I'll make an (Audio) Note of that!

Your system looks lovely - it seems as though you have a very good understanding of the sound you want.The exact same thing happened to me with the AN Zero DAC. My dealer loaned one to me f...

posted over 18 years ago

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The Music Machine

I've posted a review of the Tom Evans Linear A here. What an amp!

posted almost 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

Dbld,Thanks for the kind words. The Rixrax stands aren't the last (or even the first) word in flexibility, but the design is outstandingly rigid. Yes, I've tried both the Pursang and the Pu...

posted almost 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: I've changed out the Audion PX-25 amp for Tom Evans Audio Design gear - specifically the Vibe/Pulse line stage/PSU combo and the stereo Linear A amp. I'd encourage anyone who is inte...

posted almost 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: I just changed out all the signal wiring to top Kimber Select. I never thought I'd say that a $8000 USD pair of speaker cables was worth the money... Even though all the cables are s...

posted about 19 years ago

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OLD SYSTEM: A musical journey & love

Hurray for Fab Model 1's with PX25 amps! I'm glad the Art Audio has worked out so well for you, Kevin. That tube really kicks out the jambs, doesn't it? Now we really have to trade listening sessions.

posted about 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

Thanks for the kind woirds, Chadnliz and Macdadtexas. It's been a blast getting here, and I'm extraordinarily privileged to have been able to play the game.

posted about 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

Ah, now I get it - I didn't make the connection before. Yes, those are definitely "real" racks. Ah well, de gustibus non disputandum and all that. I prefer racks with a more natural, orga...

posted about 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

Yes, mine are all the upgraded versions. I had an older LC-1, and sent it in for the upgrade. It was a whole new beast when it came back.The power limitations I mention refer to two things ...

posted over 19 years ago

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OLD SYSTEM: A musical journey & love

Kevin,Geeze don't use my system as any kind of benchmark fergodsake - it sounds like crap, trust me ;-)Actually, while I've never heard the AU24 wires, some people whose ears I trus...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

Stenho,I love them! There's a reason they're in there, especially on the digital stuff. The amp was a holdout - I was using a TG Audio SLVR on it until last week, when I picked up some Isoc...

posted over 19 years ago

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OLD SYSTEM: A musical journey & love

Nice system, Kevin - especially those speakers ;-) I've come to the conclusion that a sub is a must with them, though. A sub, a lower powered SET amp and some nice interconnects, and you'll be all ...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

Kevinzoe,There's an LC2 on each of the transport and DAC, and one more on the amp. The digital stuff shares one dedicated 20A circuit, the amp is on another one. All three LC2s have Isoclea...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: Now that the system has stabilized I've added some pictures. I think I'm just about done.

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

In a message above, dated March 24, 2004, I indicated I would be getting a CTC Blowtorch. After suffering through innumerable unexplained delivery delays for over a year, I just cancelled my order....

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

I've been waiting for things to stabilize so I wouldn't be updating pics every week or two. Pics coming soon, I promise.

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

A recent experience showed again the importance of system synergy. Last weekend I tried my new super-trick Audion amp on a pair of Lamhorn 1.8's. On paper it's a match made in heaven, but in practi...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: I've replaced the ELAD preamp and Wavelength Tritons with an Audion Silver Night PX25. The upgrades I got with it are listed in the description. It is one deeelicious amp.

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: I just swapped out the Bent Audio Noh for a Morrison ELAD. The ELAD may be somewhat controversial, but in my system it makes crazy-good sound. It has more clarity and resolution than...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: I added a pair of ACI Titans. They flesh out the upper bass of the Fabs a bit, increrase the "visible" size of large venues, and give the music a nice foundation. They also make it p...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

Well, it's sure closer to an electrostatic sound than the TV's were. In absolute terms, no it's not an electrostatic - dynamic speakers will always sound dirtier than ES's. I have heard other speak...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: With the arrival of Fab Audio Model 1's I've pulled my Tritons out of storage. While they didn't drive the Total Victories very well, they are spectacularly good on the Fabs. The Fab...

posted over 19 years ago

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Hmmmm.... What Next?

The bottlenecks IMO are the speakers first, then the CD player. I'm a dynamic speaker guy, so I'd suggest looking at nice sensitive full-range speakers like the Coincident line (or even better, FAB...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: I just made a change I never thought I would, dumping the Coincident Total Victories. They went out in favour of the Fab Audio Model 1. These speakers offer a real bouquet of qualiti...

posted over 19 years ago

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The Music Machine

System edited: The Bent Audio NOH has replaced the Canary line stage. The NOH is a great match to the Canary amps, and provides better resolution, transparency and dynamics than Canary's own unit. ...

posted almost 20 years ago

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Showing 26 - 50 of 61 posts