
Just returned to pre/pwr from an intergrated as I was keen to try the amps that were built for my speakers. Will let things settle and then experiment with different pre's. Only a day in with this setup which was poor on switch on but the sound evolved over the first few hours and is now pretty enjoyable.

Components Toggle details

    • Emm Labs CDSAse
    SACD player
    • Kharma MP150
    Class D bricks
    • Kharma 2.3ce
    Ceramic mid/tweeter, nomex bass
    • Teo Standard
    Liquid metal XLR
    • Anticable -
    Solid core, enameled
    • Black Rhodium Warrior DCT++ Power Cords
    • TASS Magic Rack
    simple effective design suspends equipment. I chucked a mass of couplers/isolation after I tried this rack
    • Kimber PK10 silver
    to cdp
    • Aesthetix Calypso
    Tube pre
    • Alto Extremo Neoflex & Lyd 2
    Neoflex magnetic levitation works really well under Pre. Not so good under cdp where Lyd 2 works better

Comments 52

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Thanks for your comments Defride.

The original plan was to focus on the higher end monitors like Raidho and Focal Diablo. The Ascendo F came as an option at the last moment.


Z:Axis has good cables and interesting design on component racks.

Sylvania 5751, 1950 - 1960 black plates can cost upwards of $200. If you purchased them a lot cheaper than you are way ahead.

Regarding EMM labs, I think they should offer transport recall with an option of digital inputs.

Mytek DAC is something to consider but it may have to wait as well.

I'm right where I'm suppose to be with the latest upgrades in Power Cords.


Defride what's your next HiFi move?

Emm Labs CD player question: Does you transport sound a bit noisy when powered on? Initial start is noisy than it gets quiet like it needs to warm up first.

Have you starting looking into DAC?

Spin the Yellowjackets.


Thanks for the link Defride.

Welcome your insights on which component benefited the most from your Power Cord experiment. I plan to upgrade power cords tube amps, preamp and source but I need to go through the listening process. Experimented with DVD player and noticed different power cords improved the video clarity but no obvious audio improvements.

Regarding the potential new listening room. So far, I've managed to look at decent houses with potential listening rooms larger than 12x12 space. Trying to avoid basements unless it has the min. height of 8 feet and no moisture problems.


Checking in D.

Living in NJ apartment since September and still looking for a house.

Regarding the Aesthetix Calypso Tube preamp, have your tried different power cord or inexpensive noise filter?


What are the room dimensions?

2 channel system looks great. I'm trying to redefine my system a bit as I look to purchase new house. Not sure I can get a dedicated listening room but I'm trying for that and basement workshop.


Defreide what's next on the your HIFI roadmap?


My bag Defride. There are no C500 fuses which states in my last post.



Actually more silky smooth sounds about right.

Defride at least your recognized something was not quite right. Next tweek try upgrading C500 fuses for more detail enhancement.


Seriously considered Aesthetix Calypso and was definitely sold on the Calypso Signature. The stock Telefunkens are great, if to better you would need something like BLACK SABLE Mullard ECC83 / 12AX7--but they are expensive. It took me awhile to settle on different tubes on my C500. I just started researching and asking other of the problems I found is getting enough tubes to test.


Try changing tubes once you get baseline.


Sweet system!
