
The speakers are set up in roughly a 3m equilateral triangle with the listening position. The toe-in is such that I can just see the inside flank of each speaker.
This picture is as of December 2021.

Room Details

Dimensions: 14’ × 23’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Speakers: Odeon Audio No. 33
    • Amplifier: First Watt SIT-3
    • Phono Preamplifier: Thomas Mayer D3a Phono Preamplifier
    • Line Preamplifier: Thomas Mayer 10Y Line Preamplifier
    • Streaming DAC: Brinkmann Nyquist MKII
    Please see the details of "Network components" for information related to streaming from TIDAL HiFi.
    • Network components: Please toggle for details.
    TIDAL HiFi >
    Wifi Mesh access point with linear power supply >
    UpTone Audio EtherREGEN with linear power supply >
    D-link DGS105 network switch with linear power supply >
    D-link DGS105 network switch with linear power supply >
    D-link DGS105 network switch with linear power supply >
    Network Acoustics "ENO Ethernet Filter Ag > 
    Brinkmann "Nyquist Mk II" Streaming DAC

    Cables are:
    Network Acoustics "ENO Streaming Cable Ag" (1 cable)
    Triode Wire Labs "Freedom" Ethernet cable (1 cable)
    Premium Belden 1303E CATSNAKE Cat6a Ethernet Network Cable (all the rest of my cables)

    • Turntable: Reed Muse 3C
    White finish.
    I've experimented with both drive systems and I'm using the friction drive rather than the belt drive. 
    I've replaced the stock power supply with a linear power supply.
    Tone Arm/Phono Cable: Cardas 34 AWG Clear
    • Tonearm: Airtangent 1b
    I've tried and owned a number of top pivoting tonearms, including those from Reed and Schröder, but I prefer the AT by a wide margin.
    • Cartridge: Etsuro Urushi Cobalt Blue
    • Distributed subwoofer system: AudioKinesis Swarm Subwoofer System
    4 walnut subs; 2 amplifiers.
    • Supertweeters: Townshend Audio Maximum Supertweeters
    2 pairs.
    One pair facing downward to the corners of the front wall and the other pair facing downward to the corners of the rear wall.
    • Cables: Mogami
    Volex 17504 power cords.

    • Power Treatment: Akiko Audio Corelli
    • Room Treatment: Stein Music E-Pads
    -on the many floor-to-ceiling windows that form the left wall of the room.
    • Record treatment: Stein Music DE3 LP Conditioner
    • Record and stylus treatment: Keith Monks, The Archivist
    Stylus cleaning: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

Comments 198

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I too have been intriqued by the positive comments of adding a grounding station, to help remove grunge, and provide quieter backgrounds and deeper sound stages.
How long have you had your Entreq system inplace, and how has it improved your sound quality? Do you feel its a worthwhile, and critical investment to help finalize
'tweaks' and allow us to 'enjoy the music'?


Why did you purchase a unshielded PC? Not sure of the differences between shielded, and non shielded cords, except I thought with all the gear and cords in the back of our racks, that a shielded cord might perform better and block out some noise. I will try to sample one of your new cords and report back. Like their pricing, and love your room...great photos and beautifully done. Kudos!


very nicely done. Love how you have your Stein harmonizer boxes 'hidden' in your room treatment panels. The blue stars on your speakers don't look bad at all. Love how beautifully your room is balanced, and serves function and aesthetics. wood floors, great rug, and everything neat and tiddy. I must imagine that you have tremendous sound stage and depth, and great air and detail. totally jeolous.
Enjoy, and thanks for sharing your photos, as well as helping your fellow 'Goners with great advice and help.
Best for the holiday! Bob


Took your advice and now have 2 pair go the harmonizers, and love the improvement. I have 10 stones and 2 black stars. Do I need the blue stars that go top of the speakers, and the star for the ceiling. I have a slopped/pitched ceiling around 14' high. Next step will be still point footers, and tweaks to digital playback.
Please post some pictures of your rig. Words of course are good, but photos enhance.
Thanks, bob


Thanks for posting your experience with Steinmusic harmonizer. I called a local dealer; and he is offering me a in home trial. Unfortunately I'm not able to demo them until after Labor day; so I will wait; and share my thoughts once I get them. Thank you for your recommendation; and I only hope I also hear the positive benefits that you experienced. I will also try their speaker bullets as well. I think solving the room is the hardest part of our hobby, with proper cable selection being the second hardest.. The gear and hardware work themselves out as one prefers...
more later; and thanks again for your observations and post.


Have you had a chance to evaluate the changes and/or improvements to sound stage, etc with the Steinmusic system? Did you consider other room treatments set ups, such as SR Art system, or High Res Novum accoustic resonator. Reason I ask; is I'd like to dabble in that pond; but not sure which direction to start with; and many of these devices fully loaded are around $ to learn from your thoughts and experience if possible.
Thanks. Hope they are producing the benefit you are seeking.
