
Just returned to pre/pwr from an intergrated as I was keen to try the amps that were built for my speakers. Will let things settle and then experiment with different pre's. Only a day in with this setup which was poor on switch on but the sound evolved over the first few hours and is now pretty enjoyable.

Components Toggle details

    • Emm Labs CDSAse
    SACD player
    • Kharma MP150
    Class D bricks
    • Kharma 2.3ce
    Ceramic mid/tweeter, nomex bass
    • Teo Standard
    Liquid metal XLR
    • Anticable -
    Solid core, enameled
    • Black Rhodium Warrior DCT++ Power Cords
    • TASS Magic Rack
    simple effective design suspends equipment. I chucked a mass of couplers/isolation after I tried this rack
    • Kimber PK10 silver
    to cdp
    • Aesthetix Calypso
    Tube pre
    • Alto Extremo Neoflex & Lyd 2
    Neoflex magnetic levitation works really well under Pre. Not so good under cdp where Lyd 2 works better

Comments 52

Likewise D, i must get up your way sometime soon, be good to catch up over some music.. Sounds like you are enjoying yours..


Sonrock, sure, you'd be very welcome. Will PM via the Wam


Sir, can I come to your place and listen to your system one day? I have never listened to Kharma's and EMMlabs before so very tempting :). They look great and I believe sound great as well. My new room is quite small for the Magico Q5's and Karan KAM2000, but I think my KAM1200 will suit your room Sir :P


Hi Lapierre

The room is 13 1/2 x 19 x 8 ft and slightly off rectangular. There is are entrances middle left and in the back left corner. The front wall is largely glass with full length curtains. There isn't much difference with the curtains closed.

Its not a dedicated listening room and domestic harmony is a consideration.

While I'm sure room acoustic treatment would be beneficial its not practical to do it properly here. There arn't significant issues to deal with so I'll soldier on and if we do move make a dedicated room a priority.

Good luck with your search. We were also contemplating a move to NJ last year.

All the best


What are the room dimensions?

2 channel system looks great. I'm trying to redefine my system a bit as I look to purchase new house. Not sure I can get a dedicated listening room but I'm trying for that and basement workshop.


Had some speaker positioning advice from an experienced ear a few weeks back and have experimented since, a few mm/cm at a time. He was right, you don't know what you're missing until it hits you in the face.

Added a second Teo to the system a couple of weeks back along with a change to the supports.

My rack works on the basis that the equipment suspends the equipment both isolating and damping the casework.

I've tried quite a few cones in the past and haven't had a preference for any over the suspensed rack. That changed last week. I've added Alto Extremo supports from Germany. I've ended up leaving the amps as they are suspended, the pre is also suspended or should I say levitated now on Neoflex which use magnets and Lyd 2 which are a ballbearing affair under the cdp. Funnily enough the cdp didn't seem to like the Neoflex, the pre sounds more transparent using Lyd 2 and more so again with the Neoflex.

Very happy!


One thing I did forget to mention.

I finally decided to just buy a cheap s/h laptop with an XP os so I could download the latest firmware updates for the CDSA. It took a few goes to get the correct password for the files from EMM lol, got there in the end and it certainly had an effect, greater transpanrency, more refined, I guess it helped turn the corner with my system and get me to that satisfied point.

If anyone has an earlier CDSA and hasn't updated its easy and well worth doing.


Hi Lapierre, Room treatment would be the obvious next step. I'm fortunate that my room isn't to bad as significant room treatment isn't really an option for now.

A dealer I know is coming next week as he's not heard Kharma before and expressed an interest.. haha... Actually hes a nice guy and a music lover first. I may look at what options he'd suggest for easily moveable treatments for first reflection and bass traps. We'll see. In reality there won't be any significant progress in this area unless we move.

I don't see any significant system changes coming either, who knows? I met the UKs Aesthetix engineer a few months back. He said he'd be able to source and fit the signiture upgrade to the Calypso. Not sure I want to go that route though I may enquire as to whether he thinks he can do anything about the tube noise.

No rush. More important things to spend hifi time and money on right now - like more new music and listening! A further 10 cds this week, I'm so glad I've still got a great cdp with prices for cds as they are!

Will continue to watch developments in your system with interest.



Defreide what's next on the your HIFI roadmap?


Hi Samhar, thanks for the comments.

Great looking system yourself. A friend has WP7s, I keep encouraging him to try valves!

Yes, there are jumpers one can move internaly. That done along with 5751s and the noise is acceptable plus theres greater range on the volume control.


What a wonderful looking system, great job!!!! I had a Calypso and enjoyed rolling tubes it responds well. If I remember correctly there is a way to switch to minimum gain and reduce the noise floor then return to 12AX7's to increase gain.


Wow, has it really been 10 months since I last updated here.

Listening to music I guess, no bad thing!

Not much to report. The system is as was with the exception of settling on NOS Sylvania 5751 and Mullard CV2492 then finding a better solution to supporting the MP150s on the rack.

The system does everything I want from it now and I rarely lapse into bouts of critical 'component' listening.

The Calypso is noisier than ideal even in low gain with low gain 5751s, not a deal breaker as its not above the anmbient noisefloor but can't help thinking there'd be a transparency gain if it were erradicated.


Quick update.

Really enjoying the Calypso, it deserves its reputation, the one area I felt a little lacking in my system was in the bass, a lack of weight. I had read that changing the 6922s made little difference so wasn't expecting a great deal from the late 60s Blackburn factory NOS Mullards that came this week. Nothing could be further from the truth! They've filled out the bass beautifully without sacrifice elsewhere, very surprising and pleasing result. If you've a Calypso my experience would suggest it is worth rolling the 6922s.

Due to try Paul Speltz new Reference speaker cable next, anything added will be a bonus.


My bag Defride. There are no C500 fuses which states in my last post.



Hi Lapierre, C500 fuses? Are you talking about internal or external?


System edited: Updated pics, the intruder is was quiet something


Actually more silky smooth sounds about right.

Defride at least your recognized something was not quite right. Next tweek try upgrading C500 fuses for more detail enhancement.


Hi Lapierre, thanks for the feedback on tubes, will keep an aye out for Mullard ECC83 though I've heard good things about TJ Full Music's aswell.

I've been on a bit of a journey to get the Aesthetix working in my system. In fact it came with modest tubes, Sovtek 6922 and JJ Tesla 12ax7 (seems the dealer was unaware the previous owner had swapped out the quality tubes... ces't la vie). Couldn't get it working right initially, it sounded ordinary and in some cases wrong. The worst of it turned out to be a dumb connection issue. Finally started to hear what it can do a couple of days ago and have been impressed. Finally! I left the original tubes to start and have just swapped the JJ's out for Cryo'd Jan Phillips 5751's. They may be low on gain but they sound better than the JJ's, its a subtle difference but I'm relaxing into delicious sound in a way thats only been hinted at in the past few weeks. The Aesthetix seems a more cerebral Pre than the Ayre that preceeded it which I'd characterise as more muscular/upfront but not quite so refined. The system sounds silky with the introduction of the Aesthetix in its current form, bass floats with well defined notes and images are rock solid locked in their position. In essence the system presents music in as natural and musical a way as I've heard at home and I'm pretty happy with that!

I've ordered some Mullard ECC88s, hopefully they'll make it from one side of the pond to the other unscathed!


Seriously considered Aesthetix Calypso and was definitely sold on the Calypso Signature. The stock Telefunkens are great, if to better you would need something like BLACK SABLE Mullard ECC83 / 12AX7--but they are expensive. It took me awhile to settle on different tubes on my C500. I just started researching and asking other of the problems I found is getting enough tubes to test.


Try changing tubes once you get baseline.

Its come with Telefunkens, one of the better options as I understand it. It'll be interesting to try some other tubes at some stage. Any advice welcome


Try changing tubes once you get baseline.


System edited: Quick change of Pre's. An Aesthetix became available at a good price so I've dived in, very different presentation to the Ayre. You'd have thought the roles were reversed, the Ayre the tubes the Aesthetix the solid state. Just a first first impression in any case


Lovely system, simple and effective. The rack caught my eye, glad you like it! Simon has worked hard on getting this idea working.

Yes, its been a long road for Simon, still persevering! He's even managed to get them into Harrod's! I should think you'd recognize it! Have to say that while he was developing the ideas I didn't really think I'd ever have one but proof in the pudding and all that, it really delivered... and here it is.


Sweet .


Lovely system, simple and effective. The rack caught my eye, glad you like it! Simon has worked hard on getting this idea working.




Showing 26 - 50 of 52 posts