Babybear's System

Hi Lloyd,There are a few key differences that I hear in my system between the Purist Audio Anniversary IC's and the Echole Signature IC's. Overall, the Echole Signature cables have ...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

System edited: Just replaced the Purist Audio Anniversary balanced IC between the MSB Diamond DAC and the VTL 7.5 Series 3 preamp with an Echole Signature balanced IC. I now have all Echole cabling...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Christian,Yes, I agree that would be a good approach. One of the nice things about the MSB digital products is that they are for the most part user upgradeable both from a hardware and s...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Christian,Yes, that is correct that I did get the Galaxy clock module. I did listen to the Diamond DAC with and without the Galaxy clock. With the clock, the improvements in sound are si...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Rockitman,Thanks very much.As for my MSB digital front end, I do enjoy it very much. I certainly consider it to be one of the best digital front ends available. Before deciding o...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Art,Glad to know that I finally made idol status!!!Thanks so much and if you are ever down here please let me know as it would be great to have you come by for some listening.

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi John,Thanks so much for the wonderful complements.I am glad you were able to come by as I had a great time as well. Its always nice to have people over who really enjoy talking a...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Sgr,Thanks so much.You are right about what the active configuration can do - music just sounds so effortless and relaxed with seemingly unlimited dynamics compared to a passive ...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Mike,Thanks very much for your kind words.I always felt that the Rockport Arrakis would be my ultimate speaker. When I saw that pair come up for sale a few months ago, I contacte...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Thanks Booboo!Lots of Bears out there!

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Bob,Thanks very much for your kind words. I have heard the Rockport Avior (their new model that you heard at The Show) and I agree with you that its a great speaker.As fo...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

System edited: Changed a picture and added some items that I had left out.

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Clement,You are welcome.Might I also suggest that if you can, and if you don't already have it installed, that you try to audition the MSB Galaxy clock module for your MSB DAC IV...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Clement,Thanks very much.I have not tried the other power conditioners that you mention. I do have a 10KVa isolation transformer that powers all of my dedicated outlets for my au...

posted about 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi John,Everything is well here. ThanksOnce I installed the Olympos and heard it in my system, I pretty much knew that I wanted the cartridge. It was really, really good after about...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

System edited: I have sent my Allnic Puritas phono cartridge back to get re-tipped. While I am waiting to get it back, I was very fortunate to get the opportunity to hear the Lyra Olympos SL cartri...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Agear,OK - sorry, I should have realized what you were referring to. I really can't comment on what improvement the grounding system itself makes as I didn't do any comparison of...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

HI Agear,Thanks Agear.I am not sure to what you are referring to by "the ionic grounding unit"?

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Thanks very much Glai..I already had one pair of the VTL Siegfried mono blocks paired with my Magico M5 speakers. It was a great match. I did try an ARC Ref 210 amp that I had with the M5's...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Thanks Zephyr.Goodwins did a great job and the 2 folks that came were a pleasure to work with and both great guys.

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Zephyr and Kevinzoe,Thanks very much.I really enjoyed my system with the Magico M5's. It is a wonderful speaker and paired with the 2 Rel Studio III sub bass systems in my room t...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lloyd,Thanks very much.While I am certainly no expert, if you were to have the passive version of the Arrakis which has no external active crossover you should be able to run tha...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Metralla,Thanks very much.You are right in that the Arrakis definitely don't need the 2 Rel Studio III's but since I already had them, we went ahead and dialed them in and once t...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Eddie,I hope everything is well with you.My wife said the same words to me!!You have got to come on down to hear this setup. The Magico M5 setup was so good but the Rockp...

posted over 12 years ago

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Babybear's System

Thanks so much John. I am looking forward to hearing your system once the room acoustics project is finished. Of course you are welcome to come by anytime to hear my system with the bi ampe...

posted over 12 years ago

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Showing 301 - 325 of 386 posts