?Peter,The Atlas on the Phantom to begin with, since I just removed...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

John,Photos were taken on a "tripod" called INKA BV Monostand. It's very large, about 8 feet tall and manufactured in Nederlands. Many years ago Patti and I flew over to K...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Camera is my old Nikon D2Xs with Nikon 28~70 2.8 ED lens. The camera got a lot of help from the Sinar Bron Hazylight. This is the prettiest light source I've ever used. I shot count...

posted almost 12 years ago

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