
It’s time to stop… :))

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    • Techdas Air Force III Premium
    • Air Tight Opus1
    • Kuzma 4POINT
    • Aesthetix IO Eclipse
    • Aurender N30SA
    • Lampizator Golden Gate 2
    • CH Precision L1 - Dual Monaural Line stage
    • Gryphon Mephisto Stereo
    • Wilson Audio Sasha DAW
    • Kubala Sosna Elation RCA
    • Shunyata Research Hydra Triton V2
    Reference power distributor and filter

Comments 37

Hi Erndog,
How are your Dragons working out with the Total Eclipses? That seems like quite a nice combination. I do very fine driving mine with the 8 watt Frankenstein. I originally used a 100 watt PP tube amp with these speakers.


Aziz, Thanks for the info. I'm a big Coincident fan myself with the Dragons and Total Eclipse II speakers. I would love to hear the BP's at some point. The right tubes can make all the difference.


Dminches has owned both the Elyse and Lampizator L7. You can ask him for his opinion if necessary....


Dan is running the Elyse at the shows now. That would be the best opportunity to hear it, in addition to his new tube amp prototypes.


I'm very familiar(many listening hours) with the Mod Wright modified Oppo 105 and Sony. If the Elyse is a step above those per Dan, that's a true compliment/endorsement. Andrew mentions the Lampizator Golden Gate. No doubt it's superb but now you're in an entirely different price realm. Aziz it'd be ideal if you could hear/audition these various contenders in your system. Your system is most certainly capable of sorting them all out sonically.


Hi Erndog,

I have compared Frankenstein to 2 BP models: SE300B and S20EXD. SE300B is the least expensive model with one external power supply, S20EXD is the parallel single-ended model, dual mono with 2 external PS.
Most of the comparison was done with SE300B.

I spent several weeks trying to hear the difference between BP and Coincident. Initially, it seemed that BP were more delicate and lacked bass compared to Franks. After several weeks I realized that BP sound just a little bit cleaner. Anyway, I kept switching back and forth, in some cases I could not hear any difference at all, very frustrating. Finally, I called Dmarkov, the guy who kindly gave me all these amplifiers to audition, and told him that I am ready to order Frankenstein just because it's cheaper. He said we should have one final listening session together before I make a decision.

So, he came with a pair of Takatsukis and that was the deciding moment. With Takatsuki tubes it was just easier to hear the difference, I could hear more details with BP, it was like listening to slightly better recording.

In the end, I ordered BP S10, but I am still amazed at the fact that two different amplifiers can sound so close. I could easily live with the Franks, they are great amplifiers and a real bargain.



Abedirov, This looks like a wonderful system. I too benefited from Charles comments, first regarding the statement line stage, but ultimately resulting in an all Coincident system with ModWright sources. If you are considering a DAC upgrade, you may wish to consider the new ModWright Elyse. I have not had an opportunity to hear it first hand, but from what I read it is quite special. I have found that I can trust Dan Wright's ears just as I can Israel Blume's. I own both the ModWright Sony 5400 and the ModWright Sony HAPZ1. They are both very, very, good, and Dan Wright says the Elyse is the best digital to come out of his shop.


Get a Lampizator GG and some Rhythm platforms. Call it a day....


Hi Abe,
Can you tell us more details about your comparison between these two fabulous amps?



I really enjoy the Frankenstein MK II but it isn't the only excellent amplifier out there. I have heard /read nothing but praise in regard to the Border Patrol amplifiers. I'm sure I'd love what they can do just as you've happily discovered. There are some superb SET amplifiers(and non SET as well) available for us music lovers to consider. I can imagine the Coincident Line stage mates very well with your BP SET amplifier. Those amps come with some major power supplies.


Thank you for the kind words. Your numerous posts on Coincident gear really helped me to make the right choices. By the way, I wanted to build an all Coincident system and spent over a month comparing Frankensteins with Border Patrol amplifiers. It is amazing, how two different amplifiers can sound so close. In the end, I went with BP, but it was a very hard choice to make, the difference was only audible with Takatsuki tubes. Franks are really wonderful amplifiers.


You have put together a very fine system. I hope you are able to relax and just enjoy beautiful music reproduction. Let this system serve the music.


Showing 26 - 37 of 37 posts