Seventh Heaven

Thanks @bigampĀ A guy in the UK makes them:

posted over 6 years ago

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Seventh Heaven

Thanks @milpaiĀ About 3.6M X 5.4MDiffusers sold, new room sounds much better than the old room....

posted over 6 years ago

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Seventh Heaven

Sorry, been away from here a long time!Moved house and now have my own dedicated listening room which sounds considerably better.Have done some more up...

posted over 6 years ago

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Seventh Heaven

Thanks Knghifi.Unfortunately I have no room to move the racks elsewhere in the room. I can imagine this would provide an improvement in sound though.

posted about 11 years ago

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Seventh Heaven

Milpai,Yes, Furutech make diffusers - I am pretty sure they are manufactured in Japan.I recently had the firmware upgrade to send DSD files to the Puccini player through Channel D s...

posted about 11 years ago

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Seventh Heaven

Thanks Milpai. I have 2 Furutech diffusers placed on the side walls which didn't make it in the pictures. I also have my Thiel rear speakers in the upper corners of the rear wall wi...

posted about 11 years ago

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Seventh Heaven

Error: Username and Password mismatch

posted about 11 years ago

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New room makes all the difference.

Very nice looking system.Looking forward to seeing the new pix.Plus thoughts of WEL interconnects!

posted over 12 years ago

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All for the Love of Music

Looks great Zeph! A very nice large room to boot. Good that you have raised the cables from the floor. A cheap tweak.

posted over 12 years ago

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