VAC & VSA - 2-Channel Smileage, PMD

Hi Fplanner2010,you know this hobby is addictive and I had to chuckle reading your last three posts in reference to the 450's.It's okay I know you want the 450's soooooooooo bad...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hi Albert,any news on the return of your NVS?

posted almost 13 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Hi Mike, awesume pictures! Congrats and enjoy!, look forward to further thoughts.

posted almost 13 years ago

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VAC & VSA - 2-Channel Smileage, PMD

I haven't really been following the digital arena very closely at all.You said "Digital is developing more bells and whistles very quickly now" One of the main reason's why I don't ...

posted almost 13 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

I haven't really been following the digital arena very closely at all.You said "Digital is developing more bells and whistles very quickly now" One of the main reason's why I don't ...

posted almost 13 years ago

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VAC & VSA - 2-Channel Smileage, PMD

Fplanner2010,Have you had one of those Tentation players yet in your set-up and compared!or heard one broken-in and your thoughts.Memory player?

posted almost 13 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Fplanner2010,Have you had one of those Tentation players yet in your set-up and compared!or heard one broken-in and your thoughts.Memory player?

posted almost 13 years ago

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VAC & FOCAL : 2-Channel w/Vinyl 2 com?

Hi Fplanner,Esoteric K-01 player, intersting. I'm presently looking into getting another player, I know I won't really use it all that much but when others drop by they always have those sh...

posted almost 13 years ago

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VAC & VSA - 2-Channel Smileage, PMD

Hi Fplanner,Esoteric K-01 player, intersting. I'm presently looking into getting another player, I know I won't really use it all that much but when others drop by they always have those sh...

posted almost 13 years ago

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VAC, Vitus, and Montana

Hi Art,just coming over from Albert's system posting, thought best to do so.You were too funny when you mentioned just tagging along, your room is gorgeous and your system component...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Audio Destination

Hi Art,just coming over from Albert's system posting, thought best to do so.You were too funny when you mentioned just tagging along, your room is gorgeous and your system component...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert,ya I've decided I'm not doing the move into that room, I feel it will just not work to my likings compared to what I currently have.It's sad because my basement is 3000 s...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert,yes I know it is a strong statement but I do have the VAC's backing it up so I'm very confident but still as you said different speakers possible different out come but so far anyone...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert,Yes I had a pair of VTL Ref 750's along with the 7.5 MK2 pre, at the same time I also owned a ARC REF3 and MBL 6010d pre which I paired up and compared with my current speakers.<...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert, I owned the Class-A Omegas and matching pre you speak of, very nice indeed. I had them for a few years driving the mid and top end towers units of my Infinti IRS V's, these spea...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert,said "The one place where tubes seem to stay ahead is the ability to capture textures, shading and warmth that exists in real (live-acoustic) music." I fully ag...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert, your VTL's are great tube amps and I can only imagine the glorious sound they are assisting in producing with the rest of your associated gear.A few years back I had a pair paired u...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Hi Mikelakers, just in general conversation as if we were in person talking and listening. Read below.Hi Mikelavigne, yes you are correct. Okay here's a further update, most would n...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Hi Mike,no they were not on the same table, Talea and Schroeder on a TW AC and others were on a Verdier.Uses various phono stages; 1)FM Acoustics FM122 Mk II, 2)Ensemble Fonobrio, 3...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Hi Mike,Talea follow up, was a late night with 20+ others starting at 6pm enjoying food, drinks, sharing stories, laughter and listening to some great music but really not a time to do any ...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Hi Albert,I see a pic now with your new NVS table placed upon your Vibraplane isolation, did you actually get the base as mentioned earlier and compare, if so what was your take.

posted almost 13 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike, thanks for the info. I was reading your thread on the "what's best forum" interesting read indeed.It's always a tough call to make statements as you have with such enthurusiasm, shari...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Always learning

Glai,Minus K, yes finding the actual centre of gravity can be tricky if your table is more involved but once done it's set and forget which is really nice compared to others that need air.<...

posted almost 13 years ago

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Back to tubes

Congrats! Einstein very nice.C1ferrari, I believe only one because if you look at the other thread with solid state which was for convenience so he could run his system 24/7 you will see si...

posted about 13 years ago

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Simple Quality

Hi Lenny, you have some great pces, your set-up looks very nice and reading you seem to be really enjoying.At first glimpse I was kinda shocked that your speakers were so close to the back ...

posted about 13 years ago

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Showing 176 - 200 of 290 posts