Getting back in the game

I may add a sub. I had a Velodyne at one point in time, but I could never get it to sit quite right. But I am in a much better room now. As for Dacs and front end sources, my journey is just beginn...

posted about 7 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Back after many years out of the hobby. Remember this system from years - but wow! Seems even more amazing...

posted about 7 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: Added Nottiingham pieces I've actually had for about a year.

posted over 13 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: New preamp, and some to be elaborated upon room changes.

posted over 14 years ago

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Purity Now

Beautiful system, and interesting setup. It looks like you have given the speakers some space behind them. Are they actualley toed out, or firing straight ahead?

posted about 15 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: Updated pictures.

posted over 15 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: New analog system in place - pictures coming soon. I am still feeling my way around the RS-A1.

posted over 15 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: Big changes are coming to my analog rig. I know, I know, what analog rig? Well I guess that's the whole point. Also, the whole shebang is moving to a new location. Then it will be of...

posted over 15 years ago

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sbank's Austin City Within Limits

Spencer, wow , big changes! I am bummed that I could not visit this weekend. There always seems to be a meeting that coincides with my one son's birthday. The Dodd seems really intriguing. Best wis...

posted almost 16 years ago

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System ca. 2008

Congrats on the kit! I agree on the V-Drums. Because all of the members of our rack band have small children, they have proven to be an indispensable practice tool, while allowing everyone involved...

posted over 16 years ago

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What are the odds?

Thanks - it does, especially now that the new 6922 tubes have about 40 hours on them.

posted over 16 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: Added description of the Kora preamp. This was in the pictures of the system for awhile, but I had not described it. I recently retubed it - the jury is still out, until the tubes ge...

posted over 16 years ago

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Digital love

What are the main speakers?

posted almost 17 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: Added pictures.

posted almost 17 years ago

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B&W, Tubes and vinyl

I wouldn't say this isn't hih end. Compared to what most people use to listen to music in the home this is orders of magnitude better. Keep on enjoying!

posted almost 17 years ago

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Tubes in my small apartment

I wouldn't say this isn't hih end. Compared to what most people use to listen to music in the home this is orders of magnitude better. Keep on enjoying!

posted almost 17 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: As GW might say, I've "neatified" the whole thing, with new rack, etc. I am going digital, straight from Wadia 302 to the amps for now, as this seems to bethe least compromised sound...

posted almost 17 years ago

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The Wave-Motion Engine

Given your upgrade path the Black cube may not be commensurate with this system for long. Of course the cartridge phonostage relationship can be a bit of a chicken and egg thing. If you are upgradi...

posted about 17 years ago

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sbank's Austin City Within Limits

What are your thoughts on the Herron linestage? Having the monoblocks, I have been pondering a move to one of the matching preamps.

posted about 17 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: I have my new carpet on order and stair repair is complete. Thank God our cleaning lady spilled an entire container of Pine-Sol on the soon to be removed carpet instead of the new on...

posted about 17 years ago

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Equipment collectors are prententious people

But is this the actual system, or just the overall gear collection? This looks more complicated than The Edge's guitar rig. But the geek in me thinks it would be pretty cool if this whole thing wer...

posted about 17 years ago

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What are the odds?

System edited: Added some nice new monitors to the mix - Talons are temporarily in safe storage while I play around. The new monitors are Wilson Audio CUB IIs. These are so good looking, at least t...

posted over 17 years ago

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What are the odds?

I will soon - I am changing the appearance of the room - actually our whole house is getting a makeover, but from an Audiogon "My System" perspective, obviously this would be the one that...

posted over 17 years ago

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A Simple System

Does the Sony allow you to control the output? Or is there an attenuator somewhere else in the path? I have heard a Lloyd modified Viva in the past. Musical is an understatement!

posted over 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

I think you have the rare room that is optiized acoustically and pyschoacoustically. Immersion in the music is what this hobby is all about and it looks like your system is about as immersive as it...

posted over 17 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 44 posts