
My objective is to duplicate the sound of a good jazz venue as best I can. I'll never match it but getting close is fine. I've had various audio components through the years and tubes particularly DHT tubes/ASSET have gotten me the closest.  So this is where I will settle down and appreciate.

Components Toggle details

    • BPT Signature 3.5 plus
    Balanced AC power is fantastic !! 1800va balanced isolation transformer/conditioner.  All aspects of music reproduction are improved for every single component.
    • Tripoint Tripoint Troy.
    A wonderful grounding box component. When added to my system it increased the sense of natural sound quality and emotional engagement. The Troy has a humanistic and “soulful “ quality to it.
    • Coincident Speaker Tech Total eclipse 2
    This wonderful speaker is transparent,open and involving. It`s large yet completely disappears as the source of sound within the room. Very easy to drive,94db and 14 0hm impedance (Minimum 10 ohm). I replaced the stock Solens capacitor with the Duelund CAST in the crossover.
    • Coincident Statement linestage
    Superb performance. In my opinion , a masterpiece by Israel Blume. As would be expected, a wonderful match with its sibling the Frankenstein MK II.
    • Coincident Speaker Tech Frankenstein mark 2
    A terrific 300b SET amplifier that is the foundation of my system. The EML XLS 300b tubes are a superb match with this amplifier.  

    Acquiring these 300b SET mono blocks changed the course of my music listening experience. They elevated the emotional engagement, tactility and “breath of life “ realism.
    • Yamamoto YDA-01
    Wonderful music lover's DAC that has a very natural/organic sound quality. Duelund CAST addition(output coupling capacitors) makes it sound even better. It has a very minimalist circuit/design that was implemented well.
    • Ocellia Silver Reference IC
    Very natural and pure sounding with excellent tone and timbre preservation.
    • Ocellia Silver Reference Speaker Cable
    Same qualities/ comments as the IC.
    • Star Sound Technologies Sistrum Apprentice component platforms..
    These Star Sound platforms are mandatory in my system. Effectively managing resonance and vibration leads to a very noticeable sound improvement with every component and especially the speakers. Excellent product.
    • High Fidelity CT1 Ultimate Digital cable
    A highly impressive digital cable that mates beautifully into my system. Contributes to the natural sound presentation.
    • Pro-Ject Audio Systems CD Box RS2T
    This is a superb Redbook CD playback transport. It’s both high resolution and impressively natural.

    . I’m  using the  excellent Fidelizer Nikola II LPS. Splendid pairing.  
    • Lavricables Grand and Master series Power Cables.
    Pure silver wire and unshielded power cables. These are used with all of my audio components. They are very open, transparent, high resolution with beautiful natural tone and timbre presentation.
    • Abbas Esoteric Audio 3.2SE
    Built by renown Ukrainian Abbas Zulfugarov. NOS DAC utilizing the classic Phillips TDA 1541 multi bit chip. Two 6080 tubes in the analog stage. 5 various rectifier tubes in the power supplies.

     3 separate toroidal transformers (And 2 chokes ) for the power supplies.A very serious and successful upper tier DAC implementation. Using with the Abbas SPDIF and power cable.
    • Frankenstein tubes.
    Tube complement 
    EML XLS 300b output.
    RCA 5U4G rectifier (1953)
    RCA 6EM7 driver (1960s).

Comments 1956

Hi Sal,
I believe that the Ocellia cables will work wonderfully in your system and I'll be interested in your impression when you have time. I haven't heard their power cords, just the IC and speaker cable. When I ordered my Coincident components I also got their power cords. They sound excellent and I didn't bother with others. A friend brought his Siltech cords to my home a few months ago and we compared them on the Frankenstein amplifiers.
They were actually very good but no better than the Coincident cords (which are much less expensive). Given my experience with the Ocellia cable loom I suspect that their power cord is excellent (but far more costly
than Coincident). So I've just left well enough alone . I'll tell you I have much admiration for the talents of both Israel Bloom (Coincident) and Samuel Furon (Ocellia), their products speak for themselves.



I ordered a set of Ocellia Reference interconnects and I am looking forward to hearing them in my system. I gather that the Ocellia power cords are also highly regarded. Have you tried them? What AC cords are you using?


Agree! That's is my entire point.


I wonder why the Entreq grounding had the largest impact on your SET amplifiers. I know there's a logical explanation, I sure hope to repeat your considerable sucess with addressing the issues of electrical grounding. You sound thrilled with the outcome so it was money wisely spent I likely would have purchased the Entreq Silver Tellus if not for finding the used Tripoint Troy for similar cost. Both apparently tackle the same issue effectively.


Thanx Iso, I'm totally floored by the effects of grounding. To think, I just tried it initially on a whim, sure that I was not going to be impressed. It's not cheap, but has freed me from the self imposed chains of seeking out the "next best thing" in components. System upgrades rule!


Spirit I'll receive 4 silver grounding cables with my Troy. I intend to use them on the transport (mandatory site per Fernando and Miguel) line stage and the mono blocks. The line stage is two chassis and I'll try to ground the signal chassis and then the power supply and see which one is better. The PS chassis has the capacitors, transformers and chokes so it would seem to be the logical location. I must admit that I'm very curious to hear what the highly recommended Troy does in my system that has me happy already.


Spirit, I much enjoy your sharing of your systems progress and your happiness with it. Charles, you have the natural knack to know. Troy will be interesting.


Charles, my SET grounding leads are breaking in after 24hrs. I've just adjusted the Symposium Acoustics Rollerblocks under my spkrs. OMG, I think I've had a bit of an epiphany.
It's like all the recent purchases in the last 3 yrs (non belt drive tt/SET amps/high eff xoverless spkrs/balanced power) that have bestowed improvements individually are being made to work as a team. Adding the 4th and 5th SET leads has made EVERYTHING snap into clear focus. I can't begin to describe it. I'm sure your Troy is going to do the same. Your jaw will hit the floor!


The great thing is that unlike switching components, if you're happy with the general character of your system (which I know you are) you'll be enhancing it to the max, not altering it.

Bingo. That's the whole point....


Hi Spirit,
That's exactly my objective, enhance and get the most from what I have. The problem with frequent component changes is no matter what you get there's always something that is supposedly better. Maybe it is, but for me I just stop at a certain point and enjoy what I have. High End audio can really get you caught up in the constant chase if you aren't careful. Each of us has our individual limit.

Spirit it's encouraging to know that your grounding box is yielding such noticeable improvement. I hope it works out successfully for me as well.


Charles, now up to 5 grounding leads from components to Entreq (SETs just recently, in addition to Straingauge energiser, cdp and preamp).
Phenomenal. Getting a little warmth to add to the extra air, ambience and detail I got before the SET connection.
The great thing is that unlike switching components, if you're happy with the general character of your system (which I know you are) you'll be enhancing it to the max, not altering it.


Hi Agear,
I should get my used Troy in about a week. I'm having smaller spades placed on the grounding cables to fit the chassis screws on my components.
I suspect the Lampizator is wonderful but I love the Yamamoto DAC with Duelund CAST capacitors (pure and beautiful). The Tripoint Troy will finish my fine tuning phase . The Troy seems to definitely fit the natural-realism character I've worked to established.


So Charles, I heard u picked up a Tripoint Troy. Well, I have a prediction to make: the parade float gets even bigger.

The only piece missing now is a Lampizator dac.....


Thanks Brett, I was very lucky no doubt,the Tripoints are pretty rare on the used market.


Charles, I saw that unit in a fluke search. When an offering such as that surfaces, one has to act swiftly. Very nice score!! You cannot go wrong, either way with that purchase. I am happy you got it. We will listen vicariously with you through your review (s) :)


My DAC and Coincident components have a handy fuse holder on the rear panel so replacing the stock fuse is simple and quick. Don`t ask me why/how(better current flow in the wire???) but the premium fuses definitely improved the sound(clarity,transparency and openess).They`re very cost effective.


Charles, I'm going to lose any common sense credibility here, but what have you done re Synergistic fuses? Have you actually opened up your equipment chassis' and swapped out fuses? Other than removing components from the mains first, what are the considerations here?


Finding a used Tripoint Troy MK II was simply luck for me so I took advantage. If it's only half as good as its reputation it should still be a meaningful addition to my system. I don't doubt the significance of room treatments if done right. It might be plain dumb luck but the sound in my room is very good so I' ve not put any attention in that direction. I'm not suggesting that it couldn't be improved but the present room acoustics are not an issue.


Hi Spirit,
To be honest I've never been on the merry go round with audio components. My current components have been stable for four years and the system prior this I had 12 years. I haven't any desire to change, that's why I decided to just get the best out of what I have. It worked out very well with the following,
Duelund CAST caps for the DAC and speakers.
Star Sound Sistrum/Apprentice platforms for all components and speakers.
Synergistic Research Quantum fuses .
High Fidelity CT1-U digital cable.
Ocellia Silver Reference IC and speaker cable loom.

I feel the Tripoint Troy will compliment what's been done so far.
Spirit I same as you have had balanced AC power for quite some time and I consider it mandatory. This balanced AC along with grounding via the Tripoint should be successful just as you've discovered. I'm glad Tripoint uses pure silver for their grounding cables. I just find silver to be superior in sound compared to copper, more natural with better tone, transparency and nuance retrieval.

I can appreciate your interest in the silver upgrades for your Audion SET amps, but the cost skyrockets when you get into silver transformers. That's a substantial premium they're asking.


Hey Charles, good luck with Troy. As you know I've gone down the Entreq Silver Tellus route, which has more similarities than differences to Troy I'm sure, but at a fraction of the cost.
It's been a total revelation in my system, securing the soundstage to allow notes to bloom and decay naturally. Hash and mains borne noise/rf/emi really does seem to be a limiting factor, and once you're aware it's gone with grounding/balanced power, like the move to SETs, you'll feel whole steps closer to the music/message. Entreq is soon to release an add on Atlantis box to provide even more silver in the grounding grid and hopefully more noise elimination. I'll check it out.
Like you I'm getting off the merry-go-round of component upgrades and concentrating on system wide improvements - first Entreq Silver Tellus/Atlantis, then an uprated balanced transformer Westwick 8kVA, then trying a whole cable/power cord loom from one company, either Sablon or Zu, then finally extending Symposium Isis isolation across my whole rig.
THEN, I have the biggest decision of all - whether to spend a small fortune on the "Level 9" upgrade to the Audion Black Shadow SETs, approx £35k/$60k to uprate everything in silver incl transformer.
An interesting dilemma...



It seems like you are nearing a point where you can truly say you are "done for now." I am curious to know whether you have experimented with room treatments. I have noticed a major improvement resulted when I treated my room a bit.


The audio system fine tuning I`ve been doing the past year has been very worthwhile.The core components have responded well.I`m going to wrap up this process by adding the Tripoint Troy MK II that I was fortunate enough to fine used(these rare to find used).The Troy seems like 'the real deal product' and comments by owners of it are exceptionally enthusiastic.

The grounding principle role in reducing noise makes instrinsic sense to me and is apparently quite effective in actual use.I hope the Troy will be the icing on what has developed into a very nice cake. The biggest selling point for me is that universally it`s described as natural in its character and system influence. Natural is the highest compliment a audio component or system can be given in my opinion. I should have it in a week or so and I`m eager to see what it does compared to the other sucessful fine tuning steps I`ve taken.


Good point, the only drawback with the CTI cable is the 'very snug' fit.It`s especially difficult to pull out of the socket on the Yamamoto DAC. Fortunnately I don`t have to do that often. The Ocellia have a nice firm fit but are much easier to remove.

I`ll say this Sal, both of these cables are immersed in the natural sound camp as opposed to audiophile hifi camp(if you know what I mean).There`s certainly something to the magnetic aspect of the HF CTI series as they do seem to present a very low noise floor.

"Bobby Broom Plays Monk"
Doug Raney, "You Go To My Head"
Mark Whitfield "Finger Painting"
I think you`ll really like these.


Thanks for reply re Ocellia. I do have one other question as it turns out. Are the RCA plugs difficult to insert or remove? The ones on the CT-1 are so tight that I was seriously afraid I would damage the jacks on my equipment when I tried to unplug them. That's a serious problem for me because I do change my equipment from time to time.

Thanks for the guitar recommendations. I am familiar with several of them from hearing them on the radio but I don't have any recordings.


I read your system page I realized you are into jazz guitar also. Have you listened to folks like Bobby Broom,Doug Raney,Jimmy Ponder,Mark Whitfield or Royce Campbell?These guys play some of the most beautiful chords,I love the way jazz guitarists play chords.


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