Folkfreak's System

What a beautiful system and room. The room treatments are mesmerizing!

posted 5 months ago

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Music Transcendent

Several months ago I bought a Luxman D10X. I love the tonal color portrayed on well recorded discs. It's got oodles of detail and tremendous presence, but is not analytical in any way. Noise floor ...

posted 5 months ago

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Music Transcendent

Added the Equi=tech 2QR balanced power unit to the front end of my system. This really improved every aspect of my system's performance.  Most notable were better depth of so...

posted about 1 year ago

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Switching to Magnepans

Big Magnepan and Pass Labs fan, so I bet your system sounds great.  I just got an Equi=tech Q.  How do you like yours?

posted almost 2 years ago

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Love those Sound Labs. I'm a fan of Rythmik subs too!

posted almost 2 years ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

Jond, bet the system sound great!  I first heard Deja Vu stuff at the Capital Audiofest.and I was bowled over by the sound. Fantastic.  Enjoy it.

posted almost 2 years ago

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Music Transcendent

Recently added CMS LS series .8 loudspeaker feet under my Mye stands for the Magnepan 3.6s.  I tried ones with adapters, but I ended up just putting them under the stand frames without them.  I als...

posted almost 2 years ago

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The Three M=Maggie, Mcintosh and Mye

Nice system.I am in total agreement with you on your purchase of Mye stands.  Probably one of the best sonic returns per buck out there if you own Magnepans. 

posted over 2 years ago

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Music Transcendent

I did something I told myself I would NEVER do.  It's about the 10 year anniversary of the REF 40 Anniversary preamp, so I decided to update 16 of the stock resistors in the signal path for TX2575/...

posted over 2 years ago

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Music Transcendent

Been busy but here goes:1) I now have 10 sets of Center Stage footers. These things are habit-forming and really work. More image solidity and more immersive and bigger soundsta...

posted about 4 years ago

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Music Transcendent

It must be voodoo!  A few months ago I bought 3 sets of Center Stage 2 .8 footers for the CD/SACD player, the ARC phono and preamp. After the requisite settling time of 2 weeks ...

posted over 5 years ago

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Music Transcendent

Some months ago, following the TW Acustic Anniversary turntable purchase, I bought an ARC RE10 phono. Following some PS tube rolling, it sounds great. I do lament that there's less DIY shown here n...

posted almost 6 years ago

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Sunnyboy in 2012

Pradeep, How do you like the HRS base and what did it do for the sound? Does your TW plinth now have 3 or 4 feet now? What did the battery/motor controller do for the sound?  Just curious as I may ...

posted over 6 years ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

Jon, wonderful system. Would love to hear it. I bet it sounds fantastic.  I've heard a few of Vu's systems at various Capitol Audiofests, but haven't visited the store yet.  Enjoy the music! Barry

posted over 6 years ago

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Music Transcendent

Time for a splurge. Purchased a new TW Acustic Raven Anniversary turntable with many upgrades (see pic). Absolutely dead quiet in operation; very noisy in setup when I dropped the 45 lb platter on ...

posted over 6 years ago

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Phil's System

Very nice system Phil.  Big fan of ARC!  I'm about to join you in adding a TW Acustic Raven TT (Anniversary w/ BK feet and 3 motor pod) and wondered who did your dustcover for the TT.  Also, did yo...

posted almost 7 years ago

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Music Transcendent

Finally got around to setting up the Lyra Etna's azimuth with Adjust + to improve crosstalk and phase for a noticeable improvement in soundstage perspective and increase in size.

posted almost 7 years ago

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HifiDream's System

Very nice, well thought out, system.  Cute dog too!  Maggies and the Kinergetic Subs can be a good match and REW helps dial them in as you have done. Enjoy!

posted almost 7 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

The Amplitrex AT 1000 is a great tube tester. I've had mine for 5 years or so. The curve tracing is pretty cool. It's a great heuristic device too as it helps you learn about the tube parameters in...

posted over 7 years ago

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Music Transcendent

Since my Pass Labs XVR-1-3 way crossover occupies the heart of my tri-amped audio system it became the obvious next target for parts upgrades.  126 parts were ultimately upgr...

posted over 7 years ago

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Music Transcendent

The thread drive experiment was not as successful on my TT setup as I had hoped. The sonic tradeoffs weren't acceptable. I used #4 silk thread as recommended by many and used a regular overhand ...

posted over 8 years ago

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ML system 1

Very nice. I'm a bit of a counterpoint fan myself and I'm sure the CLSs sound really nice too.

posted over 8 years ago

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Amaglioc's System

Great system. I bet the ProAcs with the ARC components sound terrific.

posted over 8 years ago

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chris_chan's System

Very nice Chris! I'm especially envious of all that great music.

posted over 8 years ago

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Music Transcendent

Upgraded motor controller and added a strobe - the Phoenix Engineering Eagle & Roadrunner. Next up, thread drive for the turntable, rework of the DSP to lower group delay, and fine tuning of th...

posted over 8 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 105 posts