
Started my system in the about 1980 buying a Threshold 500 amp with my first loan. To power Acoustate 2+2... but unable to afford the speakers. Upgraded and learned audio over five decades to current system. I have love seat in listening position so one of my dogs can listen with me. She loves classical and jazz.

My current system reflects my values in sound. Specifically being warm, natural and musical. After spending about 20 years Listening to acoustical instruments when possible and attending hundreds of symphony concerts I finally figured out the difference between many systems that artificially accentuate detail and create excessive slam that compromise the integrity of the music. My system does not overly highlight the venue and mastering techniques but communicates the music and draws you in, as opposed to shouting at you.

For me, perfect.

Room Details

Dimensions: 35’ × 25’  X large
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research Reference 6SE Preamp
    • Audio Research Reference 3 Phono Stage
    • Audio Research Reference CD9se DAC / CD player
    • Audio Research Reference 160s Amp
    • Aurender WE20se Music Server
    • Sonus Faber Amati Traditional Speakers
    • Linn Audio LP12 close to Klimax
    • Transparent Ultra Gen 5 Speaker Cables and XLR Interconnects
    • Silent Running Audio Ohio ++2 Isolation platform for Linn LP 12
    • Audio Quest Hurricane
    Power cords for amp
    • Audio Research Reference 160 M
    On loan to me from a dealer friend.
    • Audio Research Reference 3SE Phono stage
    On loan from dealer friend for evaluation.
    • Nessie Record Cleaner

Comments 62

Thank you for your kind comments.


There’s not much I can say that hasn’t already been said in regards to your system. My hats off to you my friend. Awesome rig!


Excellent description of your sonic goals. Looking at the room, speakers and components, I can imagine you have succeeded.


Absolutely beautiful! Im jealous.


That home system is beautifully assembled. Your choices reflect deep knowledge, reflecting years of close listening, plus the amazing technical advances that we've seen in cables and the digital chain in the past decade. All of that said, what I like best about your stereo is the beautiful room and your super cute dog.


Deeply impressive systems!


Love your system, I bet it's smooth and buttery. If I were to start over I'd have most of the same pieces. Congratulations.


GHD, I really do admire your setup. Like you, I consider myself very lucky with my listening room. I had to move my wood stove to a side wall years ago, but what a difference that made, a near perfect listening room.

Sometimes, it's about the room, and not about the tens of thousands invested in your equipment, but of course, they both matter.

Well done, my good man! Regards,


Good looking dog!
Have a Sheltie who listens with us. 
Nice width in your room.
IMO it takes tubes to get the charm into a system. Hard to get it right but when your do!



Nice setup
Top notch 
My friend just upped the amp to mono with the ARC v-meters to go with his new top of the line vandersteen’s 

I have not heard the final setup , but, his buddy & my audio group,  says it’s really stepped up the sq. 

All ARC 
Prettiest of the audio manufacturers 



A perfect, beautiful system!!

Well done!


Thank you, for the kind comments. If you’re around Oregon, give me a holler.

@fleetowner123 Thank you. But I fooled around building my system for 45 years to get here. only over the last ten years did it come together. My systems were always ugly speakers and all different brands of components… then as I retired it came together in such a beautiful and homogeneous fashion. Which, really turned out to enhance the sound quality.


Wow. You ain’t fooling around!! Enjoy.


This system must sound amazing. Feel free to invite me over for a listen! :)


What a beutiful system. A dream.  I am very happy for you and the enjoyment your system gives you. You are blessed. It would be exciting to hear one like this.


Wow those are some big rooms.Nice systems.Youve been a busy guy doing it right looks like,enjoy!!!


I know you’ve put a lot of hard work in your system. It looks outstanding. I’m sure you’ve put a lot of hard work putting your system together. Thanks for posting. Warmest regards, Joe.


Beautiful, if you had to do it again what Sonus Fabre speakers would you buy now? Congratulations on a wonderful system and being content.


Beautiful system and awesome record collection! Congrats!


G H, I just re-read our last interaction, and I failed to respond to your comments re island living.

Where I've lived since 1971 is not exotic, but back in '71, it was quite rustic, which was exactly what I needed back in those days, after growing up in the greater Los Angeles area, smog so bad you couldn't make out the tops of the buildings in LA.

We moved into small cabin located on ten acres of forested land, learned to love the place, and after we lived there a bit over a year, with icycles hanging to the ground from the eaves, the place burned down to the ground due to a chimney fire.

The neighborhood put us up, and donated so much stuff, it wasn't long until we were back with a furnished home to live in, and clothes on our backs.

We decided this

 would be our home, and it still is, although not as rural as it was then, it's still a very quiet and comfortable place to live. 

Best regards, enjoy,





A beautiful room and system. Nice ARC stack!

Happy Listening!


A beautiful room and system. Nice ARC stack!

Happy Listening!


Very nice system.


Very nice indeed!


Thank you Dan. I appreciate your comments. After owning great performing, ugly speakers for decades… it is amazing to own wonderful sounding and beautiful speakers. Honestly, photos do not do them justice. The finish is flawless and the top coat gold translucent flecks that catch the light. Clearly icing on the cake.

Island Man? I fell in love with French Polynesia forty years ago. Been back a couple times. The Cook Island, Fiji, The Bahamas, st. Lucia, The Grenadines, Bonaire, and the Mosquito Islands off the coast of Honduras… is that the kind of islands you refer? I love SCUBA diving.


Showing 1 - 25 of 62 posts