
It’s time to stop… :))

Components Toggle details

    • Techdas Air Force III Premium
    • Air Tight Opus1
    • Kuzma 4POINT
    • Aesthetix IO Eclipse
    • Aurender N30SA
    • Lampizator Golden Gate 2
    • CH Precision L1 - Dual Monaural Line stage
    • Gryphon Mephisto Stereo
    • Wilson Audio Sasha DAW
    • Kubala Sosna Elation RCA
    • Shunyata Research Hydra Triton V2
    Reference power distributor and filter

Comments 37

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Abedivrov, let your ears always be the final judge. You didn't build your system for another person's bias.


Charles, the Franks have 1.5 A fuses. My 1000WPC Cary SS amps had 8 amp fuses. The difference in current demand is huge. Some of the guys who have big pure Class A SS amps have to take out a second mortgage to pay the power bill.


Abedirov, I have my Coincident Frankensteins plugged into a PS Audio P10 conditioner. The P10 tells me that the quality of AC coming in through my dedicated 20 A circuits is pretty good, and it also tells me that the power consumed by my entire system consumes only 22% of the P10 power capacity. I would say in my case, improvement in sound vs. having the amps plugged into the wall is subtle. I am more interested in surge protection and regulation of the incoming voltage which can run a bit on the high side here.

I think you are correct. The relatively low current draw of SET amps makes the use of power conditioners much more feasible.


Dan is running the Elyse at the shows now. That would be the best opportunity to hear it, in addition to his new tube amp prototypes.


Abedirov, This looks like a wonderful system. I too benefited from Charles comments, first regarding the statement line stage, but ultimately resulting in an all Coincident system with ModWright sources. If you are considering a DAC upgrade, you may wish to consider the new ModWright Elyse. I have not had an opportunity to hear it first hand, but from what I read it is quite special. I have found that I can trust Dan Wright's ears just as I can Israel Blume's. I own both the ModWright Sony 5400 and the ModWright Sony HAPZ1. They are both very, very, good, and Dan Wright says the Elyse is the best digital to come out of his shop.
