
Started my system in the about 1980 buying a Threshold 500 amp with my first loan. To power Acoustate 2+2... but unable to afford the speakers. Upgraded and learned audio over five decades to current system. I have love seat in listening position so one of my dogs can listen with me. She loves classical and jazz.

My current system reflects my values in sound. Specifically being warm, natural and musical. After spending about 20 years Listening to acoustical instruments when possible and attending hundreds of symphony concerts I finally figured out the difference between many systems that artificially accentuate detail and create excessive slam that compromise the integrity of the music. My system does not overly highlight the venue and mastering techniques but communicates the music and draws you in, as opposed to shouting at you.

For me, perfect.

Room Details

Dimensions: 35’ × 25’  X large
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research Reference 6SE Preamp
    • Audio Research Reference 3 Phono Stage
    • Audio Research Reference CD9se DAC / CD player
    • Audio Research Reference 160s Amp
    • Aurender WE20se Music Server
    • Sonus Faber Amati Traditional Speakers
    • Linn Audio LP12 close to Klimax
    • Transparent Ultra Gen 5 Speaker Cables and XLR Interconnects
    • Silent Running Audio Ohio ++2 Isolation platform for Linn LP 12
    • Audio Quest Hurricane
    Power cords for amp
    • Audio Research Reference 160 M
    On loan to me from a dealer friend.
    • Audio Research Reference 3SE Phono stage
    On loan from dealer friend for evaluation.
    • Nessie Record Cleaner

Comments 62

ghd, I am so glad A'gon has finally gotten this feature back up and running. I recall you having made some nice comments regarding my modest system, and I thought I had returned the favor. If I did, it wasn't in this format.

You do have a wonderful system, those Sonus Faber Amati are gorgeous! The Audio Research components are beautiful as well, as is your room and listening partner!

Regards, and enjoy,


Thank you all. I appreciate your comments. I am really fortunate.


Nice stuff george...great house to have system as well.


Very, very nice systems. My guess 90% main


I would love to hear my Lascalas and subs in place of the SF. Equipment and room......fabulous. Congrats and enjoy !


Wow! I can only imagine how much fun it is to listen in this room

Appreciate your contributions on the forum.


Larry K – Tuberist


I’d pay money for a chance to hear this system.  Congrats on a monster rig.


Wonderful system! Congrats on creating it. Ever dipped into the world of subwoofers?


Forgot I had seen your system back in November.  It's fabulous!  If those speakers sound as good as they look...never change!  Stunning.


Lovely system and great dog friend you have there.


Thank you. It is a great system, I am very lucky. I remember hearing my first piece of Audio Research equipment in the mid-80’s after driving up to Phoenix from Tucson. It really stuck in my mind… just lucky as the decades moved by I was able to upgrade and quite by happenstance piece by piece added ARC components. The last component, theREF CD9se… just lifted the wholesystem to a new level. I have been fortunate in my retirement… the biggest upgrade of all time I was able to accomplish over the last few years.


That is one incredible system.  I’m a big audio research fan.  Have been for years. Just could never afford their tube gear.   Only could afford used from a friend I trust.  Audio Research 100.2 solid state amp.  LS 16 preamp.  Cd3 player. Thiel 2.3 speakers. VPI SCOUT JR. TT. 


Very impressive system!  I remember hearing Audio Research with some Sonu fabers and asking if tubes can deliver bass.

My sales guy smiled and said, let's play Depeche Mode Everything Counts and see if this can provide the same bass as a solid state amp.  I was shocked and awed - twice.  The sound was incredible and then when I realized the budget I realized it was something I could appreciate from a far.

By the way, glad your dog enjoys listening to music with you!


Thank’s HA. I had Transparent based on reviews before I could use them… my system was too harsh and they revealed too much. In my current system they definitely bested Cardas, WireWorld and a couple others I tried. I moved my amp last year and now these are too long. So, I will give Silversmith a try. The Transparent are so expensive, I have been holding off getting shorter ones. Thanks.

I am very happy with this DAC. I brought over a Berkeley Alpha 3 a few months ago for a couple weeks. I was expecting to be plunking down another $5k fir it. The difference was absolutely minuscule… tiny… I was really shocked how similar they sounded… but, the Audio Research was better… ever so slightly more musical. The Berkeley was ever so slightly more detailed… absolutely minuscule.. long careful listening sessions required to detect it. I tried a set of $17K Nordst interconnect… which at first blush sounded exactly the same as the Transparent… but after a while they were adding a touch more very musical detail… more than the Berkeley! 

Btw I had a Sim Moon 650D with the outboard 820S (separate component power supply). The ARC DAC is in a completely different category. I was not looking to change DACs, and my audio guy brought one over. I felt obligated to listen to it before I said no. Within 30 seconds I set him a message to tell him to order one. Then I had to figure out where I was going to get the money. I’m retired, money doesn’t grow on trees. But there was no way the ARC was going out of my system. 


PS, forgot to tell you, Wyred for sound also gives a 30-day trial.


You should also try the Wyred for sound 10th anniversary dac, one of the reviewers said it was as analog sounding as his Vpi turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge on it and another reviewer said it beat dacs from Chord, Berkeley, Bricasti, I have it and I agree it's the most analog sounding dac that I've had in my system, and I'll tell you what my system is, Sim audio p8 preamp, Sim audio w8 amp, esoteric P10 transport, monarchy audio up sampler, monitor audio platinum 200 Gen 2, interconnects are harmonic technology magic gen 3, digital cable is magic gen 3, the speaker wire is harmonic technology pro 9 SE gen 3, and the power cords are all harmonic technology pro 11, all the cables are OCC single crystal wire but I will be trying silversmith fidelium because Greg Weaver has OCC single Crystal speaker wire and he said this was better. my system is worth $60,000 Canadian.


The only thing you should change is the speaker cable those boxes screw up everything try the silversmith fidelium cables, Greg Weaver who's been a reviewer for over 40 years has a $600,000 system in this house and he said that this is the cable of the decade he put it up against his $18,000 speaker cable and he said this was better and he also has speaker cable from 6,000 to 11, 000 in his cable stable and he said it beat everything and he gave it his cable of the decade award he said he hasn't heard anything better out there and it's only $1,195 for 8 ft pair. and the company gives a 30-day trial period, check them out. Silversmith fidelium, go read the reviews.


Thank you for your comment. I’ll have a look. Harmonix… now that is a name I have not heard in a while. I have quite a pile of their interconnects in my storage room!


@ghdprentice, in regards to power cords; I urge you to look into HIJIRI “Takumi” Maestro power cord by Combak (aka Harmonix). They along with IC’s and speaker cables were the end game upgrade for me. PM me if you’re interested in no-obligation trial. Cheers!


Thank you both. The cartridge is a Koetsu Rosewood Signature.

Thank you Lalika. It has been a very long journey, most of the time not looking good, but sounding good in different ways, converging on this. It is particularly pleasing to have been able to make the last jump after retiring. I am now down to fiddling with power cords.

I am really happy that in this iteration streaming is as fulfilling and at the audiophile level, opening up virtually all music to explore. Although I still like playing an album every day or so.


Love your system. What cartridge is on the Linn?


What a well thought out audio system and if I may say so, a perfect marriage of analog and digital components. I am contemplating my next upgrade over N20, can’t seem to decide between W20SE or Taiko SGM Extreme. BTW, I enjoy reading your posts!


So nice! Love to hear it. Dog looks like English Shepherd or Australian.


@bdp24 Yes... there are two minis. Photo 4 Lexie my audio dog and photo 9 Keira. These are our second pair. They are wonderful. Of each pair I have had one really smart and devoted one that loves listening to music with me and one each not so smart and really happy.


Is she an Australian Sheppard? I lost mine in 2012, miss him terribly.


Showing 26 - 50 of 62 posts