New room makes all the difference.

Yep I called both the Utah and the westlake dealers. Both out of business. Calling Canada for gear is not gunna happen. I've got a call in to the broker who operates here on the gon. Tho I real...

posted over 9 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

I'm confused. With Vitus not having a dealers in the United states things could get bad. I've been calling everyone around in reference to this company. I would be so bummed if I bought into this l...

posted over 9 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

That's a great article I read it the night I read your post while doing research. My choices are no going to be between the constlation mono amps I think there called the 1.0. And the Vitus. Can't ...

posted over 9 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Melbguy1 your very right. I'm in the process of getting my act together and looking for amps. Very good food for thought that was offered up. Vitus has all was blown me away at the shows. At the mo...

posted over 9 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Sorry everyone my system is all boxed up as I made the big move to our finale beach home. Construction on the new house is almost dune and then I can start to do my build out on my new critical lis...

posted over 9 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Peter great to hear from ya. Had to give it a few days to let my ears adjust before I spoke on the change. We'll beyond the obvious that the s5 is full range, I notice some real changes in the uppe...

posted about 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Thanks Albert gunna keep my on those polymer audio speakers tho. I heard them at a shop a few days ago. Need to get a better understanding of them before I go all out on that type of price. At the ...

posted about 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

System edited: Added Magico s5 this week. Just incredible. My new room to be built at the end of the summer will need a speaker that can handle a large room. Exciting times.

posted about 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Peter you have a great eye. You read my mind when I got the rack in I started thinking about those silver q1 Magicos. Na I'm sticking with the minis for now. I've been moving gear around a bit. And...

posted over 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

System edited: This week not only did I go back to the magico mini 2, I also stepped up and replaced my finite rack with two HRS SXR two tier racks in silver. This exchange has been the largest imp...

posted over 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Peterayer I agree with you on so many levels. Your gear is One of my favorite for sure. You have dune a great job. I doubt there is any weak link in your system. I'm with you the mini has the best ...

posted over 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Bob thanks and yes it was a different change from the direction in speakers I was going for. The change in Cabels was for the better there's some real value in the AQ Wel Cabels. There very open an...

posted over 10 years ago

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Sublime Sound

Peter great to see your system looking fantastic. I moved back to the magico mini 2 today. System is warming up. Individual bought a pair of Q1 and I could not help myself I gladly took his minis o...

posted over 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

System edited: Magico mini 2 are back in my room. I missed them so. There's no doubt the magico q 1 will be I my future but for now I'm excited and happy. It's like breaking up with a old girl frie...

posted over 10 years ago

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The European Perspective

Big fan of your room and system. Got a question. Ive made a lot of the same changes in Cabels you have over time. Ive switched all my Cabels over to the AQ wel signature. To be honest I'm real blow...

posted over 10 years ago

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Simple in Shanghai

How's it going with the raidho. I got a quick question. Have you thought about putting a ref 150 to match your ref 5. Reason I ask is I have been thinking about your speakers and I'm want to make s...

posted over 10 years ago

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Lawrence Audio Cello + Tubes = Heaven

Looking good. Can ya describe the sound of the Lawrence speakers. There very cool looking.

posted over 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

I've been watching those ref 250 for the last few days. I'm meeting with my dealer out here next week. He's gunna take my ref 150 back in trade towards the ref 250. The only thing is the ref 150 ju...

posted over 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

System edited: Well I've made the choice to collect more audioquest top of the line Wel signature line. And not really listening to digital anymore. There's a real enjoyment spinning records. I'm s...

posted over 10 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Good eye. Ya, it's a pain to do it by but by loosening the threads I can move shelf up or down. I'm planning on getting a new rack one of these days. The new hrs stuff is cool. Expensive for sure. ...

posted almost 11 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Philb7777 I originally had the Ayre mxr monos and I would ground it to the mono block by unscrewing a screw to one of xlr ins and it worked I also tried grounding it to my old phono stage and that ...

posted almost 11 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Albertporter , that's it. The Airtight pc1 supreme is making reproducing music In a different way. It's fast dynamic and its delivery is different. I've been listening for 24 hours strait it seams....

posted almost 11 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

I'm having a diffuser made custom for the space covering the TV. Taken a little longer to get it made. I agree with ya. The shape of the diffuser will be round as to diffuse. Thanks for reminding m...

posted almost 11 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Lapierre that's a good question. I don't change speakers as much as other guys. I think the reason comes from my back ground of owning recording studios. I tend to find something that works for me ...

posted almost 11 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

System edited: Today things made a major jump in sonics with the addition of the airtight pc1 supreme cartridge to my AMG tt. I'm just so happy. This has been the month in my whole life in referenc...

posted almost 11 years ago

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