
MC hosted the first ever Chuxpona August 13-14. Masterminded by our own rixthetrick, it featured millercarbon's system with the new Origin Live Sovereign MkIV turntable and Enterprise MkIV arm, and Raven Blackhawk amp with QSA Blue fuse. The system is heavily treated with Krissy Magic™ and Krissy herself, our official Guest of Honor, arrived Friday for her own private listening session.

We kicked off Saturday with several hours listening to the MC system. Then moved on to running the Moabs sans subs off Brandon's 37WPC Bel Canto power amp. The bass and overall volume level of the Moabs we heard were impressive. Brandon is into club music levels and after hearing this says, "I want Moabs!"

We then moved on to running a whole different system, with speakers, amp, DAC etc, check the pics. Lots of listening. As Brandon said, a huge amount of information to absorb. To which I would only add, and a huge amount of fun!

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    I am seriously thinking about upgrading to a Origin Live Analog package like yours. I have never seen or listened to one in the flesh. Seems like they are very rare at shows in the USA especially, with all the streaming going on. I had some other packages in mind but, the feedback on Origin Live from around the World have been really positive. I am in the New York area. I will definitely include the silver hybrid 2s arm cable, continuous run, no breaks (in my opinion, the only way to go). I will see how it goes. Happy listening, enjoy the music.
