Old time magic in the office/hamshack...

Edited:  Added a post-rearrangement pic featuring just the stereo gear in its new digs atop an Ikea cabinet.

posted over 7 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

System edited: Replaced some of the photos with newer/better lit pictures

posted almost 11 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

System edited: The DVD player gave up the ghost, so I broke down and bought an Oppo 103 BluRay player. I also took the opportunity to vacuum out a bunch of cat hair and floobydust and to rearrange ...

posted almost 11 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

System edited: Minor adjustments to the description text, and a new title to reflect the notion that I'm probably through throwing components at it. Time to sit back, listen to some CDs and records...

posted over 13 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

I think I need to move this from ever-evolving to done-for-now. Other than some repairs to the 4100 and *maybe* putting the cassette deck back in, I don't forsee any changes for quite a while (he s...

posted over 13 years ago

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Bonus room

Holy freaking jaw drop, Batman! That desk looks almost EXACTLY like the one I used to have in my office. Is there a monstrously sprung typewriter shelf behind that door on the left? :)

posted over 13 years ago

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110 plus 240 equals alltime classic setup among the tube Mc fanatics. Nice start! :)

posted over 13 years ago

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Mac Tube Heaven

Y'know, I think that's the only C-24 I've actually seen in the wild. It had something of a low reputation amongst Mc fans compared both to the dean of the tube pres C-22 that preceded it and to the...

posted over 13 years ago

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My First system

Welcome to a lifetime hobby! Very nice setup for a first go-round. I'll confess to an unfair advantage when I started accumulating gear as a kid, but I got a love of good sounding reproduction of g...

posted over 13 years ago

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Modern & Magnepans

Very elegant, modern looking setup, right out of the pages of Architectural Digest. I'm wondering how it sounds in that configuration, as Conventional Wisdom(tm) says Maggies have to be out a few f...

posted over 13 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

System edited: System update: Replaced the Stereotech3s with McIntosh XR-250s, purchased from the one and only Roger Russell. Those LD/HP woofers of Carl VanGelder's really do work wonders, both wi...

posted over 13 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

System edited: System edited: Cleaned up the descriptions, added the TK9e cartridge and the plans for new speakers.

posted over 13 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

Finally happened - I got the cabinet shelves built and everything rearranged. Even managed to recable everything, mostly with shorter cables. Hopefully it'll collect less dust and cathair now. Need...

posted over 13 years ago

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Old time magic in the office/hamshack...

Wow! Thanks all for the kind words! I'd forgotten about posting this picture. Latest update - I thought that something had gone south on the 275 but after disconnecting/unplugging/replugging I luck...

posted over 13 years ago

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Old time magic in the office/hamshack...

I grew up sitting on a barstool behind Dad's ham desk, listening raptly to the donald-duck sideband voices and the steady tic-tic-tic of the typewriter as he copied the W1AW 35wpm practice transmis...

posted over 14 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

I've got to get the shelves built and the turntable moved up to the top of the cabinet. We've recently added a couple of self-propelled chaos generators to the household, and one of the kittens lik...

posted over 14 years ago

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Time to Settle Down, Methinks

The 4100 is 75wpc into 8ohms, 2 phono and 2 aux inputs, first-rate AM and FM tuners, 2 (or is it 3? can't recall) tape in/out sets, dancing-LED power meters, and Mc's PowerGuard output monitor circ...

posted over 16 years ago

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no frills

Interesting... why'd you keep the MR-67 and eliminate the MR-78?

posted over 16 years ago

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no frills

Interesting... why'd you keep the MR-67 and eliminate the MR-78?

posted over 16 years ago

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Budget Bliss

Nice, simple, no pretense... media go in one end, and music comes out the other. Just curious; what arm & cartridge are you using on the 'table?

posted over 16 years ago

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First Hi-End Dabble

Does the football make an acoustically significant contribution? :-)Very nice setup; I like the cabinet under the TV.

posted over 16 years ago

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