
This is a collection of equipment (note how I dont call it a system!), the purpose of which was for me to sample as much as possible prior to settling down to equipment I can use in a final room I am building with Rives. Needless to say, I ended up getting deeper and deeper in this, learning that reviews are typically falwed because (i) reviewers have specific motives, (ii) they dont generally have very good systems, and (iii) no system is perfect and therefore personal preferences matter a lot.

The room is by no means great but it is custom designed and measured. It works quite well, even though these speakers need more room to breathe.

Happy to answer questions about my experience with all this equipment, all of which is quite excellent in its own way. I have some on order which I will add when the time comes.

Other equipment I have owned include:

-Tenor 300hp

-MBL 9011 monos

-MBL 6010D preamp

-VTL 7.5 mk i and ii

-Audio Research Ref 3 preamp

-BAT 75se


UPDATE: Moved to new room, much more spacious and finally allowing me to sit within the prescribed distance for driver integration. Also, I cleaned up somewhat the amp list: I now use the Wavac 833 mkii (4 box) and for solid state the Class A Gryphon Colosseum Solos. Added to the preamps is the Soulution. All cables are Jorma Prime including an 8m length xlr. Power cords being changed all to Valhalla. Here you also see an attempt to test the continuum turntable through a wavac phono. The sound of the system has ameliorated appreciably and it is now starting to be a system after all. Very happy with it.

Components Toggle details

    • Accuphase DP800
    SACD Transport
    • Accuphase DC801
    Precision DAC
    • Wavac PRT1
    Linestage preamp
    • Krell Two
    4 box preamplifier
    • Vitus Audio SL101
    SS Preamplifier
    • Gryphon Mirage
    • Lyra Connoisseur 4.2L
    • DartZeel Preamplifier
    Solid State
    • EMM Labs CDSA
    SACD Player
    • Accuphase DG38
    Digital Equalizer
    • Kaleidescape Hard Disk Server
    CD/DVD Player
    • Vitus Audio SM 101
    Class A Amplifier
    • Goldmund Telos 2500
    Mono Amplifiers
    • Krell One
    Class A Amplifiers
    • FM Acoustics Resolution 411
    Stereo Amplifier
    • WAVAC HE 833 v 1.3
    150W SET Amplifiers
    • DartZeel Model B
    Stereo Amplifier
    • Nordost Valhalla
    XLRs and Speaker Cables
    • Jorma Prime
    XLRs and Speaker Cables
    • Isoclean Various
    Conditioners and Tranformers
    • Finite Elemente Master Reference
    • Gryphon Poseidon
    4 Tower Speakers
    • Escalante Freemont
    • Velodyne DD 18
    Self Powered Sub
    • Gryphon Mirage
    • Gryphon Colosseum Solo
    • DCS Scarlatti Clock, Upsampler, DAC
    • My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent BC
    with Lyra, MSL, Kondo stepups
    • Goldmund PH3 Phono
    • Jorma Prime
    XLR, Power, RCAs
    • Nordost Odin
    • Apple MacBook Pro 15
    Hi Res audio
    • Burmester Audio 948
    Power Conditioner Also Isoclean, PS Audio, Purepower and Isotek

Comments 321

How would you compare the Krell Evolution two with the Dartzeel 18NS, and the VTL 7.5 series 3 (or 2)? Your comments would be greatly appreciated since these are the three preamps I am considering, but I have not been able to hear the Krell Evolution two.

Thanks in advance!


my audition looks like late october/early november when the Vitus will also be in so I ll wait until then before I write much else about it.

I hope you will take time to write about your experience and impressions. I may well have questions about the test once you have a decision.


Thanks Albertporter, good to know there are other nuts like me out there! Only way to really know is to have them at home in your audition looks like late october/early november when the Vitus will also be in so I ll wait until then before I write much else about it.


I would love to hear their Aelius monoblocks in my system someday...I really liked what I heard at CES but agree with Mihalis that in room demo is best...


Room, other equipment etc make such a big difference, I find, that I d rather wait for some demo pieces at home.
My home demo occurred after selling my Aesthetix Io and Callisto Eclipse with the intention to replace them with same, but in the original chassis metalwork.

I thought as long as I was doing the test I would gather as many pieces as I could get. In the test was Aesthetix Io and Callisto Eclipse, The Messenger, Allnic, Einstein The Tube, Einstein Turntable Choice and fresh memory from having a couple of other pieces in from weeks before.

Bottom line is the Ypsilon was judged best by about half of all the members in my audio group and what I purchased got the nod by the others.

I'd like to hear the Ypsilon again, now that my system has moved up to where it is. It's the only piece of equipment I've had in the last decade that still tempts me.


Not really. I had a good experience with the equipment in their main factory/store in Athens but unless and until I hear it in my system I won't be able to express any opinion. Room, other equipment etc make such a big difference, I find, that I d rather wait for some demo pieces at home.


Mihalis quote
Albertporter, care to elaborate?

I thought I did a pretty good job already. Ypsilon is state of the art. DId you have a different experience?


Albertporter, care to elaborate?


I had the Ypsilon PST-100, VPS-100 and MC-16 step up in my system for evaluation. It was awhile back and my understanding it there have been some minor upgrades since then.

In any case the sound I had during that evaluation is among the top two or three pieces of electronics I've ever heard.


Looking forward to your remarks pertaining to Ypsilon, Mihalis.



Haha, it is the VITUS master reference, not the VIRUS!


Hi Outlier. I agree with your comments. I would certainly also confirm that Rockport is a very serious, low key manufacturer of some of the truly best sounding speakers in the world. They were never subject to the fads and their products are quietly respected by their peers as some of the best.

I will soon write more about the following which you might find interesting:
-my take on the virus master reference pre and phono (which is on its way after a week of listening)
-potentially my take on the Ypsilon products: I met the manufacturer and expect home audition (I will of course be biased as I am greek!)
-and maybe some ideas that came out of dinners or discussions with some of the designers of the companies mentioned in this post including of the equipment I own

I also look forward to taking some pics of the new room in concrete shell and share some of the experiences and frustrations of building it.

If only we had more time!


Armalex, Gryphon's specs uncharacteristically prefer the base towers to be inside. When in a larger room we will try both options. However in this room I get a better result this way because it enables me to keep the high towers far enough from sidewalls, a consideration that is more important.


Wonderful system, Mihalis.

I was at the Rocky Moutain Audiofest a few years back, and the two systems that struck me the most included Gryphon and Wavac equipment. Would you believe I didn't even make it into the Wavac room (Playhing Lansche speakers, which have an ion tweeter) because the room was so crowded, yet the sound from the door was so etherial that is struck me as among the best at the show; I've been drawn to try Wavac and Lansche gear since - some day..

The Gryphon rooms (with Mikado and Diablo, mated to Rockport speakers) were a particular treat. Both rooms were of identical size, with same equipment differening only in application (vs. absense of) passive Rives Audio room treatments. The difference was night and day, and I thought the first system, without treatments, was damn good. The Rives active room correction was available but turned off and deemed unnecessary for the particular room/applicaiton. Again, the Rockport and Gryphon gear stood out. From the few hundred rooms I tried, these two rooms stood out for me.


Not a very respectful post to put in someone's system thread Armalex.


By collecting expensive equipment you can't get good sound.
You can just impress .... people like yourself.
Move base towers outside of mid high.


Dude, your INSANE! In a good way.:-)


Bigby, I think someone else may have asked this earlier. It is funny. It is the back of an absorber, which is the same you can see in the first room. In the new room it sounded better when we turned them around. Measurements confirmed. That is because I had purchased these for room 1 and they were unnecessary for room 2.
No, the Rives room is in a house that is not yet complete and it is a 1,100 ft dedicated room with 12-13ft ceilings, fully designed, with proper electrical lines which dont go through the house, properly designed ceilings, isolated aircon, etc etc. The speakers need big rooms to breathe.


In your new room 1 picture, what are the 2 boxes with black dots that are on the sides of the diffusor in the center of the room?

Also, is your new room, the one that Rives designed?


Hi. The Continuum has been a journey with various issues etc but at the end of the day the company produces an amazingly sounding product. I am not a fan of the price but I am a fan of the product, their service, etc.

Yes, I have a good sense of the differences since I used the 833 1.3 and next model up in the exact same system. I think the 1.3 is the best value for money in their range and I would definitely recommend it over spending a ton of money until you are sure this is the direction you are going. The dynamics, character and transparency are similar. The separate power supplies though (and different materials used in the design of the main module also) do lead to some audible improvements. Mostly in transparency and detail. The micro dynamics are superior. I actually did not expect such a gap because the 1.3 had already beaten (in overall terms) pretty much all other amps I had tried at home. But the transparency of the bigger brother is stunning and contributes greatly to the outcome. Power is the same though, as far as I can read or hear, and the 1.3 is such a bargain used that I would recommend it. the 1.3 is a significant improvement over the 833 given the higher power output, so I would recommend that model as the right balance. I am intrigued to hear the very big model but cant tolerate price or number of black boxes!


Hi Mihalis
Some serious equipment you have , I am interested in your views on how good/ what was the difference the Wavac 833 1.3
compared to the next 833 with seperate power supply ?
Also did you do a comparison using them with the prt1 and the lrx2 wavac phono. so you get a direct comparison, 1.3 amps compared to the next amp up the ladder ?
I have the prt1 and the lrx2 in my own system and I am considering the 833 1.3.
I think you have made an expensive mistake on the continum it has a good sound but way over priced for what it is .
take a look at these turntables and stands on this website click on gallery and watch slide show. regards Steve.


Very interesting Frankpiet. I am often suspicious of speakers combining various types of drivers and although I very much like ribbons I often find that I notice them. Sounds like AAD has integrated them well? 8ohm nominal, I see, but 86db. Easy to drive?

I have not even broken in the minis because the reality is that they dont compare to the much more expensive full range poseidons. But when I do use them, it is always with a Torus sub. I appreciate what the minis do but I need full range...


Mihalis: reading this blog very carefully I can fully understand your thoughts on a proper secondary system for small rooms. I have setteled with Dartzeel CTH-8550 and Wadia S7i and AAD 7001i monitor speakers - which I vastly prefer to the Mini´s (which I swapped out after a month). If you get a chance to listen to the AAD´s you probably will second my opinion. The Mini´s are great - but the AAD´s are even better (tighter, deeper and richer bass, more transparent, faster and easier to drive). Otherwise: a fantastic main system you have got!!



The initial outlay for a quality R2R deck isn't great relative to a vinyl rig; however, one should be committed to its care, maintenance, and feeding for consistent and reliable sonic results.

Okay, I've done the best I can, so the fewer the analogue tape corps -- the more tapes for me...LOL ;-)



You gents are pointing out the main reason I tend to focus on high sensitivity and easy to drive speakers: there are many great amps out there which are not producing tons of power. In fact, one would probably argue that the better amps out there tend to have power limitations since it is truly very difficult, expensive and in some designs not possible to produce the quality of signal at very high tolerances.

C1ferrari, indeed that is missing from the system!! Some swear by then in terms of quality. I am not sure the low availability of recordings merits this as a real life choice but then again which of this is "real life" anyway!


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