beetlemania's Ayre/Thiel system

Hi  jafant, yes, see second pic

posted 9 months ago

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beetlemania's Ayre/Thiel system

@gasman117 My cables and ICs are Golden Reference or Ayre “Signature” which is GR in a different jacket. My power cords are Golden.

posted over 3 years ago

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Seventh Heaven

Wow, that must sound incredible!

posted over 4 years ago

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Music Junkie Room

Nice! I bet that sounds great. Treo CTs were on my short list when I wanted to move up from my 2Ce Sig IIs but I ended up with Thiel CS2.4s, then I completely replaced all the passive parts from th...

posted over 4 years ago

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Therapy 2024

I just acquired a pair of CS2.4SE. They are incredible, especially at this price point - all the more so used! IMO, close to SOTA resolution, transparency, and neutrality, give up just the last hal...

posted over 6 years ago

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