VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Racks are coming together. Due to be installed around 12/12. TV to be motorized off a wall-mount a few days before, if all goes to plan. System just keeps sounding better every day. :-)

posted almost 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Thanks Larry. Your system is very nice as well. Cool turntable - never seen one quite like yours before.

posted almost 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Per Albert Porter, upgraded power cords to Focal EM Modules from stock = more body, better dynamics. Upgraded balanced connections from EM Modules to the speakers with a specially designed Purist A...

posted almost 10 years ago

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2nd System at my Office

System edited: New speakers by Lawrence Audio replaced the Trinities. Much better fit for my office.

posted almost 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Sold my VAC Signature preamp here on Audiogon for full asking price today. Lucky purchaser will be getting one hell of a preamp, with phono stage.

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Ordered a Critical Mass Maxxum racking system from Joe Lavrencik this weekend at RMAF. Joe and his wife came over Sunday to take measurements. This system is more costly than I thought it would be,...

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Thanks Larry! Yours as well.

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Thanks Dev. Won't get to the pics until after RMAF, I'm afraid. As far as the Ultra 5's, I will obviously experiment and see what I like best. I am on carpet over concrete, so we'll see. Its hard f...

posted about 10 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Mine is an all-VAC system - hopefully you will get to hear it in a few weeks. :-)

posted about 10 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert-The Focals are now playing. WOW! Setup hopefully this week. :-) I'll try to catch you at RMAF.HarveDenver

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Thanks. I feel like a little kid again!

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

System edited: Better pics coming when I have the time. Also of the new Statement Linestage

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

System edited: The Focal Grande Utopia EM's enter my system. WOW.

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Hi Dev- Thanks. The Focals are truly impressive.I'm not going to attach the Ultra 5's until I get the speakers tuned and properly positioned in my listening room. Hopefully that wil...

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

After several hours of wrestling with the Focals by the Pilot delivery people and several unsuspecting friends, we managed to get them into the system and placed into reasonable positions. With all...

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Will do.

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Thanks Lloyd. I may be looking as soon as next week! Realistically, no later than the week after, assuming all goes smoothly.

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Easy guys - this is not a debate, nor a pissing contest. Its just my thread about my experiences with the different gear I have had in my system through the years. We are all friends here - let's p...

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

That's kinda what I'm hoping.. :-)

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

So far, there is "more of everything". More top end air and mid-range presence. The bass is most surprising - tighter and faster, while at the same time seemingly deeper and fuller. I kno...

posted about 10 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

No Problem. I just want to GET them first!! Should be 2-3 weeks w/various necessary delays inherent with moving something big a fair distance around the world. :-)

posted about 10 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert-Any idea why the 4 ohm tap would sound better? You've got me curious since my amps have 4, 6 and 8 ohm taps.

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Thanks. When the big Focals arrive in a few weeks, I may never leave my living room!!You have a very nice system as well - looks like the Lamms and Meitner took you to a whole new level. Co...

posted about 10 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert-I live in Denver about 15 minutes from RMAF. Hopefully I will have the Focals up and running by then. I should have them in a few weeks. Just got my VAC Statement line stage installed to...

posted about 10 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

I appreciate your comments and you both got it pretty right - definitely the right speakers at the right price. I had heard the Focals locally and my jaw dropped. Tremendous presence, articulation,...

posted about 10 years ago

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Showing 26 - 50 of 205 posts