Nice set-up! I'm running KLF-20's, I was curious how you like the forte's I was thinking of looking for a pair because I read that they have some nice bass extension. Thanks,
I have Forte IIs also. Have you tried tube amps yet? My speakers really sing with tube amps. Conrad-Johnson amps were good, but suprisingly, an old Dynaco ST-70 was better. Perhaps some vintage Marantz amps would be just the ticket. Incidently, I used to use a Thorens TD-160 Super, but have found an Empire 208 (fitted with a Linn 'arm) to be more speed stable, and have less feedback, a clearer and more dynamic 'table. In some respects, not unlike many newer designs; high mass, high rigitity, minimal suspension. Cheers.
I would say my system chimes. The older McIntosh equipment has a very liquid, soothing sound. There is nothing too forward which is a complement to my old Klipsch. The synergy between the Heritage Klipsch line and Older SS Mc stuff is legendary. My musical tastes run from Jazz, Dianna Krall, Tower of Power, Chase, Classical, Vocal, about everything but country. Some of the great old reasonably priced McIntosh amps include the 250, 2505, 2100 and 2105. All can be found for resonable prices here on the 'gon. Hope this helps.
hello Aninga, Ive allways had an interest in McIntosh,but never had a chance to listen to any,how would you describe the sound of your system also what kind of music do you enjoy,,