
My objective is to duplicate the sound of a good jazz venue as best I can. I'll never match it but getting close is fine. I've had various audio components through the years and tubes particularly DHT tubes/ASSET have gotten me the closest.  So this is where I will settle down and appreciate.

Components Toggle details

    • BPT Signature 3.5 plus
    Balanced AC power is fantastic !! 1800va balanced isolation transformer/conditioner.  All aspects of music reproduction are improved for every single component.
    • Tripoint Tripoint Troy.
    A wonderful grounding box component. When added to my system it increased the sense of natural sound quality and emotional engagement. The Troy has a humanistic and “soulful “ quality to it.
    • Coincident Speaker Tech Total eclipse 2
    This wonderful speaker is transparent,open and involving. It`s large yet completely disappears as the source of sound within the room. Very easy to drive,94db and 14 0hm impedance (Minimum 10 ohm). I replaced the stock Solens capacitor with the Duelund CAST in the crossover.
    • Coincident Statement linestage
    Superb performance. In my opinion , a masterpiece by Israel Blume. As would be expected, a wonderful match with its sibling the Frankenstein MK II.
    • Coincident Speaker Tech Frankenstein mark 2
    A terrific 300b SET amplifier that is the foundation of my system. The EML XLS 300b tubes are a superb match with this amplifier.  

    Acquiring these 300b SET mono blocks changed the course of my music listening experience. They elevated the emotional engagement, tactility and “breath of life “ realism.
    • Yamamoto YDA-01
    Wonderful music lover's DAC that has a very natural/organic sound quality. Duelund CAST addition(output coupling capacitors) makes it sound even better. It has a very minimalist circuit/design that was implemented well.
    • Ocellia Silver Reference IC
    Very natural and pure sounding with excellent tone and timbre preservation.
    • Ocellia Silver Reference Speaker Cable
    Same qualities/ comments as the IC.
    • Star Sound Technologies Sistrum Apprentice component platforms..
    These Star Sound platforms are mandatory in my system. Effectively managing resonance and vibration leads to a very noticeable sound improvement with every component and especially the speakers. Excellent product.
    • High Fidelity CT1 Ultimate Digital cable
    A highly impressive digital cable that mates beautifully into my system. Contributes to the natural sound presentation.
    • Pro-Ject Audio Systems CD Box RS2T
    This is a superb Redbook CD playback transport. It’s both high resolution and impressively natural.

    . I’m  using the  excellent Fidelizer Nikola II LPS. Splendid pairing.  
    • Lavricables Grand and Master series Power Cables.
    Pure silver wire and unshielded power cables. These are used with all of my audio components. They are very open, transparent, high resolution with beautiful natural tone and timbre presentation.
    • Abbas Esoteric Audio 3.2SE
    Built by renown Ukrainian Abbas Zulfugarov. NOS DAC utilizing the classic Phillips TDA 1541 multi bit chip. Two 6080 tubes in the analog stage. 5 various rectifier tubes in the power supplies.

     3 separate toroidal transformers (And 2 chokes ) for the power supplies.A very serious and successful upper tier DAC implementation. Using with the Abbas SPDIF and power cable.
    • Frankenstein tubes.
    Tube complement 
    EML XLS 300b output.
    RCA 5U4G rectifier (1953)
    RCA 6EM7 driver (1960s).

Comments 1956

Hi Sal,
I`ve not directly compared the two cables and have only heard the HF CTI-U as a digital cable, I find it fabulous in my system. I have no reason to doubt the analog IC and speaker cables would be any different.It is very natural,dynamic,lively and has excellent resolution in my system. I`m glad I bought the digital cable,worth every penny I spent.

Ocellia is a small specialty company in Montreal(moved from France a few years ago). I just love this cable, it is sooo natural and is able to present a very live like vibe/character to music in my system.It`s strange to describe but it has a sense of ease and relaxed musical flow yet the dynamics and physical presence factor is quite apparent. You hear the nuance and subtle details but it`s the polar opposite of an analytical-clinical presentation,no hifi here,all natural/organic.

Sal given the make up of your system I`d have to believe that either of these two cables would be a superb choice.I doubt you`ll find the Ocellia for loan,they have a small presence in this country(a shame).The HF CT1 cables could be the better cable(they take some time to fully burn in) but I`m happy with the Ocellia loom,the sound is beautiful.


I appreciate your comments very much.
That was a really fine show saturday night,Dwight Adams was simply in top form, wow! He just made the music sing with both his trumpet and fugelhorn.Slow ballads or fast hard blowing Bop it was all good. He had 3 very young (25 years or younger) musicians in his quartet and they could flat out play(Dwight teaches music at Wayne State University). Live jazz in a small club like Baker`s is a pure musical treat.

Any audio component that sacrifices the tone,density and body of these live instruments in the name of ultra detail is just wrong! There`s so much tonal color and vivid harmonics when you listen live,it can`t be ignored.IMO it`s a wrong direction to dilute that sound and make it leaner,thin and flatten and then call it accurate,a crying shame.These live jazz venues give you the straight truth direct from the stage.


Lots of enthusiasm for single-ended amplifiers, which is great!

Let me move to another subject---cables. Charles, I notice you're using Ocellia Reference for i/c and speakers, and High Fidelity CT-1 Ultimate for digital. Have you ever compared the CT-1 i/c or speaker cables to your Ocellias? I have a CT-1 i/c on loan that I am fairly impressed with but I would like a bit more top end air and liveliness. Maybe it just needs more hours.

I had never heard of Ocellia cables before but after reading the 6Moons review they seem pretty interesting. Is there some place that lets you demo them? I don't see Ocellia listed at the Cable Company which is where I get most of my cables.


Charles, was responsible for me getting into BE BOP Jazz and going to live Jazz concerts. He also was instrumental in me changing what I thought was the best High power push pull thinking the sound would be more effortless at higher volumes. I never thought I would ever own a Single ended amp until spending many hours at his house and enjoying some beautiful music playing. I get now what he was after, just a more direct involvement in the players with a purer and more beautiful tonality. Because we go to a lot of live concerts including classical this method gets us closer than anything I know, 2nd order harmonics withstanding. We all know that audiophiles will say that you like colored sound and high distortion. These ignorant people don't go to live events and therefore don't base on reality. We just got back from a live Jazz Quartet at the oldest Jazz club in the world Bakers Keyboard Lounge and I'm telling you single ended mimics this greatly. No system will give you the huge dynamics and full sounds that these instruments make in real life, but we can get half way there with single ended.


If that was the case then that explains our different 300b experiences. Assuming you own a well built/designed amplifier, fitting them with the high level tubes will result in substantial sound improvement . You pay more for the premium 300b tubes but what's the point of having a good amplifier with mediocre quality tubes. The stereotype of dark, slow, syrupy and overly warm doesn't happen with the good amplifiers fitted with the higher level tubes. Still there'll always be the various camps of choice, 300b, 2A3, 45, 845/211 etc. Any of these tubes used properly can lead to great sound quality in a well implemented amplifier.


That's a good point about premium 300B tubes. Those weren't available when I had my 300B amps.


Hi Sal,
When it comes to output tubes we all have our favorites.With 300b tubes I`ve found such a wide range of sound quality that there can be near night and day differences.The premium level 300b tubes are fantastic for my taste and use.When you factor in the driver tube choice there`s additional variability among them in terms of sound/performance.The great news is that there`s a output tube available to please any preference,a bit of searching is all that`s required.So far I`ve found no limitations with any music genre with my current amp. I also love high energy big band jazz as you mentioned.Sal that 46 tube must sound really nice,I`ve never heard it.


Hi Onemug,
From my understanding DHT tubes lower their distortion as the power use(range) decreases.Some other amplifier types ironically will 'increase' distortion level at very low power levels. Your math is right,at the SPLs we normally listen to the power is well under one watt with high efficiency speakers,often fractions of a watt as you pointed out(when the SPL is 75 db and less). Even at 80-85 db I`m using 1/2-1 watt of power and that`s not a soft quiet level either. So in this range distortion is miniscule and this is why the sound is so pure and natural to us.Onemug I always appreciate your comments.



Thanks for the Roger Kellaway suggestion. It would appear it's only available in CD format so I will have get it that way.

I first tried SET amps back in the mid-90s after hearing some Cary amps at a dealer. I built a pair of 300B monoblocks that I call the "mules" since I kept changing them to experiment with different driver circuits and power supplies. I tried something like 20 different circuits in those amps, and the best of them had some very attractive qualities. Eventually, however, I decided the 300B was not the tube for me and I traded down power-wise to the 46 which puts out a bit more than 1 watt. The 46 has the speed, detail and refinement I like, and for some reason a 46 sounds a lot more powerful than 1 watt so this isn't as crazy as it may appear.

In any case, I still have my feet firmly planted in two camps---both single-ended and push-pull. Depending on the music, my mood and how loud I want to listen, I go back and forth between the two. I find the SE 46 is best suited for smaller scale music that is more introspective. It is ideal for early morning listening. If I want to play orchestral music with wide dynamics or large jazz ensembles like Stan Kenton, Ellington or Basie and feel like I am actually in the venue, then I go with the Emotive push-pull amps. They can create a wall of sound with sometimes spooky transparency that can make me feel like I am there. For me each set of amps has its own strengths.


Thanks for the above suggestions. Art Farmer's LATHN was especially nice. Thanks Sal.

Charles, I haven't had my spl meter out in awhile but I just measured it now, in my office, and was averaging 60-70 db. I'll check it out later when I have the main system on. I'll guess 70-80 then.

Agree.... low spl levels sound great with a SET (and correct speakers) and our ears will thank us.

It would be interesting to see what the many types of amplifiers would measure "at low levels" as opposed to "max power". I have seen the specs on some highly regarded (non SET) amps when measured across their power bandwidth, and while they measured fantastic between 1 and "their max" watts they had a sharp rise in distortion below 1/4th of a watt. It's been said that triodes have decreasing distortion with decreasing power. My ears hear that.

Some might think, "what can you hear with a 1/4 watt?", I think a lot. Even with a low rated 85 db speaker, you get that with 1 watt, 75 db would take 1/10th of a watt and 65 would "require" 1/100 wpc. I just measure out TV volume at 70 db from 12' away and it's not a whisper.

Sorry for the long post. I'm going between this and US Open Tennis on TV.

Q: What does Tennis and our systems have in common?
A: Why, SETs of course. :-)


Onemug and Sal, one more suggestion is Roger Kellaway "Live At The Jazz Standard" also features Russell Malone and Stephon Harris. This is very good!


Hi Sal,
We do have quite similar taste in jazz music. I have the live Half Note with Art Farmer and Jim Hall and will definitely look for your other recommendations. You just can't have too much jazz, the more I aquire and listen to the more I want. Just as you said live jazz recordings are wonderful to play, they put me tight in that familiar venue . Sal that's really how I settled down with SET amps, they remind me more of the true sound and feel of live musicians than any other type of amp I've heard. Is that what got you into SET amplifiers?


Hi Onemug,
Funny you mentioned live club, two friends and I are going to see a fine local trumpeter and his quartet tonight at the legendary Baker's Keyboard Lounge in Detroit. I don't attempt to mimic the same volume of the clubs at home usually (just occasionally). I listen most often in the 75-85 db SPL range which is plenty for me. Sometimes I'll take it to 95-100 db level and it's still very good and relaxed without any sense of strain. But I want to keep my hearing good for as long as I can. Interestingly as my system has evolved I can listen at much lower levels (60db range) and it is still engaging and musically involving .



I couldn't agree more about "Night Lights." That is certainly one of my favorite Mulligan albums. By the way, do you happen to have his "Feelin" Good" album from 1965? It includes something called "The Lonely Night" which is a reworking of the same tune, but what's really interesting is that Gerry plays clarinet. Not surprisingly, he can really swing on clarinet as well. There are a couple other tracks on the same album with him on clarinet but this appears to be a one-time trial. I haven't been able to find any other recordings with him on clarinet.

I have the Carmen McRae album also but not the Billy Eckstine. I will keep an eye out for it.

Since your "night Lights" recommendation shows you are a man of impeccable taste, let me offer a couple others that you may find of interest:

1. "Live at the Half Note" with the Art Farmer Quartet including Jim Hall

2. Marian McPartland's "At the Festival"

3. Johnny Lytle "Swingin' At the Gate"

Not coincidentally, these are all live recordings. A very high percentage of my favorite jazz albums are live. Sometimes the sonics may be lacking somewhat (not on these though), but the excitement in the music makes all the difference.


Thanks Charles.

I'm going venture a guess that you play your music at the same level it would be if you were at a club, yes, no? If you were at a club, would you prefer the "sound" from the front, middle or back row?

Just accessed GM "Night Lights" from MOG. I like the style. First cut had me. Great imaging on the second cut. Had to stop typing to appreciate it.


Hi Onemug,
Reading various forums and blogs it seems that people familiar with the EML 300b like all 3 versions quite a bit. Most wrote that the XLS and mesh were the top choices although they sound different from each other. No one said the standard 300b was bad at all, just the other two were preferred based on comparison. I suspect I'd like the standard version as well.

The XLS is a drop in replacement and its sounding very fine in the Frankenstein, it has a big and bold presentation yet retains a certain elegance and natural flow. Now that my amplifier's autobias is back to its original settings I could use the mesh plate again. Both are excellent choices for my amplifier. Onemug I think you'd like the three CDs mentioned earlier.


Hi Charles,

I'm curious as to what your reasons were in choosing the EML XLS over their standard 300b.

According to the EML literature, it seems like the XLS is optimized for 300b amps that run their tubes harder and/or if someone played their music pretty loud, it would hold up and sound better than the standard one. Do they lose anything at really low levels?

I have no doubt that it sounds great and I may have to try them someday. I have their older standard 300b with the larger glass and the newer smaller glass one (about the size of the WE) with gold grids in addition to the Mesh we talked about in the past. btw, the Mesh seems to keep getting better still.

Also, been checking in here from time to time for your jazz recommendations. Listening to Frank Morgan as I type. Thanks. I'll check out your newest from your latest post. Keep them coming.


I`ll return the favor and suggest three recordings I believe you`d enjoy.
1. Gerry Mulligan "Night Lights" features Art Farmer and Jim Hall.
2.Carmen McRae "The Great American Song Book" live jazz club venue with her and a quartet. Features the marvelous Joe Pass.
3.Billy Eckstine "Imagination" late 1950s with Billy in peak form.


I found the CD copy of "2 Degrees East 3 Degrees West" and ordered from Amazon. I`m can`t wait to hear this music, what a special line up of musicians,thanks.


I haven't any doubts that your 3 unique amplifiers are providing you with absolutely blissful music reproduction.


Charles, I do understand your feelings about the Yamamoto DAC and I am sure it sounds as good as you say. In my case, my CD collection is minuscule compared to vinyl so digital is not an option for regular listening.

Today I am enjoying a number of 1950's LPs while comparing three different amplifiers each of which uses a 46 output tube. The circuit topology is basically the same in all of them but they have different driver tubes (Western Electric 417a in two of them and WE 403b in the other) and different rectifier tubes (5R4GY and 280) as well as different interstage transformers (Intact Audio vs. Lundahl). All of the amps use the same Electra Print silver output transformers with dedicated 16 ohm outputs. It's a real treat to have all of these on hand at one time. Lots of fun! Needless to say, the music sounds great through each amp, but each one has its own special qualities.


Hi Salectric,
Thank you for your kind comments, I really appreciate them. I will look for the recording you recommend as our musical taste are very similar.
Sal I was a devoted user of vinyl LPs for many years (that's what I grew up with). Well into the digital era I remained a diehard analog enthusiast as I didn't find digital realistic or involving.
The first digital component that changed my perception was the Timbre DAC it was a honest and natural music producer and I could go between it and my turn table without the previous let downs when doing so.

When I got the Yamamoto DAC it was aclear improvement of my beloved Timbre (which I used for 14vyears happily). What ever Mr. Yamamoto learned in building his renowned SET amplifiers over his career he sure put it into his DAC. I admire his execution, this DAC simply makes music, beautiful and naturally. It provides the emotion and soul that good analog is capable of doing (not every analog system is sucessful at this either). As much as I enjoyed my TT I don't miss its absence these past 3 1/2 years.
When I replaced the stock output capacitors (which were very good) with Duelund CAST it took the performance to the sublime and is the ideal source for the Coincident DHT based linestage and 300b SET amplifier.
The Yamamoto just lets the music flow with beautiful organic tone, harmonics,wonderful dynamics and much nuance.
I still appreciate a good analog source but have found that for me it no longer a necessity.


Charles, Congatulations on a very well-thought through system! There's no question that you know the sound of your system, and each component in the system, very well, which allows you to get a good read on each change you make. I share your views on the critical importance of getting the proper weight and tone density. That is something missing from so many systems today, at least judging from what I hear at audio shows.

I also share your love for acoustic jazz. That's been a lifelong passion for me. I just played one of my favorite LPs which I highly recommend----"2 Degrees East, 3 Degrees West" by John Lewis, Percy Heath, Chico Hamilton, Bill Perkins and Jim Hall. Recorded in 1956 in glorious, full-bodied mono. Phenomenal music and wonderful sound. I don't know if it was reissued on CD but it is worth seeking out if it was. Of course, if you added a turntable, just think of the great music that would then be available!


What you say about the Star Sound Apprentice is true,it is their lower cost line. Their Stage and Backstage platforms are the heavy hitter premium products and are priced as such.I imagine they`re extraordinary but will leave that for someone else to discover and comment on.I`m just happy the Apprentice adds so much to my musical enjoyment while costing relatively modest money.This formula works for me.


Hi Agear,
That`s funny and Isochronism is essentially right. Between the findings of certain trusted reviewers(a few I really like), definitely feedback and impressions from people on this valued site along with some patience it`s amazing how well things work out. Agear, it was you and Grannyring(Bill) who got my attention toward Duelund,Star Sound and the SR Quantum fuses,thanks a lot.You can`t go wrong with that caliber of product.

Coincident was an easy choice after research and overwhelming word of mouth owner support.Once their components were heard, it was all over(there is terrfic synergy with that entire line).Yamamoto DAC,P.S. Audio PWT, and Ocellia Silver Reference cables by way of 6 Moons reviewes. It has worked out better than I had expected(and expectations were high)).

The common thread with all of the system pieces is an emphasis-priority on musicality,natural/organic character, tactile presence and tone realism. The currently popular ultra detail analytical hifi sound just doesn`t work for me at all, I need emotion and involement from my system. I`m extremely happy with the results.


Showing 1326 - 1350 of 1956 posts