
Started my system in the about 1980 buying a Threshold 500 amp with my first loan. To power Acoustate 2+2... but unable to afford the speakers. Upgraded and learned audio over five decades to current system. I have love seat in listening position so one of my dogs can listen with me. She loves classical and jazz.

My current system reflects my values in sound. Specifically being warm, natural and musical. After spending about 20 years Listening to acoustical instruments when possible and attending hundreds of symphony concerts I finally figured out the difference between many systems that artificially accentuate detail and create excessive slam that compromise the integrity of the music. My system does not overly highlight the venue and mastering techniques but communicates the music and draws you in, as opposed to shouting at you.

For me, perfect.

Room Details

Dimensions: 35’ × 25’  X large
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research Reference 6SE Preamp
    • Audio Research Reference 3 Phono Stage
    • Audio Research Reference CD9se DAC / CD player
    • Audio Research Reference 160s Amp
    • Aurender WE20se Music Server
    • Sonus Faber Amati Traditional Speakers
    • Linn Audio LP12 close to Klimax
    • Transparent Ultra Gen 5 Speaker Cables and XLR Interconnects
    • Silent Running Audio Ohio ++2 Isolation platform for Linn LP 12
    • Audio Quest Hurricane
    Power cords for amp
    • Audio Research Reference 160 M
    On loan to me from a dealer friend.
    • Audio Research Reference 3SE Phono stage
    On loan from dealer friend for evaluation.
    • Nessie Record Cleaner

Comments 62

A beautiful room and system.
Happy Listening!


Moving my system to the side made a big difference in center imaging. When I had ribbon speakers it did not seem to matter. But with the Sonus it Does


Nice, you and your dog have excellent taste!  Looks like you moved the equipment to the sidewall at some point, did that make a difference in the SQ?  Will be curious to hear what you think of BADAC.


Nice system! Looks like the dog agrees.


The Aurender is streamer only... the ARC Ref 9se is DAC with a CD player. Best sounding DAC I have ever heard, although my audio guy is going to bring over a Berkeley Alpha 3 for me to try. The ARC is very complimentary with the other ARC equipment.



A most beautiful looking system 

Your selections have come from a few years of buying and knowing what to look for 

No digital DAC other than the surrender ? 



This setup is quality all the way.  I'll bet the sound is sublime.


Like your dog.


I have never had the pleasure of hearing the Sonus Faber Amatis but, if the sound is a beautiful as the outward appearance the must be great.


Great looking system indeed and such a cute doggie! Those Amati's are stunning and I also like your record storage.


Thank you. I am very fortunate. The system sounds a lot better than it looks. The listening area is accidentally incredible. Accidental design, I accidentally bought the house. Just lucked out.


Awesome setup and gorgeous speakers!  I always like the pet pics too.  I’m surprised at just how many beautiful setups are out there (and here on audiogon) and yours is right there with the best 👍


Showing 51 - 62 of 62 posts