
My system feels and sounds "done" to me, 14 yrs after I started. 2 channel and movies are better than I ever dreamed possible - the synergy is just remarkable. I have very fortunately been able to assemble a system that I will never grow tired of listening to. This is not in a dedicated listening room, but in my living room, complete with dogs, TV, open doorways, etc., etc. It really shouldn't sound any good, but it sounds GREAT!! Go figure... It has definitely been a learning experience and I've made my share of missteps along the way, as I expected to do.

My original goal was to be able to close my eyes and have the performers in the room with me. I have finally gotten there and actually beyond, to the point where the speakers disappear in the room. A pretty big deal considering the size of the speakers (BIG!) and the size of the room (19' x 20') I now just listen to the music and smile.

The latest additions - VAC Statement linestage, Focal Grande Utopia EM speakers and Critical Mass Systems Maxxum rackage made a huge impact to my system, both aurally and visually (as well as to what USED to be my savings.) :-). I finally have my DREAM system and couldn't be happier, as it sounds as good as it looks (some say even better). (edited 12/2014)

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 19’  Large
Ceiling: 13’

Components Toggle details

    • Valve Amplification Company STATEMENT 450 IQ Monoblocks
    Great amps. IQ Continuous Automatic Bias System and Auto-Sentry System added on recent trip to VAC. Very good sound became off-the-charts sound. Literally best tube amps I've heard anywhere, at any price. With addition of the FOCALS, I can really appreciate the amps.
    • Valve Amplification Company STATEMENT Linestage
    Added Seimens 7308s for break-in; will be installing CCA Telefunkens in several weeks. :-)
    • Esoteric P-02 Transport/D-02 DAC
    SOTA digital. Phenomenal combination.
    • FOCAL Grande Utopia EM
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Rhodium and HelixPowrCds
    Each run from wall to a P-10 power regenerator, which supply my system. They are "game-changers" for my system - the detail, imaging, separation and musicality are great. Helix goes to transport.
    • Critical Mass Systems Maxxum Rack and Amp Stands
    Merlot 9-position filtered rack, with 2 Merlot filtered amp stands. Installed by Joe L. and my local dealer. All are movable for cable access, etc., a Maxxum first. System got even quieter, imaging improved and sound stage got both wider and deeper. They also make my living room look much better. :-)
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Power Cable
    Ridiculously excellent power transmission. Powers Esoteric P-02 transport from PS Audio P-10 power regenerator. Best I've ever heard.
    • Master Set Speaker system Tuning
    Performed by Rod Thompson of Soundings (here in Denver). Took speakers to a much higher level than I thought possible in my room. Well worth the money for this system to perform to the level he got it to.
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Speaker cables
    SOTA for speakers
    • High Fidelity Ultimate IC's betw preamp and amps
    Final piece of the puzzle. Entire system opened up tremendously.
    • High Fidelity CT-1Ultimate ICs from D-2 to preamp
    New design with magnetic influence. Amazing low level detail with excellent musicality. Best cable yet between Esoteric D-02 DAC and Vac preamp.
    • Purist Audio Custom DC umbilical cords 4 Focals
    Connects DC woofer external control modules to the Focal speakers. Custom made for this application (thanks to Albert Porter).
    • PS Audio P-10 Power Regenerator(2)
    System protection as well as clean, steady power to all gear. Silver.
    • HighFidelity Ultimate Reference Helix Digital
    Great digital cable clocking the p-02 and D-02 together using internal clock.
    • Hi Diamond P-4(4) and P-3(2) power cords
    P-4s from wall to 2 P-10s, and from P10s to each amp. Also from P-10 to CD player and wall to sub. P-3 from P-10 to preamp and from Oppo to P-10. Extremely quiet, resolving and organic cables that get out of the way of the music. Macro and micro details in abundance, without any harshness or loss of musicality. Best PCs I've heard, at any price.
    • Pro ELITE 70 inch LCD w/full Local Dimming
    Motorized wall mount allows TV to come forward and down for viewing. Retract to wall for critical listening.
    • Integra DHC-80.2 HD Processor
    All the latest codecs for movies.
    • Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 rear speakers
    Full range and great for movies
    • Oppo BDP-105
    Video processing to 3D plus all latest Audio Codecs
    • Digital Systems Ultrabit Platinum Disc Treatment
    The best I've found to help my CDs sound their best and remove scratches.
    • Dedicated 20 amp lines
    One of my best investments

Comments 502

Yes, it has landed. No, it has not yet been installed - probably this weekend. Current speakers are nowhere near as good as the system, but Kevin assures me that I will still hear a difference for the better, even with the lesser VSA speakers.

Focals should be here in about 3 weeks if all goes according to plan, or maybe a bit sooner. THAT I'm REALLY looking forward to!!


Has the VAC Statement Pre-amp landed yet? I am anxious to hear your opinion, especially in your highly revealing system.


Correction: Focal Grand Utopia EM's


Speakers I currently have are prototype VSA piano speakers AVS gave me. Also still have brand new VSA VR-9SE mk2 in crates in my garage awaiting a sale, which hopefully is pretty imminent. If not, I may just keep and use them (not a bad 2nd choice, right?).

My preference is to sell the 9's ASAP and use those proceeds to help with final payment on the Focal Utopia EM's that have my name on them in Europe. Hopefully this can all be done by the end of next month. I continue to remain optimistic, especially since VSA keeps bragging on their circle about how terribly busy they are..... :-)


Hifimaniac, I've only heard the statement at shows. Actually I'm trying to demo one in a controlled environment and compare to my SigMKIIa. I'm building a list of potential pre to upgrade.

When you compare 2 products, need to keep all variables constant and only toggle the 2 products in question. Otherwise how can you conclude the differences you hear are not from the other moving variables? Problem solving 101!


Knghifi, you obviously have not heard the Statement pre amp; if you had, you would understand how I can make the claims I made. You don't need to have the Signature 2a right next to it, especially if you've had the Signature 2a in your system for a long time. One listening session will reveal every comment I used to describe the Statement true. Hearing is believing and I am hopeful you will add to this thread your opinion of the Statement after you hear it. If you somehow try to make trivial comparisons, I will know it is because you can't bear the need to admit the truth of the superiority of the Statement over the Signature 2a. I still love my Signature 2a and don't have a desire to upgrade. But if I could afford to do so, I would buy the Statement, it is that good!


08-13-14: Fplanner2000
It looks like my VAC Statement Line Stage has been completed, so it should be arriving within a few weeks.
Congrats! Do you have speakers in house to use when it arrives?

Even though I bought ARC Ref250 amp, no plans replacing my VAC SigMKIIa pre. So far SigMKIIa bested all competition, some MORE expensive, in my system. Looking forward to your comparison between the pre.

08-15-14: Hifimaniac
I can't wait for your comments on the Statement Line stage. I am curious if my description posted awhile ago on your thread and pooh poohed by another member as meaningless is similar to yours.
Not me pooh pooh your comments but as I remember, you never compare both pres in the same system so how can make definitive conclusions.


Its about time! The return of the WAMM!!! Do you have any more info on when it might possibly be coming?


I can't wait for your comments on the Statement Line stage. I am curious if my description posted awhile ago on your thread and pooh poohed by another member as meaningless is similar to yours. It is so much more of everything than the Signature 2A; as if more vibrant and robust in every regard. I am envious. BTW, you are correct on the EA MM 7's; the designer did work on all the VSA speakers, but out did himself on the MM 7; it's another level. I hope you get to hear it someday. It is superb and in my estimation, the best I have ever heard. Dan D'Agostino visited our AZ Audio Club meeting to demo his new integrated amp (only $45k) and mentioned Dave Wilson is planning a new WAMM type speaker system also with two columns per channel; similar to the Evolution Acoustics MM 7's.


It looks like my VAC Statement Line Stage has been completed, so it should be arriving within a few weeks.

VSA speakers (above) should be sold pretty soon as well. :-)







You are probably right, Joe. I wouldn't be a bit surprised. That's part of what is so cool about this hobby. :-)


My next speakers will be the Focal Grand Utopia EM's. Part of the reason I also was cautious about revealing my plans was because I really am not at all interested in getting any speaker, or "you should hear this..." advice, no matter how well intentioned, which I'm sure your suggestion is. So while I appreciate your input, my mind is already made up. I have heard the Focals locally and they are exactly what I want to try next in my system.
I bet if you take a poll with Agon members for a cost no object speaker, no one speaker will get more than 10%.


9's should sell pretty quickly. I've had interest - trigger just hasn't been pulled yet.


Hi Mark. Hopefully I'll have VAC Statement Preamp sometime this month. Definitely looking forward to it.
So what speaker are you going to use if 9's not sold?

At the speaker level we are talking about here, there is no real "better" or "worse", just "different" and whatever subjectively works for each of us will be what we favor.
True with most gear at any level.


Hi Mark. Hopefully I'll have VAC Statement Preamp sometime this month. Definitely looking forward to it.
As far as the EA products, I believe they are derivative from VSA, where Malmgren used to work. I have never heard the 7's and at this point, really have no desire to at all.

My next speakers will be the Focal Grand Utopia EM's. Part of the reason I also was cautious about revealing my plans was because I really am not at all interested in getting any speaker, or "you should hear this..." advice, no matter how well intentioned, which I'm sure your suggestion is. So while I appreciate your input, my mind is already made up. I have heard the Focals locally and they are exactly what I want to try next in my system.

At the speaker level we are talking about here, there is no real "better" or "worse", just "different" and whatever subjectively works for each of us will be what we favor.


Can't wait to hear your impressions of Kevin Hayes' Statement Pre-amp! I think you will agree it is the Signature 11a on steroids. I wish I could buy one. Love the Focal Grand Utopia's but think the Evolution Acoustic Model 7 are the best speaker in the world! Unfortunately few people have heard it. Mike Lavigne would gladly let you hear his. I have heard the EA Model 7 on several occasions in AZ at a friend's house and in my mind, nothing even comes close. Are you locked into the Focal's?


Wow! Anyone who has ever heard or bought that speaker has no end of great things to say including that they are a 'destination speaker',...congratulations in advance!

Thanks also for the comments on the P02/D02 combination; i had heard from both Mark and Tim (previously) of Esoteric that the D02 would be a valid upgrade path on its own with the transport able to be purchased later. The only caveat on use of a P-03/P-03U with a D-02 is that all functions up to and including ES-LINK v2 would be available but that anything specific to ES-LINK v3 would not be accessible as it would not be understood by the P-03U. That problem would of course be resolved at the point I upgraded to the P-02 at some point downstream. Definitely gives me something to plan for after the additional cabling needs of the AERIS are addressed this fall.

Best of luck selling your 9s; it's unfortunate there are hard feelings on one side after this; people have to understand that you simply cannot delay long periods of time after a promise date for an order and expect all to be well...


Thanks Lloyd. I was impressed as well and to actually be able to get a pair, even used, was too good an opportunity to pass up. I think most people who have really heard them would also agree. Even though I like VSA speakers, this seems to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire a pair of legitimately world-class speakers without having to sell body parts or my house. I only have to sell my 9's, which remain factory sealed in my garage, waiting for their new owner. :-)


Big news!!! Congrats! I have heard those on 2 occasions...once with big Constellations I think, and just recently with Naim Statement amp. Fantastic speakers!!! Congrats!!!


Hi Mark-
I was trying to keep this kind of quiet because I didn't want to piss off AVS, but since he's already pissed off and claims he is no longer my friend, I no longer feel constrained. I fell into a pair of black Focal Grand Utopia EM's currently located in Europe. They were jaw-dropping when I heard a pair here and I will have the same person set them up once they arrive. IMO, when properly set up, the best speakers I have ever heard.

They are at a completely different level than the VSA's, (which are quite good) as they should be for the price difference!! I am getting a deal on a gently used pair from a friend. 9's must go first, however, to make this work.

I still really like the P02/D02 combination with no plans to change them out. I use a separate VAC preamp which will be upgraded in several weeks to the VAC Statement Line Stage. I wish the Esoteric pieces WERE that color - unfortunately its just me not lighting the shot properly.
I think there is an audible difference between the p/02 and p-03 combinations; it is just a question of whether it is something you are willing to pay for. I think a used D/02 might integrate into what you have nicely. Just my $.02
Good Luck. :-)


Wow!!! You've been very busy to say the least; I cannot find a ref to the speaker you are moving past the VSA 9's to snag. What are they???? This system with the 9s would be amazing; I can only imagine where you are headed if the 9s are not going to stay will be replaced by something else! Well Done, bring new meaning to the words "All Out Assault"!!!

Glad to hear you love the P02/D02 combo as well; several months later are your impressions of the units the same or better than they were? I am planning to move up eventually but given how much I love what the P-03U, D-03, clock and C-03 combo do for me currently, I'm moving VERY slowly at planning for the 02 generation including the pre-amp,...would love to know your thinking currently on this subject. the lighting in the closeup photos of the P02/D02 very dim or this that a black finish??? If the latter, man, do they look amazing! Happy Listening!!!


The VSA's are brand new and factory sealed. They took much longer to finish than I was promised and during that time I was offered the opportunity to acquire a "dream speaker" of mine for a very reasonable (relatively, of course) price. I had heard them locally and when the chance to actually get a pair became available, I jumped.

This is by no means a slam against the 9's, which are probably the best all-around speakers VSA makes. They are very, very good. I am selling them for basically dealer's cost and they come with a 20 year factory warranty. It is just time for a change for me. Thanks for asking.


Do you mind if I ask why you are selling your VR-9?




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