Babybear's System

Spoke to VTL this week and both sets of my Siegfried mono blocks are in their final listening tests to validate their upgrade to the new Series 2 version. The Series 2 version is basically a new am...

posted about 11 years ago

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Vintage + Contemporary = Soul

Very Interesting about the KL Audio RCM. How do you think it compares both in terms of build quality and performance to the Audio Desk Ultrasonic RCM?Thanks,Arnie

posted about 11 years ago

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Jfrech's system

Hi John,Thanks for having Lee and myself over this morning to hear your new system. The Rockport Altairs combined with the new Koda K-10 preamp are sounding really, really superb. I've got ...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Sam,Thanks so much.I took a look at your system - I bet it sounds superb as well.Ah, the Revox R2R - I wish it were mine but it belongs to a friend who brought it over so...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Jeff,Thanks for the suggestion. I had given that some thought, but then decided not to do it. Given that I bi-amplify the Arrakis 2 via the Rockport active external crossover wit...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

System edited: I have sent all 4 of my VTL Siegfried mono block amps back to VTL to be upgraded to the new Siegfried Series 2 amps. I still have another 2 weeks or so to wait for their return. It's...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Jeff,Thanks very much.The MSB digital products are certainly some of the best digital available and the best that I have heard in my comparison evaluations. With MSB's Un...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lawrence,I live in Austin and you are welcome to come by and do some listening. There are many fine audio systems in the area as well as other parts of Texas. It would be a fun road trip...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Albert,And a very Happy 4th of July to you as well!Whenever you visit John, just let me know as it would be great to have you over for some listening. I plan to visit John next w...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lawrence,I was just lucky that I was able to raise the ceiling to 12 feet when I remodeled our home a few years back. But I have to say, I am very happy that I was able to do that as it ...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lawrence.Thanks very much.I agree with you 100% about the importance of electric power when it comes to an audio system. To me, its one of the fundamental foundations of any audi...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lawrence,I sounds like you have done a good job with your electrical power distribution for your audio system. Congratulations.Arnie

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lawrence,Thanks very much.The electric power design includes the use of a 10Kva isolation transformer, feeding a dedicated sub panel with bolt-in breakers with 12 dedicated 20 am...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lloyd,The bullets are about 6 inches long and not bendable. The spade end of your speaker cable attaches to one end and the other goes to the speaker binding post. Send me a PM a...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lloyd,Thanks very much. I've actually been using the Absolare bullets for about 8 months now. I don't remember the retail price exactly but somewhere in the $4k - 5k range for a complete...

posted about 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Jeff,In my system, the Absolare bullets made the following improvements in the sonics of my system:1. Lowered the noise floor2. Increased the elegance and finesse of the ...

posted about 11 years ago

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Jeff's 2 channel listening room

Hi Jeff,That's great. Since you heard them together at CES, you already know how synergistic the Absolare electronics are with the Rockport Altair speakers.Arnie

posted over 11 years ago

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Jeff's 2 channel listening room

Jeff, congratulations on the Rockport Altair speakers! Truly wonderful speakers.Are you getting both the Absolare Passion preamplifier as well as the Absolare Passion amps or just the amps?...

posted over 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Vincente,Ah, Dueland CAST capacitors are superb. My version of the Absolare Signature preamp uses Dueland Silver Cast capacitors which I am sure contributes to its superb performance. It...

posted over 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Vincente,Hopefully you will be able to compare the Obsession to the Signature in your own system.Did you ever get a chance to try any of the Stillpoints footers in your system?

posted over 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi VPN,I did compare the Echole Obsession in my system to the Echole Signature IC's and power cords and to me the Signature were a very nice step up in performance. The cables have a very s...

posted over 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Peter,Thanks very much!If you are ever coming to Texas, let me know as you are very welcome to come by for some listening.Arnie

posted over 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

System edited: I made some changes last week. My dedicated room is also used for Home Theater and I have been using a fixed mount Stewart Studiotek 130 G3 screen. For 2 channel listening I would mo...

posted over 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

Hi Lloyd,I do have Saxophone Colossus and Waltz for Debby on CD but not on vinyl. We didn't do the comparison while I had the Revox R2R here, but I am very confident that there wouldn't be ...

posted over 11 years ago

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Babybear's System

I had a wonderful opportunity to hear 3 of the Tape Project reel to reel tapes in my system yesterday played back on a Revox professional level tape deck. I heard Sonny Rollins - Saxophone Colossus...

posted over 11 years ago

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Showing 226 - 250 of 386 posts