
The speakers are set up in roughly a 3m equilateral triangle with the listening position. The toe-in is such that I can just see the inside flank of each speaker.
This picture is as of December 2021.

Room Details

Dimensions: 14’ × 23’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Speakers: Odeon Audio No. 33
    • Amplifier: First Watt SIT-3
    • Phono Preamplifier: Thomas Mayer D3a Phono Preamplifier
    • Line Preamplifier: Thomas Mayer 10Y Line Preamplifier
    • Streaming DAC: Brinkmann Nyquist MKII
    Please see the details of "Network components" for information related to streaming from TIDAL HiFi.
    • Network components: Please toggle for details.
    TIDAL HiFi >
    Wifi Mesh access point with linear power supply >
    UpTone Audio EtherREGEN with linear power supply >
    D-link DGS105 network switch with linear power supply >
    D-link DGS105 network switch with linear power supply >
    D-link DGS105 network switch with linear power supply >
    Network Acoustics "ENO Ethernet Filter Ag > 
    Brinkmann "Nyquist Mk II" Streaming DAC

    Cables are:
    Network Acoustics "ENO Streaming Cable Ag" (1 cable)
    Triode Wire Labs "Freedom" Ethernet cable (1 cable)
    Premium Belden 1303E CATSNAKE Cat6a Ethernet Network Cable (all the rest of my cables)

    • Turntable: Reed Muse 3C
    White finish.
    I've experimented with both drive systems and I'm using the friction drive rather than the belt drive. 
    I've replaced the stock power supply with a linear power supply.
    Tone Arm/Phono Cable: Cardas 34 AWG Clear
    • Tonearm: Airtangent 1b
    I've tried and owned a number of top pivoting tonearms, including those from Reed and Schröder, but I prefer the AT by a wide margin.
    • Cartridge: Etsuro Urushi Cobalt Blue
    • Distributed subwoofer system: AudioKinesis Swarm Subwoofer System
    4 walnut subs; 2 amplifiers.
    • Supertweeters: Townshend Audio Maximum Supertweeters
    2 pairs.
    One pair facing downward to the corners of the front wall and the other pair facing downward to the corners of the rear wall.
    • Cables: Mogami
    Volex 17504 power cords.

    • Power Treatment: Akiko Audio Corelli
    • Room Treatment: Stein Music E-Pads
    -on the many floor-to-ceiling windows that form the left wall of the room.
    • Record treatment: Stein Music DE3 LP Conditioner
    • Record and stylus treatment: Keith Monks, The Archivist
    Stylus cleaning: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

Comments 198

Wow! So many responses. For some reason, I don't think my system is fully searchable in Audiogon. When I search the name of the system or some of my components in 'virtual systems', I don't get a hit. Anyway...

The red wall behind the system: I'd like to say that it was designed for its acoustic properties but the truth is that I hired an artist/cabinet maker to make a beautiful wall that I can look at while I listen to music. I suspect that would helps with the sound but that's about it for practical things. The big rectangle in the middle slides to one side, hiding my TV. There are 2 tracks of LCD lights at the top (hidden by the valance) but I never use these. The wall, as you see it in the picture is lit by 5 track lights.


Hi Exlibris,
I have to tell you that I am really impressed by your amplifier's builder Thomas Mayer. I've been reading his blog (Vinyl Savor) recently and find his projects and perspectives very intriguing. I'm guessing that his creations sound superb! I find sites like his interesting, candid and quite informative. I've lost a lot of interest in the Stereophile and Absolute Sound over the past years(use to love them in the distant past). They continually praise and rave about productions that I've found to be disappointing and underwhelming once heard personally.
I suspect that your amp/ system sounds beautifully natural and right.


Hi Exlibris, I second Albert's reaction and I, too, would like to know more about the wood on the front wall (just beautiful). Was it designed with your system in mind?


I'm embarrassed I have not seen and commented on this system before. Very beautiful set up, LOVE the wood behind the system. Is there a designed acoustic plan in all the layers?

I always stop and speak with the Audio Note people at shows, it's a room that's always comfortable to sit and listen to the music.


very nicely done. Love how you have your Stein harmonizer boxes 'hidden' in your room treatment panels. The blue stars on your speakers don't look bad at all. Love how beautifully your room is balanced, and serves function and aesthetics. wood floors, great rug, and everything neat and tiddy. I must imagine that you have tremendous sound stage and depth, and great air and detail. totally jeolous.
Enjoy, and thanks for sharing your photos, as well as helping your fellow 'Goners with great advice and help.
Best for the holiday! Bob


Congrats on your new system, feature wall in the back looks great.

Care to share more info in relation to the back wall - I know in the past you have done research.


System edited: Picture added. Finally.


System edited: Added Crimson cables.


Holger Stein says that the blue diamond on the ceiling is the most important one and I have no reason to doubt him. What I can say is that putting a blue diamond on top of each of my speakers made a very big and very positive change in my room. I was hesitant to put them there just because of the looks. I was hoping the difference they made would be minimal so that I wouldn't have to use them and I'd save some money. Alas, they really work.

And I promise to post some pictures. The issue right now is that my AN M6 Phono is in the shop. The pictures would show an M2 which I have as a loaner.


Took your advice and now have 2 pair go the harmonizers, and love the improvement. I have 10 stones and 2 black stars. Do I need the blue stars that go top of the speakers, and the star for the ceiling. I have a slopped/pitched ceiling around 14' high. Next step will be still point footers, and tweaks to digital playback.
Please post some pictures of your rig. Words of course are good, but photos enhance.
Thanks, bob


System edited: Added a third pair of Stein Harmonizers.


System edited: Added Audio Note ISIS power cords.


System edited: Sistrum SP-003 platforms and Logosound isolation feet are out. Steinmusic Super Naturals Signature are in.


You're welcome. I hope they have the same effect in your space. I'm going to be trying out a 3rd pair of Harmonizers.
The manual will include a drawing showing you were to place everything in the room. I've found that the Harmonizers work best when they are as close to a corner as you can get them.


Thanks for posting your experience with Steinmusic harmonizer. I called a local dealer; and he is offering me a in home trial. Unfortunately I'm not able to demo them until after Labor day; so I will wait; and share my thoughts once I get them. Thank you for your recommendation; and I only hope I also hear the positive benefits that you experienced. I will also try their speaker bullets as well. I think solving the room is the hardest part of our hobby, with proper cable selection being the second hardest.. The gear and hardware work themselves out as one prefers...
more later; and thanks again for your observations and post.


System edited: Added a pair of Steinmusic Speaker Match. I compared these to the Speaker Match Plus and in my current configuration preferred this cheaper model. When I put the Speaker Match in I didn’t hear much of a difference other than the mid-bass to low midrange becoming better defined and more energetic. It was only when I remove them that I really found out what they were doing. With them in everything sounds more natural and right. They remove a tizzy sort of energy that I didn’t even know was there. Everything sounds more relaxed and flows along. Without them the system sounds thinner and less substantial.


I'd love to have a chance to try his preamplifiers. Maybe one day...


Very interesting regarding the driver stage of your amp. Thomas Mayer told you the same thing my amp`s builder(Israel Bloom) said to me. He uses the 6em7 tube rather than a 6sn7 as the driver. He says it provides much more voltage swing/current,more than the 300b output tube would need. The surplus/headroom factor at work.You chose an excellent amplifier builder.


Thomas Mayer says that one of the reasons this amp is so powerful and effortless sounding is because his designs have huge headroom. The driver stage can deliver much more signal swing than is actually needed to drive the output tube to full power. The output tube clips way before all other stages come near to being stressed and this is achieved by headroom in all preceding stages. I've had many amps with much larger output power simply collapse (the soundstage gets thin, anemic, small, and two-dimensional) on crescendos and peaks where this one sails along.


That is really an excellent report. As Charles 1 says---Speaks highly about about the design/build of your amp. It also speaks to the clarity and diverse nature of the AN-Es. I can imagine how good it sounds and imagine how surprised you must have been the first time you hooked it up and heard such music coming from only 2 watts. Congratulations.
I am hoping to hear a 2a3 or 45 amp in my listening room sometime. I may have to build a little 2 watt "Spud" amp and see what it can do with the E's.


That is really an excellent report. As Charles 1 says---Speaks highly about about the design/build of your amp. It also speaks to the clarity and diverse nature of the AN-Es. I can imagine how good it sounds and imagine how surprised you must have been the first time you hooked it up and heard such music coming from only 2 watts. Congratulations.
I am hoping to hear a 2a3 or 45 amp in my listening room sometime. I may have to build a little 2 watt "Spud" amp and see what it can do with the E's.


If this 2 watt 45 SET amp betters your prior 18 watt 211 amp it must have one heck of a power supply and transformers.


Thank you; the sound is very natural and emotional involving. The transformers are copper.


Congratulations Exlibris.
That amplifier appears to be built to an exceptionally high standard(I like the looks also).Your system must sound very natural and emotionally involving.Is your SET amp fitted with copper or silver transformers?


The amp is absolutely incredible. I wasn't prepared for such a huge, alive, dynamic, and immediate presentation. The tone is beautiful - I can't believe there is so much nuance and emotion that I was missing from an amplified guitar (for instance). It conveys emotion without sounding romantic. It is sweet but it isn't soft or slow. It is the most powerful-sounding amp that I have heard with my speakers and that includes the 18 watt Audio Note Jinro using 211s and a 20 watt Mastersound PSE 300B monoblocks. It is also very linear with great extension at the frequency extremes. And having lived with 300Bs for many many years I can say that it doesn't give up anything in midrange.
Though it is only 2 watts I think the amp is really over-built with large Tango transformers throughout (including interstage transformers).Thomas Mayer 45
I'm not sure how other 45 amps would do with my speakers but I have read good things about the Yamamoto 45 with AN-E/HEs.


Showing 151 - 175 of 198 posts