
It’s time to stop… :))

Components Toggle details

    • Techdas Air Force III Premium
    • Air Tight Opus1
    • Kuzma 4POINT
    • Aesthetix IO Eclipse
    • Aurender N30SA
    • Lampizator Golden Gate 2
    • CH Precision L1 - Dual Monaural Line stage
    • Gryphon Mephisto Stereo
    • Wilson Audio Sasha DAW
    • Kubala Sosna Elation RCA
    • Shunyata Research Hydra Triton V2
    Reference power distributor and filter

Comments 37

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Hi Aziz,
I have a couple questions for you.  I recently changed out my Coincident Dragons to a Border Patrol SE300B EXD to drive my Coincident speakers and found it to be a significant upgrade in every way possible.  I'm now an SET convert and there is no going back.

I wanted get your opinion about the differences you heard when you demoed the BP SE300B vs your current BP S10 EXD?  I'm sure it was a significant upgrade because of the EXD upgrade plus getting another power supply added to the mix.  I'd like to hear more about the details of this upgrade.

Also the difference you heard when you use the Star Sound amp stands for you BP?



I just moved into a new home a month ago so my rig is in a state of transition right now. I'm just now putting more energy into getting things dialed back in by adjusting tubes, IC's, and I have not even started with speaker positioning yet. I use Jim Smith's technique in his book for speaker positioning.

Generally speaking, the dragons and TE II's are a match made in heaven. I've never heard bass this tuneful before. I'm a bass connoisseur, and plan on getting a pair of subs (JL Audio E-12's) to really flesh out the lowest bass octaves.

I'm also interested in hearing how the TE II's sound with a VAC Phi 200 and a Pass Labs XA30.8 amp. I used to have the XA30.5 but I always heard an exaggerated bass with them so I sold them. I've had my Dragons for 2 years now and will see how it holds up with these other two excellent amps. For a pre, I'm using the Melody 101d, which is my last pre I'll ever need to buy. The source is a Salk streamer and MHDT Stockholm tube dac, which I'm also happy with. I would love to hear a Yamamoto dac and hear how it compares to my modded Stockholm.



Aziz, Thanks for the info. I'm a big Coincident fan myself with the Dragons and Total Eclipse II speakers. I would love to hear the BP's at some point. The right tubes can make all the difference.


Hi Abe,
Can you tell us more details about your comparison between these two fabulous amps?

