CuongPham's Systems

Hi Cuong,How would you compare the boulder 2050 or latest with the Grphon Mephisto solos?Thanks a heap!

posted about 4 years ago

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CuongPham's System

Hi CuongPham,How come you moved from Mephisto Solo to Stereo?I am wondering to buy the stereo/solo amps? My speakers are 8 ohms and easy to drive.Let us know, please?...

posted almost 6 years ago

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Murat's A/V Center

Hi Murat,No going in for the boulder 2150 mono amps?Has anyone compared the two and what were the differences?Enjoy!-TJ

posted about 7 years ago

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My Hobby

Martin, Could you tell us more about the AMP-II?About it's sonic signature & how it comapres with some of the other amps.Regards.

posted almost 12 years ago

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My Hobby

Hi Martin, Very Sweet system. I am planning to go in for the AA AMP-III, but holding off until I hear them. I presently have the Vitus SM-101 mono. Could you describe the sound of the AMp-IIs t...

posted about 12 years ago

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My little system

Janeb,Great system. I did try to e-mail you, but since I got no response, i'll post my queries here. I also own the Edge NL reference (pyramid) amps. I am looking for a preamp that can match it...

posted over 15 years ago

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