Albert Porter's System

My experience with those folks in Canada has always been excellent in every respect.

posted about 9 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

What I forgot to say: From my experience I would infer, that the ADS is superior to must other cleaning systems, including steam, which I've tried, in LOOSENING dirt from a LP but not the best in R...

posted about 15 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

The Audio Desk is very cleverly set out and the cleaning fluid is refiltered after every use so that you can use it for quite a while. However I found, that after using the Audio Desk, a quick rins...

posted about 15 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Mapman,Thanks for your kind answer. You must know,I am a stator fan, having discovered the Quad 57 many decades ago, later stacking them, etc.,etc. and finally ending up with the big Sound ...

posted over 15 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Thanks for the information Albert, I'll go and research and will certainly suffer the same dilemma. (:P.S.: Wished I could hear your system and that you could hear mine. But who knows, perhaps ...

posted over 15 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert,"Just enjoying it as another listening tool." Alas, that's exactly it.I went to the link and there is a US order form. I don't know if you noticed. If I can help you out, p...

posted over 15 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert,I also went to the German site Tuchan has mentioned and found nothing of the sort as well. I would be interested, should you strike lucky. Congrats regarding the Studer. It is a great ma...

posted over 15 years ago

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This is not a System! But getting there.

Miguel, I can second what Mihalis has written. I use xlrs between the WAVAC and either my Siegfrieds or my Atmas and there is no noise whatsoever. I have clean power.

posted almost 16 years ago

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This is not a System! But getting there.

Aida at the Terme di Caracalla, what a night that was, freshly in love and a full moon in the sky. That was 1955 and I a young man... and yes you are right, a great system can sometimes afford bett...

posted almost 16 years ago

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This is not a System! But getting there.

Mihalis,I have followed this thread with great interest and valued your contributions, because, like only a few others here, you not only are in the position to listen to a large number of real...

posted almost 16 years ago

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60 years, 3 houses, 2 owners, 1 system

A wonderful story and a wonderful system.Thank you Kirkus for sharing it!

posted almost 16 years ago

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Northern Lights

Eliotswede,RĂ©ne's cables are amongst the best in the world. As you probably know, it is not only his design, but also his workmanship, which is second to none and which makes all the difference...

posted almost 16 years ago

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AUDIO NOTE of Mr. Claudio Consigli

Congratulations. I understand the philosophy behind your system and if I would build one around the speakers you have, I would be tempted to go the same way, even if I would go broke in the process...

posted over 16 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Sorry Nrchy, but Sean already patented the name of Frankenstein for my "weird ass system" as Robert Stein of the Cable Company once called it. Albert's system is far more civilised, rathe...

posted over 21 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Funny, I've also always adored Joni and I got all of her music since her first recording and yes, I think Nrchy is absolutely right.

posted almost 22 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Greg, Abert, this colleague of mine knows his maths, he's got an astute mind, too astute for a shrink I feel, must have been an unconscious death wish on his part (-;.....well, that's what coll...

posted almost 22 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Greg, Abert, this colleague of mine knows his maths, he's got an astute mind, too astute for a shrink I feel, must have been an unconscious death wish on his part (-;.....well, that's what coll...

posted almost 22 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I won't live to hear it, as a colleage of mine charmingly pointed out to me the other day! (Even if I listened nonstop ) (-:

posted almost 22 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Beautiful, Albert ! Also love your chairs and the dining table. You have a tasteful, lovely home, it seems. Thanks for the sharing.

posted over 22 years ago

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