Silvanik's System_2nd upgrade

I realized another dream, after the purchase of JBL's 4367, wonderful speaker for my live moment but with huge quality sound, I have just replaced my loved Thiel 3.6's with an amazing pair of Thiel...

posted 9 months ago

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iluvsansui's System

Such beautiful collection of pieces of music machine for sure worth a listening, compliments!

posted over 2 years ago

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Silvanik's System_2nd upgrade

jbhiller This huge amplifier is a must to properly drive the very low load of Thiel 3.6s, it is not easy to find a amplifier that sound good a...

posted over 2 years ago

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jbhiller's System

Very nice looking room and system  and I'm  sure well sounding!Your Klipsch Corwall IV must be fantastic! not tell me that what  I see hanging on the wall is a National Style O ....beau...

posted over 2 years ago

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taxguy's System

Compliments! Very warm and comfortable listening room....and great system, recently I also have added a pair of JBL 4367s, very exciting listening.

posted over 2 years ago

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Silvanik's System_2nd upgrade

jbhillerThank you jbhiller, yes, silver finish is very nice for this preamp, indeed, I have paid a rea...

posted over 2 years ago

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Primary System 2020

What a beautiful system there! In particular I would like to have the opportunity to listen to your Legacy amazing Audio Aeris speakers, it's a pity that this brand is not well known and present in...

posted over 3 years ago

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TomThiel's Studio

Clearly Thiel soul is still alive, well alive.I remained so impressed first time I had the opportunity to listen to a well implemented system based on 3.6 model at an audio show in ...

posted over 3 years ago

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My New Reference System

My best compliments Stereo5! Your list is impressive both for components quantity and quality: Most of them are well known to me, a friend of mine own your loudspeakers that I auditioned sever...

posted over 3 years ago

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Vintagey Bits

We are in the same boat Thosb, I also put together my loved system looking to second hand market for the Thiel, McCormack amplifier and the Sony player, couldn't be more happy,  just recently added...

posted over 3 years ago

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diamonddupree's System

Beautiful room and system you put together. Compliments!

posted over 3 years ago

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Silvanik's System_2nd upgrade

I recently improved my system by means acoustic room treatment adding five very effective bass traps made by Bluetone acoustics, a polish brand that made them on my needs in size to fit in the corn...

posted over 3 years ago

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Silvanik's System_2nd upgrade

I just added the magic of a iconic and genuine red Stratocaster in my listening room ..... Dire Straits are sitting next to my chair!

posted almost 4 years ago

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HouseOfStereo's System

T+A.... amazing pieces of high end components, really really good sounding and impressive built quality.

posted almost 4 years ago

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House of stereo

....the least but not the last, we have something in common, great choice to put that beautiful guitar on display, I did the same with a red Strato!Love for music is never enough!

posted almost 4 years ago

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House of stereo

Thirty minutes of claps! Your system and room look very  nice and I bet also well sounding, bravo! And I totally agree with your considerations about the matter of acoustic room treatment, it must ...

posted almost 4 years ago

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TomThiel's Studio

Tom, your pictures bring me back to Thiel's golden era, when Jim all the time was investigating on innovative solutions and you selecting beautiful wood esssences and creating even more perfor...

posted about 4 years ago

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thyname's System

Hi friend! you put down one of my preferred, simplest top notch sounding system of my dreams! Your T+A is an incredible well built, good sounding piece of art, I had the opportunity to li...

posted over 4 years ago

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Silvanik's second System

Thank you Jond,i get enjoyment both listening to my preferred music and doing DIY. Glad someone appreciate my job and taste.

posted over 4 years ago

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jazzman7's System

Fellow Thiel owner, the beauty of your system and the elegance of your listening room is on pair with the sound quality that I am  sure you can enjoy

posted over 4 years ago

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hr1's System

Hello Rocco,nice to meet you here too! I was waiting for you at this lovely place!Difficult to put in the right order the level of your passion, the quality of your system  and  the...

posted over 4 years ago

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Silvanik's System_2nd upgrade

After some  search and with a great support from Rob Gillum (the long time Thiel production  and supervisor expert and nowadays owner of Coherent Source Service) I finally realized my idea of a spe...

posted almost 5 years ago

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Silvanik's System_2nd upgrade

exupgh12Thank you for your appreciation and yes, I love to spend time in my chair listening to it, I know that in this hobby you never are done but...

posted almost 5 years ago

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exupgh12's System

Compliments! Very nice room and and super setup. For sure superb sound.

posted almost 5 years ago

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My System Photos

For what we can see here it must be an amazing system, keep showing and telling more.....

posted about 5 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 49 posts