Gettin' close

How do your new speakers sound compared to your former Veenas?

posted almost 11 years ago

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Gettin' close

How do you like them and how do they sound in your room? Have thought about them myself...

posted over 11 years ago

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The Bunker

Thanks for the comments. The equipment stand and amp stands are all from Timbernation.

posted over 12 years ago

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Music Transcendent

I noticed that you mentioned you only use Hi Fi Tuning fuses in the mid range section of your Maggies. Wondering why not in the tweeter section?

posted over 15 years ago

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Albert Porter Technics SP10 MK3 Project

Albert- The table is a work of art. I just have to ask the obvious, does it leave the Walker in the dust? And if so by how much. If you don't mind me asking when all was said and done how much did ...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Audio Physic + Art Audio

Monroe1- Thanks. Just one more question, if you don't mind me asking how much was it for the Calibrator Base?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Audio Physic + Art Audio

Monroe1- Hello- Just wondering, I see you added a Basis Calibrator base to your 2001. I've been thinking about getting one for mine. What differences have you noticed. Love your system by the way.....

posted almost 17 years ago

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Sanctum Sanctorum

I love your system! I wonder why? Well done sir...

posted over 17 years ago

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A House is not a Home

I love the look of your system! As a designer I have to say the attention to detail is as beautiful as the music I'm sure is flowing out of your system. Enjoy and cheers…

posted over 17 years ago

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Art 's Cary System - 2006 & updates

Nice system! It's funny what you said about your EAR 834P. Mine is also highly modified and I'm running them with Mullard CV 4004's. I also feel it's a keeper. Best-Gary

posted almost 18 years ago

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All Tubes

Give those Meadowlarks some time to break in and you won't be sorry. A truly great speaker. But they will need around 400 hours. Try just leaving them on when you doing things around the house and ...

posted almost 18 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Hello- The Tube Depot has a bulk pack of them for $700 per tube (0uch!) Thought I would give you a heads up. If I had your system I wouldn't give it a second thought. Best-Gary...http://www.tub...

posted over 18 years ago

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Magnepan 20.1 Haven

Just wondering. Did you ever just try the VT 100 on it's own? I would guess it wasn't enough to drive the 3.5's. Best-Gary

posted almost 19 years ago

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Magnepan 20.1 Haven

Very nice system. Hey you stole my carpet; ) You can tell you spent a lot of time putting it together. Best-Gary

posted almost 19 years ago

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SBurton's Audio

How do you like your Cary SLP-98L F1 vs. the Aesthetix Calypso pre-amp? I've been thinking about upgrading mine and those are both on my short list along with a Audio Research REF 2. Best-Gary

posted about 19 years ago

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Main demo system

Nice system. I have to ask you, how do you become a home based dealer. That would be a dream for me. Can one actually make enough dough to keep the boat a float? I currently have two systems in my ...

posted about 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

Albert- From what I've been able to gather the C1 and C7 are most critical and Hovlands would probably be fine. Mitch Singerman who I believe is the US tech for EAR does a cap mod for not much doug...

posted over 20 years ago

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Albertporter Lenco project

Albert-I’ve enjoyed watching the progress of your Lenco project! With the addition of the EAR 834p I’ll be watching a little closer. I use that for my reference and with some tube rolling a...

posted over 20 years ago

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