
Me Likey!!

I have had a true love hate relationship with this crazy hobby but am starting to find what I love and less of what I hate. Music is what matters! The wife and I love jazz, classical and small scale accoustic rock. Being from New Orleans, we have a true love for un amplified jazz and accoustical music. Any suggestions with regard to 2 channel enlightenment would be greatly appreciated. And yes, there are actual musicians that enjoy "music" as opposed to "the next high dollar non return on investment " part of this hobby as well. See my music section. Peace!

Components Toggle details

    • Rogue Cronus Magnum
    With NOS EL34's
    • Rega P5
    With Incognito rewire kit
    • Rega Exact
    Best MM cart I have tried so far. Very neutral and smooth.
    • N H T Classic 3
    Very impressed so far, and for only $1k! Pics to come.
    • Cambridge Audio 640C Azur
    I'm not a CD kinda guy, but this player is great for the money!
    • REL Acoustics REL T2
    First musical sub I have ever heard.
    • Transparent Audio Wave

Comments 65

I've owned many of the same items so I can give a few ideas. These are gear I'm using and feel no need to upgrade from:
Zu Denon DL-103R cart- after trying MM carts 2Xmore$$ than the Denon, a quality MC is a big leap ahead.
Edensound Bearpaw Jr. Brass feet- tapped to fit the 3 studs under the MMF 5.1 table for around $100 the improvement is HUGE over the plastic feet.
Monitor Audio GS-20 towers- you'll never look back.
Jolida JD-9a tube phono pre- Stock unit sounds bad but I did the mods myself: Claritycaps, power cable, tubes, opamps & damping + 100hrs burn in = something special.
Hafler 9270 amp- I get what you said yourself: SS character w/ "tube" warmth -plus higher wattage.
Parasound 2100 preamp- clean, neutral, very nice SS MM/MC phono pre built-in, HT bypass, imaging and soundstaging 2nd to none.
Valab (ebay) silver plated OFC interconnects, power & speaker cables.
Have fun!


System edited: New Pics


System edited: Giving some British Monitors a try for a while. So far so good with regard to detail and timing. Very open presentation for a box speaker. New pics coming soon.


System edited: New house, new room, new sound.......I'm begining to understand that the "room" is the most crucial part of the equation.


Put speakers on short wall.
3 feet from back wall
and 2 1/2 feet from side walls
have sub cross as you currently do
equipment in middle is ok
your stand is your weakness


We are finally moving and I will have a whole new set of challanges to deal with. The new room will be 12' x 14' with 20' ceiling. Any tips?


System edited: New Pics


Got the Music Hall 5.1 and am very happy so far. Much more open sound and tuneful bass.


System edited: New Music Hall 5.1 will be added this week.


The room is a little bigger than it looks, but still is a little cramped. it's 10' wide x 19' long. The Maggies are so good, they still sound better than any speaker I have auditioned before.


music, i like jazz ...listen to hudson project... it is live and great.i like your system ,i love maggies...they are my favorite speakers but i dont have the room for them, i see you making them work foryou....i could own them if i wanted listening in a 10X10 room, now listening to era monitors which are sweet for me...i try to listen at nearfield to take the room out of the system...


small room for those speakers


Darkkeys, They are 2.5 feet from the side walls and 4 feet from the rear walls. I get great imaging from this and the tonal qualities are amazing. So far I am more than impressed.


How far are your Maggies' from the side and rear walls if I may ask? I am interested in the new 1.7's. Thanks.


Your on the right track but I believe you would improve sonics by using isoblocks and brass footers for the rest of your system components as well. You can pull the isoblocks apart if you want to make them go farther. I use them to isolate my TT motor and have four of them under my Logitech Duet receiver (not in any pictures of my system but they are there) and amp plinth. Also, I use a subwoofer in my system regardless of which type of speakers. I've never had any problems integrating the sub with my system. The Maggies will definitely benefit and your enjoyment will go way up. Happy listening.


Showing 51 - 65 of 65 posts