
My system feels and sounds "done" to me, 14 yrs after I started. 2 channel and movies are better than I ever dreamed possible - the synergy is just remarkable. I have very fortunately been able to assemble a system that I will never grow tired of listening to. This is not in a dedicated listening room, but in my living room, complete with dogs, TV, open doorways, etc., etc. It really shouldn't sound any good, but it sounds GREAT!! Go figure... It has definitely been a learning experience and I've made my share of missteps along the way, as I expected to do.

My original goal was to be able to close my eyes and have the performers in the room with me. I have finally gotten there and actually beyond, to the point where the speakers disappear in the room. A pretty big deal considering the size of the speakers (BIG!) and the size of the room (19' x 20') I now just listen to the music and smile.

The latest additions - VAC Statement linestage, Focal Grande Utopia EM speakers and Critical Mass Systems Maxxum rackage made a huge impact to my system, both aurally and visually (as well as to what USED to be my savings.) :-). I finally have my DREAM system and couldn't be happier, as it sounds as good as it looks (some say even better). (edited 12/2014)

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 19’  Large
Ceiling: 13’

Components Toggle details

    • Valve Amplification Company STATEMENT 450 IQ Monoblocks
    Great amps. IQ Continuous Automatic Bias System and Auto-Sentry System added on recent trip to VAC. Very good sound became off-the-charts sound. Literally best tube amps I've heard anywhere, at any price. With addition of the FOCALS, I can really appreciate the amps.
    • Valve Amplification Company STATEMENT Linestage
    Added Seimens 7308s for break-in; will be installing CCA Telefunkens in several weeks. :-)
    • Esoteric P-02 Transport/D-02 DAC
    SOTA digital. Phenomenal combination.
    • FOCAL Grande Utopia EM
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Rhodium and HelixPowrCds
    Each run from wall to a P-10 power regenerator, which supply my system. They are "game-changers" for my system - the detail, imaging, separation and musicality are great. Helix goes to transport.
    • Critical Mass Systems Maxxum Rack and Amp Stands
    Merlot 9-position filtered rack, with 2 Merlot filtered amp stands. Installed by Joe L. and my local dealer. All are movable for cable access, etc., a Maxxum first. System got even quieter, imaging improved and sound stage got both wider and deeper. They also make my living room look much better. :-)
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Power Cable
    Ridiculously excellent power transmission. Powers Esoteric P-02 transport from PS Audio P-10 power regenerator. Best I've ever heard.
    • Master Set Speaker system Tuning
    Performed by Rod Thompson of Soundings (here in Denver). Took speakers to a much higher level than I thought possible in my room. Well worth the money for this system to perform to the level he got it to.
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Speaker cables
    SOTA for speakers
    • High Fidelity Ultimate IC's betw preamp and amps
    Final piece of the puzzle. Entire system opened up tremendously.
    • High Fidelity CT-1Ultimate ICs from D-2 to preamp
    New design with magnetic influence. Amazing low level detail with excellent musicality. Best cable yet between Esoteric D-02 DAC and Vac preamp.
    • Purist Audio Custom DC umbilical cords 4 Focals
    Connects DC woofer external control modules to the Focal speakers. Custom made for this application (thanks to Albert Porter).
    • PS Audio P-10 Power Regenerator(2)
    System protection as well as clean, steady power to all gear. Silver.
    • HighFidelity Ultimate Reference Helix Digital
    Great digital cable clocking the p-02 and D-02 together using internal clock.
    • Hi Diamond P-4(4) and P-3(2) power cords
    P-4s from wall to 2 P-10s, and from P10s to each amp. Also from P-10 to CD player and wall to sub. P-3 from P-10 to preamp and from Oppo to P-10. Extremely quiet, resolving and organic cables that get out of the way of the music. Macro and micro details in abundance, without any harshness or loss of musicality. Best PCs I've heard, at any price.
    • Pro ELITE 70 inch LCD w/full Local Dimming
    Motorized wall mount allows TV to come forward and down for viewing. Retract to wall for critical listening.
    • Integra DHC-80.2 HD Processor
    All the latest codecs for movies.
    • Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 rear speakers
    Full range and great for movies
    • Oppo BDP-105
    Video processing to 3D plus all latest Audio Codecs
    • Digital Systems Ultrabit Platinum Disc Treatment
    The best I've found to help my CDs sound their best and remove scratches.
    • Dedicated 20 amp lines
    One of my best investments

Comments 502

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Fplanner2000, I hope you don't sell the VAC SigMKIIa before RMAF. If I make it to RMAF, I'm reserving a seat to compare SigMKIIa to Statement. Statement is a MUST audition when I upgrade from SigMKIIa.

I will be looking forward to your comments. Congrats again on the Statement and Focal.


Hifimaniac, I've only heard the statement at shows. Actually I'm trying to demo one in a controlled environment and compare to my SigMKIIa. I'm building a list of potential pre to upgrade.

When you compare 2 products, need to keep all variables constant and only toggle the 2 products in question. Otherwise how can you conclude the differences you hear are not from the other moving variables? Problem solving 101!


08-13-14: Fplanner2000
It looks like my VAC Statement Line Stage has been completed, so it should be arriving within a few weeks.
Congrats! Do you have speakers in house to use when it arrives?

Even though I bought ARC Ref250 amp, no plans replacing my VAC SigMKIIa pre. So far SigMKIIa bested all competition, some MORE expensive, in my system. Looking forward to your comparison between the pre.

08-15-14: Hifimaniac
I can't wait for your comments on the Statement Line stage. I am curious if my description posted awhile ago on your thread and pooh poohed by another member as meaningless is similar to yours.
Not me pooh pooh your comments but as I remember, you never compare both pres in the same system so how can make definitive conclusions.


Fplanner2000, get a center channel speaker, use vr7se for the rear channels and now you got the ULTIMATE SOTA HT setup?

When I heard the Statement at CES it was the best pre amp I had ever heard!
Hifimaniac, did you hear the same system replacing Statement with SigIIa in the system? That would be interesting A/B the 2 pre.


As far as I know, VAC is the only manufacturer to currently offer this feature, and only in its Statement amps.
This feature has been around for many many years. EAR 890, later VTLs, Audio Valve ...

There's a debate, that Dev mentioned, whether adjusting the bias in real-time will offset the additional complexity in the circuit for superior sound.


04-08-11: Jwm
Dev, I am using Brimar ECC-88 and Mullard 12AU7 (1950's) 2 Support Square D Getter tubes in the Preamp. In the amp I am using Kevin's Chinese KT-88 and all RCA 6SN7 GTB black base tubes in the input stage. My oh my as Sulu says in those tv ads.
Jwm (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Dev, Jwm also said above.


Dev, I'm using input #4 XLR. For whatever reason, rolling the 12au7 made a huge improvement. I have boxes of spare tubes, was curious and glad I tried.


Dev, only a DAC is hooked up to the system. Initially I was only rolling the 6922s and there was a thickness and warm I can't addressed. I have some Tele 12au7 ribbed plates in the closet so rolled them and it made a HUGE improvement. Dynamic, transparency ... Try it, can't hurt :-)


05-06-13: Jwm
Fplanner2000, Knghifi, Dev check out my system under Jwm
Jwm (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Jwm, very nice! Thanks for sharing.


Absolare is made here in Nashua NH
Interesting! I live 20 minutes across the border in MA from Nashua. Their pre looks interesting so will contact them for a tour of the facilities.


Jwm, What's the scheduled ship date of your speakers and amp? Got to warn you, getting new speakers is a full time job. I've been busy dialing them in as they break in with many many late nights. :-)

If I had the room, I would of bought the Ref One's. TAS E1 review is dead on. Speakers always sound better at home and now not thinking about the Ref 1's.


Which tubes are for the tape output 12AU7, those are the only tubes I have yet to tube roll.
I found rolling the 12au7s made a BIGGER positive impact than 6922s in my VAC Sig MKIIa pre..

I ordered the Rockport Altair speakers
Congrats on your new speakers. Rockport was on my short list when shopping but ended up ordering TAD Evolution One's. It's been ~a month now and love the CST driver ... just amazing.

and also the Absolare Passion Monoblock amps.
Any plans ordering the Absolare Passion Signature pre?

I wouldn't agree with your comment suggesting those other speakers mentioned are "latest fads", ones opinion in what they like in general is just that as there is no right or wrong just different.


Fplanner, I hear you ...

FWIW, I replaced my SR Apex bi-wired SC several years ago with ASI Liveline and never looked back. Using 2 single runs for bi-wire now and ICs. I find HD has a similar sonic signature to the Livelines so I think it will be a fun experiment with HD SC and IC for you in the future.


Fplanner, are you going to try HD ICs and SCs next?


All that's important is YOU are happy.

Have you tried the HD P-3 on your amps? I'm using them on my mono amps and Weizhi PRS-6 to the wall and detect NO current or dynamic limiting. This is the 1st PC I found that works equally well on low and high current components.

I will be interested in your experience on the P-4. Probably get some down the road for my pre and Dac.


If you need so many p-10s, checkout EquiTech wall units. It's balanced power, protection and you can wire your sound room and office with one unit. They come in different sizes. It will reduce clutter, superior performance, less PCs and probably less expensive than all the p-10s.

They have a very impressive list of clients ...


If your linestage is a MKIIa, there's a MP of 12au7 and MP 6922. From my experience, the 12au7 position is as sensitive to tube rolling as 6922.

One has to realize in order for a company to support a product line, they need a large inventory of tubes so are not going to use rare NOS as stock ... with the exception to Shindo. Also from what I've read and heard, most companies expect customers to roll tubes so why bother using rare NOS as stock.

Currently I'm using Pass XA160.5 but looking to purchase a tube amp soon. Considering Music Reference RM300 monos and waiting for Roger's test results on KT120s before making a final decision.


Seimens 7308 is a very nice tube. I'm rolling 60's Seimens Cca in our/same preamp.

While you in there, you should also replace the 12au7. I found the stock Philips 6189w too warm and congested for my taste. I finally settled with Telefunken ribbed plate 12au7. It improved transparency, resolution, detail, speed and especially dynamics. I found replacing the 12au7s are as important as replacing the e88cc/6922/7308.
