
After using Krell Amps, Mark Levinson Amps, B&W Matrix 800 Loudspeakers, Avalon Eidolon Diamonds and several others i fell in love with the Wilson Sound when i heard Wilson Grand Slamm's with Audio Research Amps at my dealer.

I could not believe what i was hearing the sound actually sounded real. I purchased the Grand Slamm's on the spot but have since upgraded to Alexandria's.

Now upgraded to Audio Note Dac 5 Signature.

2012 upgraded to Gryphon Mephisto Pure Class A Mono's weighing 240lbs each and Audio Research Reference Anniversary Pre-Amp.

Components Toggle details

    • Metronome Kalista Ultimate SE
    Top of the range CD Transport Beautiful Sound
    • Wilson Audio Alexandria
    Full range Loudspeaker
    • Gryphon Mephisto
    Mono 200 watts per channel Pure Class A
    • Audio Research Reference Anniversary
    All ARC know about Pre-Amps
    • Aesthetix IO-Signature Phono Stage 2 Box
    All out assault with separate power supply
    • Audio Note DAC 5 Signature
    Tube Dac-No Analogue Filtering
    • Clearaudio MasterReference
    Classic Model from this Manufacturer
    • Burmester 948
    Based around the theory of removing DC from the Mains
    • Graham Engineering 2.2 Ceramic Tonearm
    Gold-Plated Traditional Style Arm
    • Clearaudio Goldfinger Cartridge
    Series 1
    • Nordost Valhalla Interconnect
    Smooth,open sound
    • Nordost Valhalla Speaker Cable
    Transparent,open sound
    • Yamaha Tuner TX-1000
    Top of the range

Comments 98

Oneobgyn... I cannot comment on WA, period. I enjoy being an Audiophile 1st and foremost and liked the interaction with these forums. But... there will always be people who have to use them as a forum to attack. I have given most of my working life to WA, which makes me a perfect target for others.

It is a shame but it is better for all if I am not involved. I also think it is important that I am honest about my business involments in the Audio world, having said that if I truly thought there was a better speaker I would be the 1st to say so. So I hope you understand, there is only going to be conflict with some of the members here.

I have watched Albert, Mike and yourself get attacked by so called Audiophiles. Their only motivation seems to be an unpleasant, sad jealously.

Hopefully Andy will build a system 5, our order has been placed. We have moved house and we have a very special room being built as we speak.


Hemisferik,Would you consider selling your DAC 5 Signature if so why would you sell it?
Oneobgyn,We are all sweating on your report after you receive your New Alexandria's!

bigpond is a shame that you no longer publish your room here on Audiogon for public viewing as it was without doubt one of the best rooms I have ever seen. I understand that had to do with your association with WA.


I agree with Hemispherik

Sonically there is absolutely no difference between an upgraded pair vs an original Series ll. The only difference is the glass back which is something that isn't seen anyway. An upgrade is $25K whereas new X-2 series ll are $155K. You do the math for a glass back that is never seen

Mine arrive Oct 22. Looking forward to finally getting them.

Hemispherik...I'm shocked you sold the Rockport...only thing now is to buy Andy's much rumored Sirius 5.


Family is good thanks, Rockport is gone, I am somewhat broken hearted.

I would upgrade not sell, IMHO, no difference sonically. In fact I prefer the sound with the "backs" off.

I have the DAC 5 Signature, with all upgrades you are looking for.....


Hey Hemisferik,
How are you? Have you sold your Rockport?
I think i will get to Series 2's at some stage by selling my pair and looking out for Genuine Series 2's not an upgraded pair.
Kind Regards


Maybe you should try that S2 upgrade?


Hi Microstrip,
Not that long ago in my home i briefly compared my Audio Note Dac & CEC CD Transport to a full Esoteric CD set-up and overwhelmingly preferred the Audio Note & CEC combination.
I just think the approach Audio Note use with their filtering (or lack of) suits my ears.
Will still listen to a CD7 as soon as convenient.
Kind Regards


I live in Portugal.
For some months I played with a Nagra CDP - a very detailed CD player, with more information than the CD7. The very low bass definition was better than that of the Audio Research. But in the long term I preferred the CD7 - more body and presence, music was more lifelike and richer. I listen a lot to chamber and ancient music, and with the CD7 I felt more like in a concert. So, a new CD7 had to come to my room!


Hi Microstrip,
Thank you for the kind words can't wait to see the pictures of your system when you post.What country do you live in?
Do you have any issues with your room size or are you resonably happy with it?
No i have not auditioned the CD7 as yet although i have read so many good reviews on it i will as soon as i can.
By the way why is it your second CD7??

Kind Regards


Great system. Curiously, although we live almost in the antipodes we share some common points in our systems – mainly the room size (3.9 x 9.3 x 2.4m, 13 x 31 x 8´ for our friends using the imperial system ), the black curtain hiding the RPG diffusers at the front wall, the Nordost valhallas and the Audio Research Ref-3. Did you have the opportunity of listening to the CD7? It is great match with Ref3, and after flirting with several more expensive players I am in my second CD7. The system also includes the new Sound Lab A1 PX and VTL750s – I will soon put pictures of it in Audiogon.


Well spotted i am obviously no good at converting from our measurements we use the metric system here you know.(Ha-Ha)
Actually 13 feet wide not 15 feet.I measure just under 8 feet from tweeter to tweeter with my listening position about 11 feet back.
With my room i am a bit restricted with how much i can play around with all this,although i am going to play around with some more traps myself at some stage.
I'm sure you have fantastic sound!!

Kind Regards



I am interested in your room size. Perhaps it was the lens used to take the photo but it seems narrower to me than 15 feet wide. What is your distance from tweeter to to tweeter and also the distance to your sitting position?

My room is 18 feet wide and 33 feet long. I measure 11 feet from tweeter to tweeter with my listening position 13 feet back and have found in my room that this gives me the best imaging and sound stage. My room however is very heavily trapped as you can see from my pictures here on Audiogon.


Mixed emotions packing up the ML3 as it was a revelation in listening. Truly the best amp that I have ever heard....a real masterpiece. Having said that I remain very happy with my ML 2.1 and look forward to finally getting the X-2 Series ll in my system on Oct 22.


Glad to see that you could tame the room issue. That TT looks serious as well. I will be getting one in the future but something that will be lower in price. We all have limitations :). Again, congrats on a great setup.


Mikeduke,Thank you for your kind words,Room size is an issue as it is only approximately 15 feet wide & 30 feet long.
Funnily enough when i upgraded from Grand Slamm's to Alexandria's i started to get a Bass Boom problem that was not present with the Grand Slamm's i assume this was due to the front port in the Woofer cabinet in the Alexandria but some corner traps have since fixed the problem.
I would prefer a larger room but do not particularly want a room separate to the house although i'm sure it has it's benefits.I like a very fast dynamic sound and Wilson has this in spades.


Oneobgyn,Huge price difference from Lamm ML2.1 to the ML 3
Reference,must have been exceptionally hard to pack up the 3's and return them.


Very nice indeed. I am just curious about you room size. Were they any placement issues? I have no doubt that with the equipment you have you are getting some great music.


Don't get me wrong. I too am a fan of the ARC sound. I had to install a 3rd dedicated AC for my sound room when I had the Ref 600 Mk lll's as they gave off so much heat with 31 tubes per amp. I heard the Lamm ML 2.1 at CES and was smitten. It is a keeper in my system. At 18 wpc pure Class A SET it is a big change from 600 wpc push-pull but these amps drive the X-2's with plenty of head room to spare. I was fortunate several months ago to have on loan from Vladimir his new ML 3 Reference, a 32 wpc SET with each side having its own power supply. Probably the best amp I have ever heard in my life and IMO the one against which all others will be judged. The only problem was its $139K MSRP.


No i have not heard the Lamm's,do not have easy access to all High-End equipment as i live in the Wonderful Land Down Under.I do intend to try and hear them as soon as i can!


Thanks. I too am looking forward to finally getting them

Have you had a chance to compare the ARC Ref 600 MK lll to the Lamm ML 2.1? The midrange with the Lamm leaves one breathless. The X-2 series ll as I understand it has used all new crossovers as well as different midrange drivers and a new tweeter. The midrange on the speaker has therefore been greatly improved and with the Lamm amps....well, I can't wait.


Thanks alot for your kind comments,I cannot wait to hear your reports on the new X-2's i am sure they will be worth the wait.


I love it...beautiful set up and in Ferrari Red. I also use Valhalla speaker cable, IC's and power cords and prior to my Lamm ML 2.1's was driving my X-2's with ARC Ref 600 Mk lll's, so I can say I honestly know what you are hearing. I too have the ARC Ref 3 and feel it to be the best preamp I have ever owned. There may be other great ones out there but none do to my ears what the Ref3 does. Enjoy

I have owned most every Wilson speaker starting with the Watt Puppy 5.1, WP 6, MAXX l, X-1 Series lll and now the X-2 series l. I take delivery of my new X-2 Series ll October 22. I do love my Aspen Silver but the new ones will be Black Almondine with a matching WATCH center in the same color.


Showing 76 - 98 of 98 posts